The prime minister goes to his daughters’ ballet school parents’ day – with a security detail of six police officers

Published: May 8, 2014 at 12:09am

Joseph Muscat

It was parents’ day at the ballet school in Old College Street, Sliema today – not the sort of thing at which you’d ever see a father, but the prime minister turned up to press the flesh, it being election month.

He was tailed by a security detail of six police officers. Maybe he thought some ballet mother would assassinate him with a handgun whisked out of her nifty Furla bag.

As one woman described it to me: “Thank heavens I was walking out while he was walking in with his arms spread wide open like God welcoming Mother Theresa, greeting nonentities in the middle of the street, and all hell breaking loose with those six arrogant bodyguards of his. Busy man, isn’t he? All the other fathers were at work, and there he was swanning around with the mummies.”

24 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    Typical dictator’s paranoia.

  2. etil says:

    Actually he should wear a tutu to attract more votes.

  3. Matt says:

    Obviously, he feels that a lot of people are angry at him.

  4. Antoine Vella says:

    He uses it more like a guard of honour than an actual security detail.

    Perhaps because he has no honour himself.

  5. Cikku says:

    ” with his arms spread wide open like God: Mhux waħdi qed naħseb li saru allat.

  6. nadia says:

    “not the sort of thing at which you’d ever see a father.”

    I make it at a point to be at all my daughters’ activities, including dance.

    Oh, and I can’t stand Muscat.

    (I’m a man.)

  7. ken il malti says:

    I suspect that Jo is miffed that very few people turned out for his May 1st Bormla bash.

    So he is now looking for love in all the wrong places.

    He might even make a surprise visit, with the press tagging along, to the Capuchin monastery at Santa Liberata.

  8. Albert Bonnici says:

    May I ask why six body guards?

    • Min Jaf says:

      Any fewer would leave dangerous gaps in the human screen round his corpulent body, should any would-be assassin decide to pull a gun on him.

    • Denis says:

      He is to heavy to cart away in case of an emergency, hence the extra manpower.

  9. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Pathetic really.

  10. marianne says:

    Then he must be the only father in the world interested in his daughter’s ballet lesson. I know what I’m talking about.

    • denpi says:

      Actually my husband tries to attend all of our daughter’s parent’s days even if they are ballet lessons although ballet is certainly not his cup of tea and he is never the only dad present either.

      However dear Joey attending and acting as a king meeting his subjects and accompanied by 6 body guards is certainly pathetic.

  11. Gahan says:

    According to David Thake on Radio 101 this morning, this is the fitting signature tune when you see our Joey coming:

    David, I was laughing all the way back home this morning, imagining our tubby prime minister with that whole entourage of security cars with wailing sirens and blue lights flashing with a megaphone stuck on his Alfa stopping in the middle of the road and crying out “Hawn tad-downats!”.

    What an anticlimax. Hilarious!

  12. Calculator says:

    Does Jo take them to the gym too, where he’s more exposed and surrounded by potential murder weapons? Or has he dropped all pretence and stopped going there?

  13. Mark says:

    Actually passed by the place yesterday and was wondering what all those men in suits were doing in the middle of the road.

    They caused quite a commotion as they just double-parked their cars there by the side causing all traffic to slow down.

    When I passed the thugs were saying “ejja hi mexxu mexxu” as if we were going to fly over their cars.

    When I saw the prime minister’s car I thought I was quite stupid not realising immediately it was some showoff of the sort in the first place.

  14. Jane says:

    The most disturbing part of this article is “All the other fathers were at work, and there he was swanning around with the mummies”

    Haqhmmmm… don’t mothers work too? Or have we gone back to pre women-allowed-to-vote times where a woman’s job was to stay at home with the kiddies and obey her husband?

    And what about the stay at home fathers? It seems a bit out of your normal feminist methods to publish such a comment Daphne. Are you giving up your beliefs all in the name of making the Prime Minister look bad?

    [Daphne – No, Jane, it was just a statement of fact that reflects the true situation. In Malta, very few women work when they have young children and most never go back to work. And all fathers with children at ballet lessons have a job. The prime minister and his wife are the prominent example of this situation I describe, so I can’t understand your surprise.]

  15. Denis says:

    The only thing missing was a ballerina emblem on his car bonnet.

  16. Gladio says:

    If I am not mistaken it was Gorg on Radio 101 and not David Thake.

    • David Thake says:

      Nope… it was me this morning….

      Do I sound like George?

      • Gahan says:

        Fqajtni David, u kif stejqirt mid-daħk, ħriġt bid-deskrizzjoni tal-prim liebes it-tutu.

        Għax tghid veru jħobb jidher, kieku veru jibza’ minn xi attakk ta’ xi mummy bil-ġewlaq, kif imbagħad jafda l-karozza tiegħu u tal-prim ministru fil-garaxx tar-Romblu Ħal-Qormi? Dik sigurta?

  17. leonard says:

    I saw him going down the road in Pembroke this morning on my way to work. The reason I realised it was him is because behind his car there was a white one and I caught a glimpse of a blue light since I was crossing the road I got a good view of the men inside.

    There were four of them and they were on their way to the prime minister’s training gym which is the Melita sports ground – no wonder there are no sessioons in the morning because the prime minister wants the gym all to himself.

  18. Jozef says:

    Joseph Muscat in a tutu.

    The nutcracker.

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