EP elections: 2004, 2009 and now

Published: May 25, 2014 at 4:29pm

The Nationalist Party’s percentage of the vote has remained unchanged over 2004, 2009 and this year, at 40%.

The Labour Party’s percentage of the vote was/is: 48% (2004), 55% (2009) and 53% (2014).

Alternattiva Demokratika’s percentage of the vote was/is: 9.3% (2004), 2.3% (2009)and 2.7% (est – 2014)

In 2004, the fringe vote was 0.65% for Imperium Europa and 1.9% for the pro-hunting candidate. In 2009, this pro-hunting percentage shifted to Labour, while Imperium Europa increased its vote to 1.5%. The final percentage breakdown on the fringe vote will be out later, but Imperium Europa has increased its vote to around the same level as AD. Then there are the other fringe parties, Ivan Grech Mintoff’s Alleanza Bidla and Jean Pierre Sammut’s Alleanza Liberali.

31 Comments Comment

  1. eksnazzjonalisti says:

    I hope Simon stays . Daphne keep up your good work.
    Simon + Daphne = Labour in Goverment.

    I was a hard core Nazzjonalist but now I am a fanatic labour supporter.

    I am taking a screen shot of this cause I know you are not going to upload it.

    • RoyB says:

      Your stupidity somewhat betrays your statements.

    • Gahan says:

      Never be a hard core supporter of a party or a religion.

      • drood says:

        Agreed : being “hardcore” or “fanatic” means that you are unable to think for yourself and prefer outsiders to do it for you., a sign of laziness or ignorance.

    • wasn't me says:

      You clearly don’t know anything, like the rest of the “fanatic labour supporters” on this island. Case in point – Wonderland post above.

      Your political affiliation is never anything to boast about!

    • Spiru says:

      Could you kindly explain why you switched to a “fanatic Labour supporter”? Thanks.

    • Jas says:

      Your comment explains it all.

    • Katrina says:


    • rosie says:

      Wrong – she did upload it and you will be proven wrong about all the senseless rubbish that came out of your empty head. This will probably not be uploaded because it is not “politically correct” and that, my friends, is why Labour has such a vast majority – they are not politically correct. They are correct though, in knowing that when they hang you head first into a cesspit, you come up clapping, you blithering idiot.

    • anthony says:

      Stupid. Your language betrays you.

      You were never a hardcore anything but a stinking Mintoffian.

      And you can stuff your screen shot.

    • watchful eye says:

      Good job you left our party and dived fanatically into Joseph’s skip. Your natural abode. Good riddance.

    • A Montebello says:

      With such a fickle personality the Labour Party better watch their backs.

    • Galian says:

      Will you be uploading the screenshot you took on some website so we can make fun of you all over the internet … Stupidu!

    • aidan says:

      eksnazzjonalist li tiwieled Laburist forsi ma jkollokx tort sa certu pont imma li tkun Nazzjonalist u teqleb Lejber u titkessah, trid tkun vera stupidu.

    • Cikku says:

      Għidilna ftit jekk wara li llum qlibt għal ” fanatic labour supporter” x’differenza qed jagħmillek.

      Bilfors li wegħduk xi iced bun. Jew diġa qed tiffanga bħal tal-qalba u tal-familja? Prosit għalik u għal dawk li għamlu bħalek.

      Ġibtu lil Malta kollha fil-frisk! Ma tantx tidher li kont “hard core” Nazzjonalist..iktar tista’ ssejjaħlek opportunist u injurant.

    • Tarzan says:

      Why are you a fanatic labour supporter? = What is your iced bun?

    • Mark Mallia says:

      Well done….so true!

      And, for those who say that Labour supporters are the only ‘ignorant’ people, then this comment shows that this ex-Nationalist is as ignorant…

      You can’t ask for more proof….

  2. albona says:

    A wider analysis of the increasing problems with universal suffrage would be needed to explain the Europe-wide voting tendencies this time around. Whereas before politicians could do their job without having to dumb down their discourse to reach the uninformed masses, now only populism and cattle-ranch style politics works.

    Long gone are the days when politicians could work together right across the political spectrum to do what is right, often with the aim of protecting the people from themselves – a point raised by Plato himself, the very father of politics.

    It is 2014 and we live in the information age, albeit false information and its mass dissemination.

    UKIP, M5Stelle and the PL are typical examples of this tendency to use Facebook and random posts on the internet by mostly semi-literate nobodies as the font of knowledge and basis for one’s voting intentions.

