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Apparently, the problem with the name is not unheard of: http://bit.ly/1v1Evy9
Bezzul it-tifel.
I didn’t know it could have a surname :)
Let him thank the stars his surname is not Schriha.
Jidher cuntent it-tifel.
At least they seem to have learnt something from this blog, that a c**t is something you call a bloke,
Made my day.
He’s appealing to the female vote.
The worst part is that the Labour Party can’t even see it, or doesn’t even advise him. I can’t imagine English is his everyday language.
Can you imagine similar marketing to an event in Brussels, where English IS the everyday language?
It is all about starting points.
I wonder what he did for Joseph, and I wonder what he was promised.
They’re obviously counting on him to attract the Gozitan voters.
CLINT is now campaigning for the hunting lobby: https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1.0-9/q71/s720x720/10277921_629297340489825_3126939170320565349_n.jpg
No wonder he moved from the built environment industry to politics.
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Apparently, the problem with the name is not unheard of: http://bit.ly/1v1Evy9
Bezzul it-tifel.
I didn’t know it could have a surname :)
Let him thank the stars his surname is not Schriha.
Jidher cuntent it-tifel.
At least they seem to have learnt something from this blog, that a c**t is something you call a bloke,
Made my day.
He’s appealing to the female vote.
The worst part is that the Labour Party can’t even see it, or doesn’t even advise him. I can’t imagine English is his everyday language.
Can you imagine similar marketing to an event in Brussels, where English IS the everyday language?
It is all about starting points.
I wonder what he did for Joseph, and I wonder what he was promised.
They’re obviously counting on him to attract the Gozitan voters.
CLINT is now campaigning for the hunting lobby:
No wonder he moved from the built environment industry to politics.