The future prime minister thinks that the sea level is falling

Published: June 11, 2008 at 10:00am

I heard a loud guffaw from my geography student son’s bedroom when Malta’s future prime minister told Reno Bugeja on Dissett earlier tonight that the sea level is falling (“Actually, Reno, a study by the university shows that the sea level around Malta is falling”). So because we’re all having a giant 1960s love-and-forgiveness-fest right now, Joseph, here are the links you need to the right information, to stop you making a twit of yourself again – with the Son of Daphne’s compliments.

Implications of Accelerated Sea-Level Rise (ASLR) for Malta – Lino Briguglio / University of Malta

Briny future for vulnerable Malta – Matt McGrath / BBC NEWS

8 Comments Comment

  1. Meerkat :) says:

    The Facial Rugs Gowzef Fan Club Swim Team

  2. Victor Ross says:

    Ghadu bil-kemm sahhan is-siggu ta’ Mexxej u ga beda’ jitkellem minn ghajnu. Mela x’gej fil-famuz pjan ta’ hmistax il-sena li kiteb fuq l-ajruplan minn Brussels sa’ Malta?

  3. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    I chose this fish because it looks so much like Joseph Muscat.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Victor, sa hmistax-il sena ohra, jkun nixef l-er…”Bahar Nofsani”, u allura jkun jista’ jmur Brjuksell bit-train, PLUS Joe tal-Lava jkun jista’ jhaffer ghaz-zejt bil-baqqun. Hence l-ottimiiiizmu yeah!

  5. Amanda Mallia says:

    Daph – Don’t be nasty to the fish

  6. Sybil says:

    Daphne Caruana Galizia Wednesday, 11 June 1224hrs
    “I chose this fish because it looks so much like Joseph Muscat.”

    well, which part of his anatomy were you referring to ,considering that this fish is a baldy whilst Gowzef is not__ for the time being.

  7. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    Sybil, it’s a ginger fish with Joseph’s facial features. I admit that the resemblance will be more uncanny once the head-pubes he gels together have finally said goodbye, but yes, it’s Joseph the fish.

  8. Victor Ross says:

    @H.P.Baxxter. Ma fhimtx !!!!Il-bahar Nofsani? ….

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