Labour is really going for the youth vote – they want pay-back for all the hard work they did trying to save those young people from the horror and privation of a European passport
May 14, 2014 at 6:28pm
After dragging their painted tomb to MCAST and the St Elmo Examination Centre, they took a larger trailer to the university today.
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If there were Olympic events for hypocrisy and shamelessness, the PL would sweep the podium in both events.
That thing looks like a major mobile walk-in kiosk.
Malta must be the only place where university students are treated by government to a travelling fun fair. Paese dei balocchi.
Students want jobs, not billboards and marketing campaigns……get real PL
I think they’re targeting the “candy floss” students.
Those with the Labour mentality of “jobs mal-Gvern Taghna,” inverse merit to capability ratio in application.
They must have very high statistically based expectations.
And with all the parking problem at university they insult all by taking up the space of 6 cars.
Yes, and there was FZL’s teddy bear praising Muscat ‘ghax issa l-istudenti jiffrankaw il-flus fuq il-petlor u jkunu jisghu johorgu filghaxija’.
Not kidding.
PM on TVM right now stating that PL accepted Cyrus Engerer prior to him being found guilty and he was not found guilty thereafter. Is the PM for real?
Why try to insult the intelligence of a substantial portion of tomorrow’s intelligentia.
Because tomorrow’s ‘intelligentia’ is as naïve as today’s and will vote MLP.
How’s this for an insult:
ONE news :
Fl-aħħar il-pajjiż għandu Gvern bieżel daqs il-poplu – Joseph Muscat
If they’re at MCAST they’re not insulting many… ;)
In the 1950s they would drive around in vaccination vans less than a quarter of the size of that rig.
I guess poisoning young minds takes more work.
Oh I see the Joemobile is doing the rounds.
Can one imagine the money they’re spending on this marketing campaign?
A general election is the most expensive event a party has in it’s calendar – an event which breaks the bank of any party. Not only is the PL unaffected by the massive spend carried out merely 14 months back its current spend seems without limits!
I have seen many elections but I think the PL is outdoing itself in this EP election. It’s splashing money all over as if money is no problem. Am I right to think that this is the most expensive campaign ever carried out by PL?
And who told you they are spending anything? A political party is unlikely to own a articulated lorry and a 40-foot container, and it is highly unlikely also that someone from within the offices or newsroom of that same political party to have a driving licence allowing him/her to drive that lorry around.
So the easy question: can someone from the worldwide international network of spies find out what the reg plates of that lorry, as well as the +ve bus are, and then can that someone pass the information on to someone else at TM to find out who the owners are?
Don’t tell me that you only noticed only the lorry and the bus from the array of marketing media the PL is using?
Don’t forget that PL owns a massive tent and PA systems (PL said they owned them last year during election) to hold their weekly meet with the public. Don’t be surprised if they owned a lorry and a bus – min tal ingilterra hux.
What is the PN doing about such shameless use of public institutions for their propaganda?
Just reporting and ‘tsk, tsking’ aloud. How about protesting against the University, and seeking redress from the Electoral Commission.
I am really worried that the PN is handling this election with silk gloves instead of showing some teeth.
This is the first election being organised for a long time by the Labour Party, a party whose ideal are North Korea, China and Russia, who are experts in rigging elections. Do you honestly believe that this will be a fair election?
[Daphne – Freedom to hold an opinion without interference, and to express it, are fundamental human rights. Labour is free to go on campus, so is the PN, and everyone else is free to either pay attention or ignore them.]
What impressed me most about that edition of Reporter with the two party leaders is how weak Simon Busuttil comes across, in a way that it was even tempting for the host to bully him.
I remember how, while in Opposition, Muscat had literally jumped on Gonzi (they were discussing PSE’s vote in the EP on abortion) and at that moment the Maltese saw a leader silencing the Prime Minister and Gonzi’s days (years, at that moment) became quickly numbered.
We didn’t see that at all in the Muscat-Busuttil debate. Busuttil’s mannerisms might be good at the European Parliament but in an Arabic/Sicilian country like ours, it just doesn’t work.
Someone like Tonio Fenech, for example, would have shred the PM into pieces, while Simon just moved his lips like the quiet kid at school knowing the teacher is giving points to the wrong student.
Mario, my thoughts exactly.
Cannot agree more. On one side we have a Prime Minister lying about something so important (power station contract) and thinking we’re such fools as to believe that he was not lying (if he meant ‘published’ instead of ‘signed’ he wouldn’t have added that it is in the final stages of being signed …); while on the other side we have a weak Opposition leader, not knowing what to do with those hands and placing them on his lap like a tezorier of some kumitat tal-banda in the annual photo, coming across as the nerd he told those children interviewing him, he was at school.
A true case of getting it from both ends.
Simon Busuttil is a well-mannered, highly intelligent and well-spoken man with right and logic on his side.
Muscat is crafty, aggressive and a proficient liar who knows how to use macho and drama to appeal to people who like that sort of thing. Perhaps it’s time for Simon Busuttil to fight back to get his message across to that sort of person.
Being well-mannered, highly intelligent and well-spoken, with right and logic on your side, are good characteristics of a party leader.
But, sadly, not enough. Eddie Fenech Adami had all those but in order to shred Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici and Alfred Sant to pieces in debates, he possessed what Simon Busuttil lacks.
Steff, by the time Eddie Fenech Adami demolished Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici and Alfred Sant he had cut his teeth on Mintoff.
