Oh, oh Joseph – looks like somebody’s recharged his vote already

Published: May 7, 2014 at 10:12pm

Felix Busuttil is right about Francis Zammit Dimech: ‘qalbu tajba hafna’. That’s one thing nobody will ever say about Joseph Muscat, at any rate, not even his most ardent fans.

16 Comments Comment

  1. Clueless says:

    You were right. Now that the Civil Unions issue is over, gay voters don’t need Labour anymore.

  2. Gobsmacked says:

    If Felix has recharged his vote, then well done, Felix.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    How in the f*ck is an endorsement from Felix Busuttil valid at all? Is this what politics has come to in this blessed country? Endorsements by washed-up camp showbiz stars?

    • Gahan says:

      What goes round comes around.

      Thanks Felix.

      Who’s next? Hello John, long time no see….

    • Joe Fenech says:

      Vote for me because I have an IPad / I’m next to a yellow truck / I’m ‘orrajt’….

    • Silvio loporto says:

      As always (well nearly) I agree with you. Pollitics, in this country is up to the nose in MERDA.

      Just to think that up to a few years ago we hid persons like him in a cupboard.

      Now we quote what he has to say.

    • Jozef says:


      Videocracy remember?

  4. gosh says:

    As if sorry but I do not believe Felix at all. He switched and is just playing nice to a friend, but he is Labour.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Francis Zammit Dimech is a sort of no-man’s land politician anyway, neutral ground. A harmless, congenial man. A safe bet for anyone to endorse.

      And Felix The Dancer isn’t really endorsing Zammit Dimech’s political position, but his “orrajtness”.

      Thus does Maltese democracy march on.

      I’m sick of it.

      • Joe Fenech says:

        HPB in Malta where the cult of personality reigns, respect is gained for all the wrong reasons.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Tell me about it. Then we end up with the wrong leaders.

  5. gorg says:

    X’kull gakbin hawn f’dan il-pajjiz.

    • curious says:

      U tghid ma nemmnux lil Felix li se jivvota lil Zammit Dimech. Kemm hawn nies jimpressjonaw ruhhom mix-xejn.

      Pero’ jibqa’ habib ma kullhad.

  6. P Shaw says:

    Pajjiz tal-mercenarji.

    Irkant tal-‘personalitajiet’ ta’ Lilliput ghall xi job mal-gvern, pseudi job ta’ sena, sponsorships, xi safra, plot tal-gvern, ecc ecc.

    Imsomma, kulhadd ghandu l-prezz tieghu.

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