Dear God in heaven – who and what (and exactly how old) is this newly reinstated policeman?

Published: May 17, 2014 at 10:18am

reinstated policeman

police commissioner and police minister

reinstated police

The photograph beneath was released by the government’s Department of Information earlier this week and shows the Police Commissioner and the Police Minister with 22 former police officers who they have just reinstated into the police force.

One of them piqued my curiosity, so I enlarged the picture and cropped him out (see left). Clearly, further elucidation is required.

If I had seen him out on the street I would have assumed he was a 1960s junkie who never quite got over it, or some kind of tramp. Or a washed-up friend of the persecuted Chris Engerer.

Isn’t he a bit too old to be reinstated into the police force? And what about the hair – are they going to make him cut it, or is he going to wear it that way under his cap? Or do we have equality of hair now, and maybe he’s going to have it back in a bun like the women officers. Perhaps one of those women officers could direct him to the nearest good hairdresser to sort out those failed blond highlights.

In any case, I’m really curious as to whether he’s led the sort of life between leaving the force (probably when I was still at school by the looks of it) and now that renders him suitable for reinstatement. The visual evidence rather suggests the contrary.

It gets weirder and weirder.

And isn’t it astonishing the way owners get to look like their pet dogs and vice versa over time? Look at the crop-out of the Police Commissioner and the Police Minister. They didn’t start out the same, but now they’re exactly the same size and shape and carry themselves the same way. Now all the Police Commissioner has to learn how to do is glare as skillfully as his master.

45 Comments Comment

  1. First things first. She’s a woman.

  2. canon says:

    Manuel Mallia and Peter Paul Zammit are trying to protect something with their hands.

  3. curious says:

    The Malta Independent is reporting that Peter Paul Zammit is likely to step down.

    What is happening? Did they only get him in to do the dirty work or is there another iced-bun waiting for him?

  4. Drood says:

    Maybe this particular reinstated officer will be working under cover as an early 1980s reject from the Adam Ant era.

    And The Malta Independent is reporting that the current Police Commissioner is on way out.

  5. Charly says:

    First Gas dawn gol hajt now gas dawn Backwards average of 1705 years except the two fat gangster.

  6. bob-a-job says:

    All the right shape to be placed at the end of a bowling lane – except Goldilocks, of course.

  7. P Bonnici says:

    Frightening times coming ahead of us, Daphne. Thank God I am far away from Malta.

    This lot will turn nasty in future.

  8. daffid says:

    Caption for second photo – ‘ Ready for the penalty shoot’

  9. WOW says:

    I have a feeling that this person will be sent to represent Malta at next year`s Eurovision Song Contest.

    The Commissioner and Minister are both carrying more weight, given that they have an excellent catering department which is seeing to this.

  10. betty says:

    I think that’s a woman, somehow.

  11. P Bonnici says:

    So this is what the PL calls change by reinstating fossils into the police force to bring back bad old habits. I am shocked with this news.

  12. Sister Ray says:

    Ara kif spicca Robert Plant miskin.

    [Daphne – I’ve been meaning to ask you, actually, whether you’ve named yourself after the Berwick Street record shop or the Velvet Underground song.]

  13. Logical says:

    You’ve blown their cover; these are the new undercover police for ‘The Force’.

  14. Tabatha White says:

    Rather looks like the graveyard watch.

  15. Rob says:

    Manuel Mallia is slowly transforming into a dinosaur, in the figurative sense as well. A Tyrannosaurus Rex to be exact. Bulky body and short tiny arms.

  16. anthony says:

    One can tell from the look on PP’s face in this shot that he is on the way out.

    Nobody with a gram of self-respect would stay on in that sort of job after being made to reinstate this motley lot.

    Domine in adjutorium nostrum……

  17. WhoamI? says:

    She can now get married to Doris.

  18. Grezz says:

    Manwel Mallia is so fat that he can’t clasp his fingers in the middle photo above. Makes you wonder how he manages to hold his member to pee.

  19. Grezz says:

    Aren’t police meant to have good eyesight? This one looks like ‘his’ left eye is of no use, though I could be wrong.

  20. gorg says:

    Povru Mallia. Idejh ma ghadomx ilahhqu biz-zonza li rabba.

  21. edgar says:

    Manwel’s right hand is struggling to reach his left hand.

  22. ken il malti says:

    That is a woman.

  23. A Montenbello says:

    Daphne, you can zoom in on any part of the group photo and that feeling of dreading the pit of your stomach will grow.
    3rd from right, at the back – what is that?
    6th to 11th from right look like they’ve seen better days;
    And if you zoom in and cropped out the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th from the left and told people that it was a photograph from the 1970’s nobody would have a hard time believing you.

  24. Timon of Athens says:

    The Minister’s wife should think about making a trip to Lidl. I hear they’ve got a new consignment of cheap husbands in, and they’re in much better shape than this one.

    • Nokkla says:

      Who says the Minister’s wife cares about his looks? If she were after looks she would definitely not have wed a tubby, ugly little man twice her age. It was only after the event that she discovered he is stingy on top of it.

  25. Dott Abjad says:

    I wonder how many of these ‘illustrious’ individuals formed part of the notorious S.M.U. (Riot Police) during the Tal-Barrani incident, November 30, 1986.

  26. anthony says:

    I am told that quite a lot of them are on the interminable waiting list for a bed at St Vincent de Paule.

    Also am I badly freaked out or is it true that most of these people look awfully weird.

  27. Nana says:

    Those ‘new policemen’ are already so old and grizzly. Who needs policemen like these? Are they reinstated back to the force to tell Mallia how things used to be? I would like to tell Muscat to wake up and the faster you get rid of Mallia the better it is for Malta.

  28. FGF says:

    Clearly the photographer wanted to balance out the group photo with a long-haired individual on each side dressed exactly the same with white shirt, black trousers and no tie and hailed the first available waiter he could find in the vicinity.

  29. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Isa hej, x’erba’ mustaccuni.

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