And the good news is that the European People’s Party has the largest number of seats in the European Parliament…

Published: May 26, 2014 at 1:06am

…while the Socialist Group came in second. This makes it a little less likely that the awful Martin Schulz will get the job he wants.

17 Comments Comment

  1. Peppa Pig says:

    What happens though if there is an alliance between the Socialists and some other party/s that will end up with more seats then the EPP?

    • albona says:

      It does not work that way. No fraction has ever held an absolute majority. The important thing is that being the biggest party affords that fraction certain powers, one of which is to propose a candidate for President.

  2. Peppa Pig says:

    The far-right has won in Denmark whilst in Greece, the far-left.

  3. Calculator says:

    Thank God for small mercies.

  4. Floater says:

    Very good indeed that Schultz was not elected. He is for abortion, even if the EU cannot force it on Malta (thanks to a clause by EFA). But this is all playing into JM’s hands. Schultz promised something impossible to JM in the form of compulsory burden sharing, and this saved him the ‘failure’ embarassment. JM can now blame Juncker.

    Let’s face it, something is happening on the southern front. Some news media claimed that operationally the Italians are collecting even migrants that are our responsibility. This saved Dr. Muscat the ‘smelling the coffee’ controversy, but also slightly less votes to Norman (Lowell).

    I do not know what brought this state of affairs, but if it was due to an underground agreement that Dr. Muscat did, he deserve all this victory and more.

    [Daphne – Schulz has not been elected? What do you mean?]

    • Floater says:

      I was referring to his eventual election or endorsement by the EP (now highly improbable apparently) for the Commission Presidency.

  5. Tim Ripard says:

    Bankers can continue to rape and pillage then.

  6. tinnat says:

    Getting certain legislation through the EP is going to be a nightmare, with the EPP and the Socialists having to rely heavily on the support of anti-EU and rightwing MEPs. 100 MEPs fall in the category of “other” MEPS, made up of those which no party wants in their group. That’s a whopping 20% of the entire body of MEPs.

  7. J Abela says:

    It’s a good sign. Now we need them to be successful in putting Junker as commissioner (or any right-winger for all that matter …I would have preferred someone like Schäuble) to keep Muscat’s books in order and press him to the reforms that are needed. Basically this is what I voted for. It is our only hope for the next four (or should I say nine?) years.

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