Fenech Adami had been PN leader four years when he took on Mintoff – moreover he had the advantage of a large section of the population that had had enough of Labour whereas Simon Busuttil faces a majority that is still highly hostile towards the PN.
Without detracting anything from Eddie Fenech Adami’s achievements, don’t you think you’re being a bit too harsh on Simon Busuttil?
You can be well-mannered and still show the external signs of anger. If I can do it, then so can Simon Busuttil.
This pathetic excuse of “that’s his style” is just that: an excuse. If that’s his style then he should change it.
We, the honest few, are seething with anger and the Leader of the Opposition, our last hope, acts and speaks like a Sunday school teacher.
It won’t do.
Ok Baxxter – Be honest.
What is the main thing you remember from the Reporter programme between Joseph Muscat and Simon Busuttil.
If your answer is that Joseph Muscat lied and was caught then Simon Busuttil is much more effective then you’d care to believe.
Daphne, not for this post: the manner in which they specify that the police force members can join the union of their choice rings alarm bells – almost sounds as they’re gonna be using union membership as a political alliegence identifier.
Under any other circumstance I would simply take it as each individual’s right.
What steps have the University authorities taken to have the trailer removed from the University grounds?
No I haven’t said that this is my first comment.
The trailer is not parked on the University grounds. It is parked across 6 parking bays just outside the precincts of the University.
It’s not technically in the university grounds. The photo is taken right opposite Mireva Bookshop; outside the gates.
Actually the trailer is outside the university grounds, so the university authorities do not have any right to remove the trailer.
@ Mario M
The PM behaved like a child, taunting and repeating inanities to the extent that he lied in full view. It was sickening.
If only Maltese politics would develop to a civilized and intelligent level of behaviour as demonstrated by the leader of the Opposition.
He may not be great but at least he is civilized. As Gonzi said, taht il-Labour, tisthi li tkun Malti…and here we are!
A nation elects the government it deserves. At least we have a clear choice, amply exhibited during this debate.
The choice we (as a people) made last March 2013 was indeed a sad day for Malta!
The trailer was just outside the gate so technically it was not on University grounds.
Surely, the secret agreement that the PL signed with China in 2010 is placing thousand of euros in Labour’s coffers.
I am convinced that China funded the PL election campaign and is funding this campaign in return for the sale of passport scheme from which Chinese Communist Party billionaires will benefit.
Labour is really going for the youth vote. The gay rights issues were dealt with in a very biased fashion in order to gain cheap applause from one sector of society and by trying to label the PN as an antiquated Opposition.
But that is a mirage, to divert attention from more serious issues, such as unemployment. We must not forget that this government has inherited a positive economic performance upon which he was able to improve. It’s the economy that makes people more equal, or not.
Kollkom lanzit. I’m offering drinks all round on Saturday. Just received a cheque of €110 – money stolen from me from the previous government when I bought a car in 2004.
X’ala ghajni mill-EU u x’ala ghajni that Gonzi steered us through one of the worst economic recessions in history. I’ve got €110 – yes – ONE HUNDRED AND TEN EUROS. Viva l-Lejber!
Ipprova ara naqra iktar ‘il bogħod mill-ponta ta’ mnieħrek Sur L-ieħor. L-unika raġuni għala kellek dritt għal dawk il-flus kien għax membri tal-UE. U dawk il-flus mhumiex ġejjin mill-arja imma minn buti, l-ewwel waħda, U dal-Gvern żgura li ħa jġibhom lura billi żied il-liċenzja …
And had Gonzi not steered us out of the worst of the effects of the exonomic recession, the Maltese economy would be in even deeper shit than it currently is. There would certainly be no money to pay you that EUR 110.
He’s being sarcastic, and he’s doing it brilliantly.
Can’t you people pick up the obvious “Lejber” spelling?
I’ll buy you a drink too… don’t worry. Before the Maltese recession starts…
” Un cretino e un cretino . Due cretini sono due cretini . Diecimila cretini sono un partito politico .” Franz Kafka . Adapting this delightful quote to the PL and switchers gives me no end of relief.
[Daphne – Franz Kafka wasn’t Italian. He wrote in German.]
This is a valid translation into Italian from Kafka’s original Czech German.
These words are certainly Kafka’s.
Dak il-kliem ta’ Kafka – Dan il-gvern ta’ Kafkaf
It wasn’t set up within university grounds but just outside the gate. There are, however, plenty of posters on campus.
A trailer like this would normally be busy with containers travelling between imports and exports. But given that imports and exports are both significantly down under the Labour government, Labour has offered an alternative use. The trailer is probably owned by someone “tal-qalba.”
In June there will be thousands of university students and students from MCAST who will be finishing their course and who will start looking for work.
Can the PL government inform these students what is being done to create jobs so that they find work in the coming months?
And you should listen to One radio, full blast, on minibuses operating at Park and Ride. Mini bus HMY252 operating this morning was a perfect example!
What rubbish.
These buses were meant to be sold to Sudan, but now are being scrapped here.
Again, all this with the blessing of Transport Malta, at a much reduced price than if sold to Sudan, and the other bidders did not know about this.
Transparency at its worst. Keep up the good work Hon. Minister, whose antics would be great inspiration to write a new series of Yes Minister.
I had the displeasure of passing by this monstrosity the other day. For all the talk about ‘positive energy’, I really got a bad vibe from the constant anti-Simon Busuttil messages playing on a loop on the video screen/s.