And the prize for the day’s best headline goes to Times of Malta

Published: May 25, 2014 at 10:43pm

sant headline

32 Comments Comment

  1. manum says:

    Biex tivvota lil dan trid tkun vera injorant u redikolu. Ara vera poplu baxx u bla ebda sens ta’ principji…..tal-misthija!

    • eve says:

      Mela anke l- miljuni ta votanti fl- EU huma njoranti. Ghax partiti eurosceptics, far left u far right qeghdin minn ta quddiem. Injurant hu dak li ftahar li l PN baqa fejn kien u ma tilefx aktar voti. Mhux ovvja li l-partit jibqa fejn qijad jekk diga mess il qiegh. Il- popli fl- Ewropa huma mdejqin bil-gungla ta ligijiet f’ kull qasam u settur, bil- klandestini u anke bl- influss ta immigrazzjoni legali mil Eastern European li qed jiehdu x-xoghol.

      • manum says:

        Iva, miljuni ta’ votanti huma injoranti, sew qed tghid.

        Il-principji fundamentali huma tali li jippromovu solidarjeta mhux esklusivita. L-Ewropa hija benniena ta’ principji li bihom biss tista tghix.

        L-Ewropa ghandha storja ta’ pajjizi dejjem jiggieldu ma’ xulxin, wara qerda tat-tieni gwerra irrealizzajna li biex nipprogressaw irid ikun hemm il-paci.

        Pajjizi kbar indunaw bija din. Apparantement hawn xi fidili u xi bhaha li jahsbu li Malta hija self-sufficient. Ideat bhal tieghek idardruni.

        Titkellem hekk mal-injorant u mhux ma l-intelligenti. Il-pajjiz jimxi l-quddiem bir-regoli mhux bl-idea ta’ anarkizmu kif dejjem, mexa bieh il-Labour!

    • Mark Mallia says:

      Ehe kulhadd injorant barra int donnu! Pffff

      • Ray Meilak says:

        Iktar minn injurant trid tkun – almenu Norman Lowell ghandu principju. Ilni naf lil Lowell fuq hamsa u tletin sena u dejjem kien kellu femha Nazista. Alfred Sant x’principju ghandu?

      • manum says:

        Li thaddan principji bhal ta’ Sant tkun injorant! U meta l-Lejber irid jitghajjar bin-negattivita kull ma ghandu jaghmel ihares lejn meta kien hu fl-Oppozizzjoni. Mhux ta’ xejn kienu jghidulu Dr No.

    • vulture says:

      ibqghu irragunaw hekk, u tibqghu fl abbiss.

  2. George Grech says:

    Il-makku issa sejjer f’halq il-balena

  3. Peter Mallia says:

    The GWU portal inewsmalta is announcing “li beda l-process tal-att tal-voti.”

  4. canon says:

    Muscat’s cunning plan is working well and continues to work for the next four years and even beyond that.

    It is very difficult for the Nationalists to beat this plan. The refund of the registration tax was/is part of this plan.

    Muscat promised the refund without any justification. at all. He didn’t wait for the Court’s decision. He decided arbitrarily that the people have the right for it.

    The people involved liked it. How can the Nationalists explain to the people that what Joseph Muscat did was immoral. Come election year again and the people will receive another cheque.

    The reduction in the utilities is also part of Muscat’s cunning plan.

    • Giovanni says:

      You are right same happened in Greece qabel ma’ dahlu fil-hajt.

    • Tom Double Thumb says:

      Part of that cunning plan is – and always was – the strange phenomenon that when the Labour Party is in Opposition they scream out loud and incessantly “scandal” and “corrupt practices” at whatever the government of the day does.

      As soon as the Labour Party gets into power, those two expressions are immediately consigned to oblivion.

      Even more, real scandals and corrupt practices become acceptable and are proclaimed as achievements to be proud of and to brag about.

  5. gorg says:

    Maybe he’s following his wig.

  6. Fernando says:

    Will Alfred Sant now sit with the European Socialists or will he sit with the far right anti-Europe parties in the European Parliament?

  7. Peppa Pig says:

    When Joseph Muscat went bragging all over the place that he was the youngest prime minister in the EU, out popped Italy’s Matteo Renzi to claim the record.

    Today , Joseph Muscat was quick to point out to the media that his is the only party in government in the EU to have also won these elections. Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s party has just won the largest share of the Italian vote.

    Hu go fik, Guz.

    • Peppa Pig says:

      PS the party of Spain’s current government carried the day in Spain as well.

      Tough titties, Joseph.

    • zurrieq_blues says:

      Joseph Muscat qal li se jkun l-ewwel partit fil-gvern li gab maggoranza assoluta. Imma ma ntikx tort li smajt hazin, kont ghadek sturdut. Hu go fik, Peppa Pig!

  8. Mark says:

    I come from deep Nathionalist roots, and I was a teenager during the early 1980s when Eddie’s PN was Malta’s defender of human rights and of the principles of democracy.

    For the first time in my life, I did not vote in 2013 and I did not vote again in this election. Let’s start with 2013, the PN in government was making many serious mistakes – totally mishandled the Franco Debono issue, ditto for divorce, too much religion and not enough democracy.

    I did not trust Joseph or his Moviment, because beyond all the hype, the PL is repackaged old Labour and the leopard doesn’t change its spots.

