No wonder people voted for him: this is the sort of talk I’ve heard even at smart parties once the drinks take hold

Published: June 2, 2014 at 3:24pm

Lots of people in Malta, whatever the socio-educational background, tend not to know or understand that it isn’t considered right or acceptable to talk and think this way, so once they’ve had a glass of wine, they just let rip, creating awkwardness and embarrassment to which they appear to be oblivious.

Listen to Norman Lowell in this final message of his before the European Parliament elections, and hear the echo of a hundred monologues and tipsy rants with people you actually know.

No wonder he got 7,000 votes even though he needs a psychiatrist. People raised not to think analytically will always ignore the psychiatric context and just listen to the words – same phenomenon as with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Franco Debono.

13 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Usually the ones who’d boast, tipsy as ever, they don’t pay VAT, will tell you how to do it and do get back in touch to provide the necessary introducing if need be.

    But that was before they couldn’t pay their electricity bill running into tens of thousands of Euros. Heated pools cost money hux, especially when installed using erbgha suwed.

  2. xejn b' xejn says:

    He speaks of the Maltese people as if we are some sort of a higher race. I beg to differ. It takes some serious lack of brains to elect Muscat.

  3. Lorry says:

    This is the gruesome reality of Maltese society.

    It is this that the PN has to put up with. I can’t see how it would work though.

    I actually feel very saddened about it.

  4. Painter says:

    At 7:23 he says:

    ‘Kontinent bhal dak mimmli rikezza, għax ma jizviluppawhx?’

    I will answer this very quickly. Basically because of European colonial rule, climate, political mismanagement, and exploitation.

    A lot of Africa’s present-day problems can be traced back to mainly western European colonialism, mistreatment, and eventual negligence and collapse in the face of two World Wars.

    Today, there is a lot of poverty because of all this and maniacs such as Idi Amin ruled and still rule these countries thinking they are the toughest. If people wanted to escape East Germany so bad, then it shouldn’t come as a surprise if these people in Africa want to escape their homeland, mainly because of wars.

    Anyway, I stopped watching halfway through because I feared for my own sanity.

  5. Nietzsche says:

    Ilu hamsin sena jippriedka u jikteb kontra is-suwed, il-Gizwiti, il-Lhud, il-kollettivizmu u favur idejat pazzeski kif jmexxi hu kieku jkun fil-poter.

    Iz-zmien wera li falla kompletament ghax irnexxielu jigbor ftit eluf wara daz-zmien kollu.

    Miskin Lowell, mhux rappresentant denju tar-razza Arjana.

  6. kev says:

    “…it isn’t considered right or acceptable to talk and think this way…”

    By whom, exactly, is it not considered right or acceptable?

    Does it fall under the Politburo, or is it directly under Ingsoc rules? I keep forgetting.

    [Daphne – You know as well as I do, or rather better because you were a policeman yourself, that law enforcement officers and members of the Armed Forces are subject to different standards. The reason why a soldier shouldn’t think and talk like this is the same reason why a magistrate shouldn’t.]

    • kev says:

      That is not my point. I’m talking about the political content of a politician, not whether soldiers should disclose their political affiliations.

      [Daphne – Well, I’m talking about soldiers. Crossed wires then.]

  7. Gabriella says:

    Dan bniedem (jew annimal) bestjali. Kemm ghandu ragun minn qal li dawk is-7,000 u u fuqhom li ivvuttawlhom huma idjoti.

    Dan bniedem perikuluz hafna. Jien nahseb li ghandu bzonn psikjatra minnufih li jghejx mieghu u li ma jithalliex wahdu.

    Malta ma ghandiex tigi mhedda minn dan il-mignun.

    • Chris M says:

      Idiots are the ones who voted for the status-quo, the MLP and the PN who in the bast 10-12 years have not done much with regards to illegal immigration.

      Marine Le Pen hit the nail in the head and has said what I have always thought myself, that push backs is the only humane way to deal with illegal immigration, both for the immigrants and for the countries pushing them back.

      Those who are against push backs, those who give immigrants hope of a future in Europe with “free” medical treatment, child care and the like are themselves indirectly responsible for encouraging immigrants to take the very dangerous risk of crossing the sea.

      • La Redoute says:

        What rubbish, honestly. What total and utter rubbish. Yo must have had a very sheltered existence if you believe that. Or have you led the life of a sponger and believe that everyone’s like that?

        Your comment doesn’t even make sense. No one in need of medical treatment could ever make such a dangerous journey, let alone for the sake of free childcare, of all things.

        As for Marine Le Pen, that’s a fine example you’ve chosen. Le Pen scrounged a living acting as a lawyer for immigrants even as she campaigned for her deranged father’s cause.

  8. Optimist says:

    Is it just me thinking that, or do many of his supporters hail from overseas?

    Is Malta now becoming a mecca for “white” extremists?

    • Painter says:

      You should take a look at some of the comments on Those who write negative comments against immigrants, in favour of Norman Lowell and such usually have a foreign surname.

      [Daphne – Those are assumed names. They pick a foreign name because they think it’s more impressive. That’s how proud they are to be Maltese.]

      • Roy says:

        So if this chap is really about preserving Maltese blood, why does he only pick on Africans? What about the Eastern Europeans, Asians, etc.? Won’t they also dilute our blood?

        So really and truly he’s only on about race and cleansing, not about preserving our identity (if it ever was endangered).

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