Henley & Partners and the Labour Party

Published: June 1, 2014 at 11:56pm

Simon Busuttil, interviewed in The Sunday Times today:


11 Comments Comment

  1. White coat says:

    The IIP scheme was perfectly designed for graft.

  2. Procedures says:

    Adding to the above, and not to be forgotten, are all the trolls that are thriving on the internet comments boards.

  3. AE says:

    In ordinary circumstances Henley & Partners would have been fired for the catastrophic manner in which the scheme was promoted, destroying Malta’s reputation overnight, when the protection of Malta’s reputation was the reason given as to why they were appointed as concessionaire.

    These are obviously not ordinary circumstances and the fact that the Labour government retained them is indicative that Labour owes them.

  4. Manuel says:

    It is typical of Muscat to refuse to give any information about secretive agreements, such as those signed with Henley & Partners and with the Chinese Communist dictatorship.

    To my mind, there are two reasons why Muscat does not want to divulge the contents of such agreements:

    (a) the contents will reveal his weak and vulnerable personality and will project him as subservient to the other signatories;

    (b) the Labour Party (which is not the government) received huge cash donations from both Henley and Partners and from the Chinese government. In this latter case, if this huge cash flow is revealed, then Muscat will be projected as buying the election by selling what belongs to Malta.

    Muscat has a huge, inflated ego (like his bosom friend, Franco Debono) and he has no plans to deflate himself by revealing the ‘secret’ contents of these two agreements.

    Furthermore, we can all rest assured that when he finally decides to reveal those contents, because it will be the ‘right time’, he will conceal what will hurt him and his party most.

    In other words, when they decide to publish the agreements, we will not be told the whole truth.

    Dr. Busuttil should continue to insist on these issues, issues which were absent from the European Parliament election campaign because Muscat centred everything around his persecuted and martyred gay friend and his 2 cents worth of nothing.

  5. C.Portelli says:

    Quite possibly, that’s why Labour activists pretend to be happy that Simon Busuttil is staying on as party leader. Their not-so-veiled message, quite obviously, is that they want him to go – because he’s being a major thorn into their side – notwithstanding a 9-seat majority.

    Regarding Henley & Partners, I think Busuttil hit the nail right on the head.

    I wouldn’t completely discard the possibility that China and Azerbaijan could have helped out, too. Let’s face it, they are major beneficiaries of the Labour government’s policies and projects.

  6. Tabatha White says:

    I would ask Simon Busuttil to take it one step further than that.

    “Raises suspicion” was months ago.

    That next step needs to be taken without delay.

  7. HP Hippster says:

    The PN is right to raise this concern. The rash manner in which IIP was introduced is at the very least suspicious.

    PL’s campaign was very expensive and people are right to ask ‘where did the money come from?’ ‘to who does this party owe favours’?

    However the PN had decades in which to introduce a strong party financing law, but failed to do so. It only has itself to blame for the situation.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Let us imagine a party financing law HAD been introduced, shall we?

      Upon which the Labour Party would have very considerately published the full text of the secret treaty signed with China in 2010, as well as the details of all money transfers from the Chinese treasury to the MLP bank account in Malta.

  8. observer says:

    Is it that magic one composite word BACK-SCRATCHING?

  9. Calculator says:


    “There are no plans yet regarding when the citizenship monitoring programme is to meet, Home Affairs Minister Manuel Mallia said this evening. […] Dr Azzopardi also asked how many applications had been approved. The minister asked him to ask a specific question so that he would be answered.”

    The arrogance of this man is astounding. We’re supposed to accept that the acceptance of citizenship sale applications is taking place without any monitoring, and are not even allowed to know a detail like the actual number?

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