More deals with China to follow, the prime minister said in Mellieha last night

Published: May 17, 2014 at 9:50am

china deals

And still no newspaper challenges him about the nature of that deal he signed with China, on behalf of the Labour Party (a strange agreement between a political party and a communist state) when he went there four years ago with Alex Sceberras Trigona.

No newspaper asks – it should have been done then, but now is highly appropriate, given what is transpiring – whether money moved between China and the Labour Party, what was in the deal for China and what was in the deal for the Labour Party.

The answer will be ‘It was a cooperation agreement’, just as it was explained in 2010 on one of China’s websites. And that’s exactly the point: what sort of cooperation?

7 Comments Comment

  1. It-tezi ta' Mario says:

    Muscat’s article in it-Torca describes the agreement as a long-term agreement whose ultimate aim is better and long-term relations BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES.

    The agreement was signed “mal-awtoritajiet Cinizi”. The literal translation doesn’t convey the sense of flattery and self-satisfaction and smug plebeian boast that he felt he was hanging out with the big boys.

    Muscat is a short-sighted fool. No one who understands the implications of those words would have written them in the first place, let alone published them in a widely read paper.

    And now he’s in charge.

  2. Banana republic .... Again says:

    It’s the sort of cooperation agreement whereby China buys Malta and Joseph cooperates to facilitate the process like their good lap dog

  3. Natalie Mallett says:

    No wonder they are now interested in legislating the financing of political parties policy. They have enough in their pockets to suffice for the next few campaigns.

    The PN were never rich because they were never interested in these shady deals. PL on the contrary always dealt with dictators who offered to make key individuals rich in exchange of what belonged to the whole nation.

    What a load of shameless thieves and scoundrels. Hope the switchers realize their mistake and do something about today week.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I think there might be a big chunk of political correctness in the way the press deals with anything involving China.

    Three generations of Maltese have been raised to view China in a positive light: the Salvatur generation (China saved us from starvation and gave legitimacy to Mintoff), the 80s generation (China is so wonderful because it is an economic powerhouse) and now the millennials (China is such a great civilisation).

    And everyone treads very lightly indeed lest they come across as racist. When the Chinese leadership, in its typical flowery language, speaks of “special relationships” and “deepest ties” and “oldest friends”, we just smile and acquiesce.

    I’ve never been PC, so here it is.

    The Chinese leadership – let’s call it by it’s name: the Chinese dictatorship – is up there among the most conniving, lying, cruel, manipulating and cynical regimes not just on this planet now, but in the entire history of the world. They do not even try to hide their racial supremacism. They genuinely believe they have a natural right to rule the world. To them, we are just white sub-humans.

    China is Malta’s adversary. And I will give my Number One vote to any MEP candidate, of whichever party, who publicly says so.

  5. Ta'sapienza says:

    Confucius say; Man with forked tongue, need no chopsticks.

  6. ciccio says:

    Joseph Muscat has reduced Malta to the level of underdeveloped African states of corrupt dictatorships where China protects the dictatorships and rapes the countries and their resources.

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