Mr and Mrs Kohl Rabi, voting in style – the sequel

Published: June 2, 2014 at 6:41pm

Mrs Luciano Busuttil votes

Luciano Busuttil

You will remember the photograph Luciano Busuttil uploaded on Facebook, of his wife dressed as though for a night on the razzle in Manchester, on her way to vote in the EP elections, with the caption ‘voting in style’.

Well, here’s the sequel: Mrs Luciano Busuttil with her voting document, showing off the gel nails which match her outfit and which must give her silly husband one hell of a thrill (and he will no doubt tell us all about it at some stage, on Facebook).

Meanwhile, he’s getting a rise out of the hamlets vote.

18 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    I think there may have been a major use of mobile phones inside those polling booths.

    Certified votes as IOU’s.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Democracy turns me on.

  3. Wilson says:

    Wonder how he ever sleeps in the first place, with those frightening nails beside him.

  4. blurover says:

    Mrs Luciano Busuttil, voting in style – all that’s missing is the Hallowe’en pumpkin.

  5. edgar says:

    Those nails must be a turn-on for lover boy Luciano.

  6. WhoamI? says:

    najs nails pupa. cu qalbs.

  7. Neil says:

    Hair straightened to the point of yanking it out in one frazzled mess, massive gel talons, half an inch of make-up, eyebrows are a hair-free zone, courtesy of Rimmel (London), or possibly Natius-Ola (Haz-Zebbug).

    X’hamallagni ta’nies.

  8. Nokkla says:

    Totally crass…I suspect Mrs Luciano Busuttil has the IQ of a mule.

  9. The Phoenix says:

    I hope they don’t turn up again at Marsa Sports Club yet again this year, complete with try-hard accents and the nasty tattoos Mrs Kohl Rabi sports at the pool.

  10. Joe Fenech says:

    Your wife makes a great Essex girl, Mr Busuttil.

  11. FGF says:

    “Oh grandma, what long nails you have!”

    “All the better to scratch you with, Luciano.”

  12. Roy says:

    And I thought you weren’t allowed the use of mobile phones anywhere near a polling station?

    That bianco perla aluminum window frame and magnolia painted wall screams public-school-used-as-polling-station.

  13. Rita Camilleri says:

    Is she able to do anything with those nails?

    [Daphne – Maybe they’re detachable and she takes them off when she goes to the loo or needs to peel a couple of onions.]

  14. Timon of Athens says:

    Oh dear God, she is ugly.

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