Top comment: “Positive energy is so 1967”

Published: May 7, 2014 at 1:45am

Sent in by Matthew S:

I can’t believe that the press is letting Labour/the government get away with the message ‘Positive Energy’ as its slogan.

It sounds like something straight out of 1967. What will the next slogan be? Make love, not war? Give peace a chance?

Will we sit around in a field smoking marijuana under the news laws and singing Kumbaya (come to think about it, we really are halfway there, aren’t we?

The only places where you hear the phrase ‘positive energy’ being used in a non-ironic way nowadays is in wacky American self-help books and in the utterances of lost travellers in Afghanistan trying the, erm, local specialities.

I know we’re all liberal and whatnot these days but, seriously, get off the Kool-Aid, people. This isn’t the Guyana jungle. All you need to do is type the phrase ‘positive energy’ into Google. The results you get are of people sitting in the lotus position, people levitating, people lying in the grass, Buddhas, candles and drugs.

I mean, come on, make an effort. Anywhere else and the party/government would have been ridiculed till kingdom come for using that phrase in a completely non-ironic way.

But this is Malta. People don’t read and they don’t understand urban cultural references and the embedded messages in verbal cyphers, i.e. ‘positive energy’ = spaced-out losers smoking grass and trying to find themselves on a beach in Thailand…or meditating among the joss-sticks in a community centre in suburban Manchester while listening to whale and dolphin music.

Here’s just some of what you get when you Google ‘positive energy’.

positive energy 1

positive energy 2

positive energy 3

positive energy 4

positive energy 5

positive energy 6

positive energy 7

positive energy 8

positive energy 9

positive energy 10

10 Comments Comment

  1. Alexander Ball says:

    I’m still using ‘Noted but No Thanks’. Working well for me.

  2. ken il malti says:

    I’ll toke up and listen to Quicksilver Messenger Service or some JS Bach .

    What a great way to relax.

  3. Tabatha White says:

    “People don’t read and they don’t understand urban cultural references and the embedded messages in verbal cyphers,”

    Mon Dieu. The situation is worse than suspected.

    A nation of cretin majority.

    Someone, must have been reading this though:

  4. Lorraine farrugia says:

    Need to contact you. Email address pls

    [Daphne – [email protected]]

  5. Manuel says:

    Here is some positive energy that emanated from the former PM and the Great Pretender of a cosy seat in the EP, Sant:

    Debate with Alfred Sant re agriculture in Malta. The following are some quotes from the debate:

    Stefano Mallia – Jien ha niprova nidhol fil-kumitat ta’ l-agrikoltura biex ghall l-ewwel darba s-settur jkollu rapprezentant dirett fil-kumitat.

    Alfred Sant – il-kumitati ta l-PE huma ghal xejn. Qeghdin hemm biex noqoghdu nilghabu.

    Stefano Mallia – Ejja halli nahdmu flimkien halli niehdu hsieb is-settur.

    Alfred Sant – Iva, irridu nbazwru minn hemm u nbazwru minn hawn.

    Now that’s positive energy for you. I cannot imagine why some people consider Sant as an intellectual when he is not even capable of having a discussion and taking it to a high, intelligent, and respectful level.

  6. Kevin says:

    Spot on, Matthew.

    Here’s a fantastic quote by Stephen Fry on the subject:

    “The real key word that triggers my rage is the word ‘energy’, when people start talking about it in terms of negative or positive types. For instance, “there’s very negative energy in here.”

    What are you talking about? What do you mean? I mean, let’s think about it. What does energy mean? Well, we know what it means: energy from petrol when it’s burned, it moves the car. “This room has positive energy” — well, where the fuck’s it going then? It’s not moving. It’s covering up such woolly thinking, such pathetic nonsense.”

  7. twinks says:

    I beg to differ. People read and learn. Only just tired of this lot and gave up. Few call a spade a spade, we love living in the land of illusion. It is so easy and comfortable.

  8. Painter says:

    “Malta Aħjar” isn’t any better though.

  9. Natalie Mallett says:

    Imma kif ma tistax tigih wahda tajba lis -sur Joseph Muscat. F’kollox jirnexxilkom taqbduh jikkopja. China here we come. Proset Matthew ghogbitni.

  10. bob-a-job says:

    The very original – Energija Pozittiva


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