    In this election, firstly it was an EU Election with no EU in it. All debates were focused on domestic issues. It’s not really relevant to the EU whether Joseph or Simon has the bigger cult following.

    Moreover, none of the candidates, whether PN or PL, gave me any impression that they knew what the role entailed and none of them (including the incumbents) even tried to convince me that they have the necessary qualities to be a success at it.

    In other words, they were all in it for personal goals, the Maltese perceive these to be the mega bucks, the heightened prestige of being an MEP, and the status back home.

    I still do not think that the PN is electable. In the first major test, the PN chose to sit on the fence on an important social issue so as not to reveal the split in the ranks.

    In other words, Simon Busuttil preferred to protect the party rather than take a principled position.

    More recently, the PN chose to take the Panini album route; no comment is necessary here.

    This was an EU election. Whether the PN is electable or not was irrelevant. But in four years’ time Malta will again face a general election. Will the political spectrum be any different compared to what it is today?

    • curious says:

      And after all this reasoning we end up with what exactly? A PL which is ‘repackaged old Labour and’ a ‘leopard (which) doesn’t change its spots’ U halluna..

    • Ta'Sapienza says:

      While I agree with you that there was no EU agenda in this EU election, you and a large part of 80,000 traditionally PN voters did vote.

      Or you voted for the likes of Alfred Sant and Joseph Muscat who did their darn best to make sure that we stayed out of the EU.

      I would have understood if you had chosen to vote for AD, but as someone who was also a teen in the 1980s, how on earth can you not see that the PN, despite being on a massive low is not light years ahead of this incompetent, unprincipled lot?

    • nutcracker says:

      Mr. Mark, you know why you did not vote in 2103 and 2014? It’s because you have never been insulted, abused, suspended from work, have your children terrified and your wife threatened by your neighbour for taking the chidren to a church school.

      It’s because you can – up to now – speak your mind in any way you want, except when telling the nurse to switch the TV in your mental ward from Super One to TVM – and in any medium you want.

      It’s because you can go to University and be paid for that without any hassle.

      It’s because, if you are willing and industrious enough, you can work in all EU countries. It’s because……the list is endless.

    • Anthony Ianello says:

      You are absolutely right!!!

      • Zaren says:

        I agree with Mark and like him I did not vote in 2013 or this time around – event though I had always voted PN before and can never imagine myself voting PL ever.

        I am quite surprised by the reaction which Mark’s comment gathered here. And in my opinion it shows one of the main problems PN is facing.

        It is true that by ‘us’ not voting, we ended up with a ‘repackaged’ old Labour – but the only motivation you seem to promote to vote PN, is simply not to vote in PL, because it is worse than PN.

        Really? Is this all PN can offer – choose us because the others are worse?

        [Daphne – Actually, hardly that, Zaren. My PN vote started as an anti-Labour vote but soon became a vote of conviction. They really knew what they were doing and it really fit with my idea of what life should be like in a normal country. I agreed with PN policy, and I especially agreed with EU membership and joining the Eurozone. I loved their policies on higher education, and I adored the liberalisation of markets. But in general, I like their attitude and I can’t stand Labour’s. And even if that were not the case, it is still perfectly legitimate to use your vote to keep the worse option out of government. Whether you like it or not, you’re going to get either one or the other as a government, so you work out which one you’re happiest with and you vote accordingly. The people who don’t vote in general elections because they think that neither party deserves their glorious patronage are, essentially, stupid. What are they thinking – that if they don’t vote they will not get either party as a government?]

        Even if this is true (which it is), this will never rally the necessary support to get PN back in government. Whoever may vote for these reasons may equally be swayed to the other way by some last-minute promotion, cheque in the letterbox and whatever other disgusting tools the PL will/is using.

        What is needed are a clear message and clear direction. This is totally missing right now. We need to be able to again want to aspire to something larger than the 2c which Joe mercifully throws down occasionally to the hordes.

        Unless and until PN realise this – they will not be in government again. Unfortunately from what I’m seeing so far, it seems that the PN need more battering before waking up.

        [Daphne – Might I ask you what Labour’s message was in the last election? What its policies were? Its ideals? Its Big Picture? What you think it stood for? ‘Malta Taghna Lkoll’ was not a message, a policy or an ideal. It was a slogan, backed by nothing.]

  9. C Mangion says:

    Can someone please tell this deluded man to take off that stupid syrup! He looks pathetic and I have no idea how people take him seriously. Personally I cannot get past the wig wearing, gives me the heebeegeebees!

  10. Gorg Callus says:

    Intom iffisatti fil-wigs u l-kummiedji u Sant u l-partit tal-PL jaqdef gas down il-quddiem. Ibqghu ghidu li n-nies huma injoranti u li ma jafu xejn u l-margni tar-rebhiet tal-PL ikompli jikber ghax il-maggoranza tal-poplu Malti (fejn tghixu intom ukoll) ma jridx ghorrief bhalkom imexxuh imma jrid injoranti bhal Sant u Muscat biex imexxuh. Viva l-injoranza. Viva Simon. Viva Daphne. Kemm qed taghtuna pjacir.

  11. sarah says:

    This country is a joke. The very man who worked so hard to keep us out of the EU gets most of the votes. I despair.

  12. carlos says:

    I wonder what good old Dom is saying in his grave!

    • Listener says:

      As his nephew so aptly demonstrated in his “Naghmlu Allejanza” video……”Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox!” It would seem that inspiration runs in the family.

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