Now I am genuinely perplexed. Why would the prime minister do this?
Why not get to the point about something so important, something that was the main tranche of the Labour party’s campaign, the proposal on which it built its push for election?
The prime minister and the health minister gave a press conference about a two cents decrease in the price of petrol. But then when the contract for the new power station was signed last Friday, no press conference was called, no press statement was made, and last night, during a programme recorded earlier in the day, the prime minister first said “the contract is still going to be signed; it will be signed” and then switched versions and said, when the Opposition leader pointed out that Times of Malta had reported that same morning that the contract had been signed last Friday, that it had been signed.
Why? Why do something like that? Why speak as though the facts are irrelevant, when you are the prime minister? Why speak as though we don’t owe the public the truth, or that whether the contract has been signed or not is none of the public’s business?
I can’t understand why the prime minister doesn’t seem to think the truth and the facts are relevant. I really can’t.
It is clear that for some reason we will never know or understand, he missed completely the Times of Malta story about the contract being signed and nobody on his large communications team brought it to his attention as a matter that needed to be addressed. He then went into the TV studio prepared to go on with the myth that the contract had yet to be signed, actually said that, and was brought up short when the Opposition leader said that the contract signature had been the subject of a news story that same day.
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Has the contract been tabled in parliament? Perhaps document not yet signed and he is being economical with the truth. Let’s face it? Which journo is going to seek the truth with the summer sloth edging in?
How can you be sure of the truth when the only source is a habitual liar?
A pathological liar will tell an untruth even when it is not necessary to lie.
Remember when Gonzi and Muscat were asked about telling the truth by Joe Azzopardi?
Gonzi said that the truth is paramount; Muscat said that sometimes it may be necessary to tell a lie.
Possibly one of the rare occasions he got close to the truth, because in fact that too was a lie: it’s not only sometimes in his case.
Nik, I stand to be corrected but:
a) It was Herman Grech of the Times of Malta in the election debate, and
b) Joe Muscat said exactly the opposite of what you are quoting. He said that “sometimes you have to tell the truth”.
And that is shocking.
It was Bondi+. Both party leaders were asked a series of short questions.
No Nik, Muscat said sometimes it’s necessary to tell the truth.
Yes, a pathological liar will lie even when unecessary.
And the distinct impression I had got was that the reason for telling the truth would be situations where you couldn’t avoid being caught if you lied.
I stand corrected on both points, but I think the thrust of my post remains sound.
Nik, with Muscat the game is to read his every word, it’s your innate decency which leads you to raise him to your level.
Muscat also said he doesn’t think ministers’ honoraria should be increased ‘f’din il-legislatura’, that was 2012.
Last week’s puzzle is something no-one should underestimate.
The one where he doesn’t pass comment to court sentences having just stated this was persecution.
He ended by saying institutions were left to pass judgement in an independent manner.
Fancy that, we should show our displeasure until he intercedes for the wrongdoer.
His is manipulation of the sequence of logic, which has nothing to do with truth. Logic is a science, like any science it can be used to betray truth.
Daphne once noted that he manages to make people do exactly what they don’t want to.
He makes them buy things they didn’t know they needed, and if they refuse to need, he’ll sell them what they want, which is what he tried to sell in the first place.
He sold free childcare to the mainstream saying this would bring young mothers onto the job market, told them core target they would feel emancipated. Last week he gave them the news they can’t choose the path to independence, cleaning floors is all they’ll ever get.
In other words it’s their fault if they’re unskilled, and that’s where they’ll remain.
And there was the PN, simpering in a corner, at a loss how to declare one’s obligation to personal achievement and effort as the means.
The sooner everyone understand this, the sooner we get rid of him.
Possibly something in the details that is going to cause a problem with the EU.
From Psychology Today:
‘According to psychologist Bella DePaulo, we tell white lies to avoid hurting someone or to avoid conflict. Often these white lies backfire, as when we’re found out, we look worse than we would have by telling the truth. White lies can also build on themselves, leading to bigger lies that people tell to cover up their smaller ones. By telling lie after lie, we eventually can suffer from building a false version of reality that increasingly distances us from our real selves. After repeatedly lying about the same thing, we may even come to believe it is true.”
white lie
An often trivial, diplomatic or well-intentioned untruth.
Malajr tinduna kemm Muscat jinsab maqbud f’morsa u li wasal biex jisplodi.
Qed ihossu darhu mal-hajt u ghalkemm ikollu dik id-dahqa fuq wiccu u xi kultant jitfa xi cajta, imma minn jaf jaqra l-body language tieghu malajr jinduna kemm jinsab stressat u inkwetat. U dan wara 14-il xahar.
