Oh, oh Joseph – looks like somebody’s recharged his vote already
May 7, 2014 at 10:12pm
Felix Busuttil is right about Francis Zammit Dimech: ‘qalbu tajba hafna’. That’s one thing nobody will ever say about Joseph Muscat, at any rate, not even his most ardent fans.
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You were right. Now that the Civil Unions issue is over, gay voters don’t need Labour anymore.
If Felix has recharged his vote, then well done, Felix.
Hopefully other will follow in his footsteps.
How in the f*ck is an endorsement from Felix Busuttil valid at all? Is this what politics has come to in this blessed country? Endorsements by washed-up camp showbiz stars?
What goes round comes around.
Thanks Felix.
Who’s next? Hello John, long time no see….
Vote for me because I have an IPad / I’m next to a yellow truck / I’m ‘orrajt’….
As always (well nearly) I agree with you. Pollitics, in this country is up to the nose in MERDA.
Just to think that up to a few years ago we hid persons like him in a cupboard.
Now we quote what he has to say.
Videocracy remember?
As if sorry but I do not believe Felix at all. He switched and is just playing nice to a friend, but he is Labour.
Francis Zammit Dimech is a sort of no-man’s land politician anyway, neutral ground. A harmless, congenial man. A safe bet for anyone to endorse.
And Felix The Dancer isn’t really endorsing Zammit Dimech’s political position, but his “orrajtness”.
Thus does Maltese democracy march on.
I’m sick of it.
HPB in Malta where the cult of personality reigns, respect is gained for all the wrong reasons.
Tell me about it. Then we end up with the wrong leaders.
X’kull gakbin hawn f’dan il-pajjiz.
U tghid ma nemmnux lil Felix li se jivvota lil Zammit Dimech. Kemm hawn nies jimpressjonaw ruhhom mix-xejn.
Pero’ jibqa’ habib ma kullhad.
Pajjiz tal-mercenarji.
Irkant tal-‘personalitajiet’ ta’ Lilliput ghall xi job mal-gvern, pseudi job ta’ sena, sponsorships, xi safra, plot tal-gvern, ecc ecc.
Imsomma, kulhadd ghandu l-prezz tieghu.