  3. albona says:

    The idea of Busuttil as leader never really sat well with me. He would be a great EU Commissioner. I hope he is made Commissioner one day as he would be as successful as Joe Borg was during his stint in the role.

    The PN needs someone charismatic who people can relate to. Also, many of those 25% of people who did not vote were people who are not too sure what the PN actually represents anymore. I mean, are they still a Christian Democratic party or do they just try and be everything to everyone whilst not actually pleasing anyone?

    Road ahead: elect a new Christian Democrat as leader (Beppe Fenech Adami), continue to use reason with those who need to hear logic used — many who did not vote were disillusioned by the complete lack of discussion on Europe — and continue in the spirit of Eddie Fenech Adami in also being able to speak to the people from the podium in terms they understand.

    • curious says:

      Do you remember Muscat in his first years as leader of the Labour Party? Compare him to what he is today and you will re-write you comment.

      In a time like this, don’t speak of changes in leadership. On the contrary everybody should support Busuttil and forge ahead in a very uphill struggle.

      Changing political leaders is not like changing your wardrobe. Even that takes years sometimes.

  4. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Is this Franco Debono or JPO?

  5. Rajin says:

    Apparently you’re also a Daphne fanatic…

  6. Gee Dee says:

    Stuff your screen shot, ex-nazzjonalist turned Labour fanatic. Daphne is Daphne, not an opportunist of your ilk.

    Your post is uploaded and we can judge you for what you truly are – an opportunist.

  7. Joseph Caruana says:

    One thing for sure, Gonzi or no Gonzi, the PN remained where it was.

  8. steff says:

    @eksnazz. So glad to have the opportunity to ask an eksnazz what goes through your mind having the same person who didn’t want us to enter the EU, while you were voting to enter, is now a member of the European Parliament.

    • Salvu says:

      @steff. It does not work out that way.

      An eksnazz would have assumed that since he always voted PN, his representative in parliament would (when needed) pick up the phone and call someone who will somehow manage to issue the permit (or whatever) in a matter of days.

      That, he assumed, even if he knows that he has no right for that permit. That MP never tells ekznazz that it cannot be done. On the contrary he would have repeatedly replied a standard “I’ll check what I can do for you” without actually doing anything about it with the wrong assumption that eksnazz will not change his voting habits.

      This is where the majority of PN MPs in government constantly made mistakes. They never told eksnazz that he has no right for whatever he is asking him to do. Never say “no”. Keep eksnazz hoping.

      In the meantime, eksnazz would have contacted a Labour opposition MP. This MP would have promised heaven on earth. In some cases, Labour MP might even have managed to issue the permit in some way or another (breaking all immaginable rules and policies).

      Eksnazz will not change his vote because he is happy with that Labour MP did or promised to do for him – legally or not.

      @steff – Do you think eksnazz cares whether the Labour government is selling Maltese passports? Or whether the Labour Party made secret deals with China while still in opposition? He is probably expects a Labour government to act that way.

      It’s practically impossible to convince eksnazz to become a nazz again.

  9. Tom Double Thumb says:

    This election, like the general election last year, was a contest between money (obtained anywhere and anyhow), corruption, lies, deceit, hypocrisy, ignorance, amorality and lack of principles on one side; the other side based itself on transparency, honesty, moral and political principles.

    The former won by a large majority, but the greatest winner was IGNORANCE.

    We Maltese people are blinded by fanatical and ingrained support, be it in politics, football and even between two saints in the same village.

    Ignorance feeds and breeds on fanaticism.

    The Maltese proverb “L-iblah taqlaghlu ghajnu jifrah” clearly and succinctly summarises this aspect of the Malese character.

    It will take some time to change this but eventually even “l-iblah” will realise that he is missing one eye and that he was better off with two. We can only hope that will happen sooner rather than later.

  10. Mark Mallia says:

    Jealousy is the worst sickness; get well soon bit**.

    [Daphne – Insulting your host or hostess, especially with misogynistic comments that are far from liberal and progressive, is very poor manners. Please don’t prove the point I make repeatedly, that the reason for the rise of Labour over the last half-generation is not mainly political or policy-related, but due to the population explosion among the social groups that traditionally account for Labour’s core vote. Meanwhile, in the PN’s core elector base, people are just about reproducing enough to replace themselves, and often not even that.]

    • Ju says:

      Daphne, your comment sums up perfectly what I have always thought on why Labour actually gets the votes it does. There is no logical, rational reason otherwise. Does this mean this country is doomed to be run by savages indefinitely?

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