This person is immature, he is a compulsive liar to the point of even when there is nothing to lie about.
Erm , perhaps they don’t want to upset the Xlokkajri about the huge tanker berthed at Marsaxlokk
It is actually worse than that.
The prime minister first said ‘ha jigi ffirmat’ (it is going to be signed) then, when pressed by Simon Busuttil he said ‘ha jigi ppublikat, ghedt’ (@1.40) (I said it would be published).
He was lying, yet again, through his teeth. The recording is perfectly clear.
Hekk hu smajnih kollha kemm aħna. Giddieb tal-prima klassi, gidba wara l-oħra. Kif ma jistħix. U kemm hawn imzazen li possibbli ma jindunawx bil-gideb li joħroġ minn fommu jew jagħtuh il-benefiċċju tad-dubju u jaħsbuh ħa żball miskin …kien xi lapsus? Ara żgur li ma bagħqalux żejt f’wiċċu. Ma jdumx ma jinqela’ b’żejtu stess.Il-giddieb għomru qasir.
Cikk, let me add to your comment something more shocking in 2 instances. Barefaced impropmtu lies.
Who does not remember the famous BLOKKA SILG during Bondi+ and Mr Lou Bondi never challenged him for that.
Only last Sunday in Mqabba. According to Joe Muscat the only sin that Cyrus did was that he spoke his mind.
I only wish NET airs these 2 clips ad nauseum.
It was rather pointless really. We can all watch the show on the internet. You can hear it for yourself.
Edward, so obvious but what would you expect from an immature politician?
Why did Muscat say that Busutil took 1.5million euros?
Because it was pointed out that Muscat’s cabinet and crew are pocketing a million euros in extras.
Are these contracts made public upon signature? Something in it must be unpleasant to the eyes.
It’s a sticky one. Clearly Labour does not want to release it (if it ever will – stile the Henley & Partners mystery which I cannot believe they got away with so) before the election for some reason or other or wants to do that closer to the date. If it is pressed to release it and it does, it could either hit or miss depending on the contents.
I’ve always considered Joseph Muscatto be a shrewd politician, but this is so far off from what’s expected that I can’t help wondering whether there’s something else we ought to know.
Alternatively, he thinks this sends a positive message of unflinching loyalty. Well.
Le, le, mhux sew għamlulu lill-Enġirerr, miskin. Qabdu miegħu għax Laburist. Kien se jkun l-aqwa MEP! Affidabbli, leali, kuraġġuż, altruist, san u bit-timbru tal-LGBT fuq sormu wkoll, li kif nafu llum jiswa mitqlu deheb fil-politika taż-żuntier.
Aħleb, Ġuż! It-tfal spiccaw fil-klabb tal-bocci jilgħabu l-bocci bla bocci.
[Daphne – Well, your brother-in-law knows exactly whether Cyrus Engerer was persecuted or not, Kevin, given that he was the victim’s lawyer and filed the police complaint on the victim’s behalf.]
Muscat didn’t want us to know the contract’s been signed.
The PN to request all details at once. Until it’s hoarse.
That the people of Marsaxlokk and the taxapayer know how they’ve been had.
The contract will specify where the gas comes from.
There’s been a gas leak.
Was the Prime Minister planning on holding a fake signing ceremony after the elections? Or was this the real “great news” he was hinting at late last month, before a quick change-of-heart?
I sometimes fear that Joseph Muscat is being led by a group of dangerous underground individuals who are de facto ruling our country.
Hence the inconsistencies, lies, U turns and strange priorities. They let him play with sirens, civil unions and the like but underneath it all they plot along and treat Malta as a commodity.
Scary when you think about it this way.
Who is calling the shots, is what I’d ask.
What is the relationship between the consortium, Nair and Muscat?
Work must have already begun for any date to be attainable.
Whose money was it begun with?
Did Joseph Muscat want to delay the notification of this date as much as possible – (in fact to lie about the date of signature of contract?) – so that he is not called upon to honour his own promise to the nation?
Did he put the consortium in an uncomfortable position by putting them under pressure until the last moment so that any criticism by the general public would mean delaying matters for one of its supposed kind?
The general public could be taken to read two distinct parties: those who sympathise with the consortium and government and who therefore wouldn’t criticise, those who have logical reason to criticise but who know the consortium personally.
The bet would be on the latter set: will they be setting back this consortium by continuing to speak up as necessary or will they now keep mum knowing their “friends’ ” investment is at stake?
Was Muscat’s bet to save himself or to apply emotional blackmail on the discontent switcher set with the Gattopardi consortium almost held to ransom?
What do the penalty clauses to this hefty contract state?
Besides asking “why” the prime minister lied – something which The Times should have raised hell about given it relates to a news item it carried – it is even more important to ask “why” the government hid the fact that it had signed the contract, if this is true.
Did the prime minister think that the leader of the opposition would not see the news items on The Times and that later he can tell the leader of the opposition, perhaps on a Xarabank debate – when asked about the contract – that he was not informed on what was going on and that the contract had been signed, that it was in the newspapers bla bla bla..?
Did the prime minister wish to hide the late date and timing of the signing of the contract, so that it can later say that the contract had been signed months ago and that it had said that it will publish it at the right time?
Was The Times helping in covering up the news item – why was an item like this not online?
The PM is getting all confused in his lies.
He cannot remember exactly what lies he has told and so he is constantly contradicting himself and his ministers.
Bidu gdid u direzzjoni gdida. Tahwid u frejjeg.
Trasparenza, meritocrazija u povra Malta li darba kienet taghna lkoll.
This may have something to do with it …
“Gasol plc signed an agreement with China’s biggest machinery manufacturer, China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC), a leader in the construction of power generation and distribution. CMEC is one of 44 firms in the Sinomach group of companies.
Together, the two companies have agreed to cooperate on prospective power projects, with Gasol offering CMEC a right of first refusal to be the exclusive engineer and provider of civil works on power plants. CMEC will carry out feasibility studies for the power plants and assist in the arranging of credit for the construction of the plants through Chinese banks.”
What is the relevance to ElectroGas? Well, Siemens are also a member of the consortium and it is my understanding that they are on board to build and operate the new gas power station as that is where they have expertise.
Now if you have another member of the consortium signing a deal with a Chinese state-owned company (China Machinery Engineering Corporation), then that may cause an issue within ElectroGas between the stakeholders.
It then gets further complicated when you consider that another Chinese state-owned company (Shanghai Electric) has bought a 33% stake in Enemalta recently for €320 million which includes the BWSC plant at Delimara.
ElectroGas was awarded the contract last October, but it’s my take that such a delay in the sign-off could have been caused by Siemens and SOCAR (the other consortium member) getting cold feet at the prospect of the Chinese trying to muscle in on the deal via Gasol.
That’s why the government is so quiet about signing the deal and so vocal about the 2 cents off fuel. Because, possibly, there is stuff going on that they have no control over and which could threaten to delay the whole project or even possibly derail it.
I think there might be a connection between the issues.
Is Siemens still on board in the Electrogas Consortium?
As Gary says, how can you have Gasol signing up with a Chinese state-owned company which builds power plants and at the same time join Siemens to build a power plant in China-controlled Malta?
And then the Chinese company brings with it Chinese bank financing. Muscat would love that.
It gets more interesting actually.
The participation of Siemens in the ElectroGas consortium is via a subsidiary, Siemens Projects Ventures, which is the equity financing arm of Siemens Financial Services.
I am assuming that Siemens have taken a shareholding on the basis that they will provide financing in order to get the contract to build the power station (as they are a major manufacturer of power plants).
Now the Chinese company that Gasol have partnered up with also construct power plants as well as providing financing through Chinese banks.
So, who is providing the financing for the power station construction, Siemens or the Chinese?
Also, Gasol have just taken a 30% stake in Malta Power and Gas (the SPV set up by Enemalta to get the project started). They are a tiny company, yet one of the biggest shareholders in ElectroGas.
So, who provided them with the equity to buy in. Siemens or the Chinese? Who is going to build the power station? Siemens or the Chinese?
In short
Hekk mela Net TV u Radio 101… ibqgħu semmgħu għal darba, tnejn, tlieta sakemm tibda toħroġ minn widnejna… waħda wara l-oħra, kull gidba li qal matul din l-aħħar sena. Forsi l-iswitchers jifhmu darba għal dejjem x’għamlu b’idejhom meta vvutaw giddieb u wikkewh lil Malta kollha biex imexxi pajjiżna. Mhux li kien bħal Pinocchio jikbirlu mnieħru ma’ kull gidba li jgħid, kieku mur ara x’imnieħer għandu?
Muscat did worse than that but it seems to have escaped everyone, Net included.
First he said ‘it still had to be signed.’
When Simon Busuttil faced him with the fact that it was signed he admitted and stated that what he said was that ‘it still had to be published.’ – “ghadu ha jigi ippublikat ghedt”
Two lies in the space of 30 seconds. Listen to that clip again – unbelievable.