Mother of disabled young man lays into Norman Lowell, Arlette Baldacchino and Imperium Europa

Published: June 3, 2014 at 1:14am

Marica Bayliss, whose 22-year-old son was born mentally and physically disabled, has laid into Norman Lowell and the real freaks at Imperium Europa by posting a photograph of her son on Facebook and letting rip beneath it.

Her open letter to Lowell and his mates has attracted more than 3,500 ‘likes’ so far.

Read it here or go to the link below.

Bayliss 1

Bayliss 2

21 Comments Comment

  1. Not Sandy:P says:

    Posted beneath Mrs Bayliss’ open letter:

    Peter Floyd henry…………… kieku bayliss kienet mara, kienet taghmel il-kummenti tahha, bla tajjar lin-nies. kienet tohrog ta’ mara.. imma le.. hlief tajjir ma harigg minn fomma.. hekk tridu tigbru giehkhom…issa wara kollox. l-elezjoni ghaddiet.. halli lill- NORMAN LOWELL BI KWIETU.. AHNA QED NIKKOPJAW IT-THEDDID TAKHOM KOLLU…… HULLUH BI KWIETU…

    • Not Sandy:P says:

      Here’s the Lowell groupie Peter Floyd again:

      Peter Floyd hu lilek hadd ma qallek biex teqred lill-ibnek.. studja l-malti qabel tiggudika lill-NORMAN LOWELL… ghax bhallma inti taqbez ghall ibnek, ahna naqqbzu ghall-norman lowell…ghax iz-zejjed kollu zejjed….imiskhom tisthu, qazzistuh bniedem. kemm inthom hodor hu antipatiki…bikhom trid timxi d-dinja..

  2. ken il malti says:

    That young man looks a lot like a young Hasil Adkins.

  3. anthony says:

    On this very same subject, Dominic Lawson penned a journalistic masterpiece in yesterday’s Daily Mail.

    It was a celebration of his daughter Domenica’s nineteenth birthday. She was born with Down’s Syndrome.

    Lawson is one of Britain’s leading journalists and is married to Rosa Monckton, Mabel Strickland’s great-niece.

    I strongly recommend this magnum opus because I, for one, was completely shattered and almost reduced to tears while reading it.

    It has to be quite something to get me into such a state because I happen to be a hardened old salt.

    • Jozef says:

      You’re right, it is a masterpiece denoting what we’ve lost; hope.

      One really needs to ask whether abortion for generalised ‘medical, social and financial’ reasons is the ultimate oppression.

      What gets to me is how the left everywhere dictates who gets to contribute and to what extent. So Down’s Syndrome renders humans unfit and a burden, and no Catholic institution can say otherwise.

      Separation of state and faith please, that hope be reduced to expectation of ‘rights’.

  4. Roderick Cutajar says:

    Is-sinjura Bayliss kienet diskreta fl-opinjoni tieghi. Dawn in-nies ta’ Imperium Europa jistqhilhom aghar minn hekk – posthom mhux fis-socjeta.

  5. manum says:

    There is a lot about Maltese society that makes us feel uncomfortable.

  6. Random says:

    Clayton is a charming young man who I have had the pleasure of working with some years ago. He has a heart of gold and will go out of his way to help his peers.

    He is a dedicated and hard-working young man who has found the strength to overcome many obstacles and has brought great pride to all those who have elieved in him through the years.

    ‘Il mondo é bello perché é variato’. People with special needs bring just as much value to our lives as any other one of us.

  7. iced bun says:

    The coward deleted the photo and all the comments.

  8. Albert says:

    You’re giving this man all the publicity he hankers for. There are going to be those dimwits who agree with him.

  9. kaiser says:

    This is nonsense and is getting boring. You people are all trying to make Norman Lowell look bad by this disgusting news which is not true regards what he said. Norman Lowell never said that we should not allow any disabled children to be born he said that the couple will decide if to keep the baby or not according to how serious the disability will be and I agree 100% no one has to right to decide for me or my wife. Why would I agree ? because for me serious disability is not a decent life for a human being it is suffering till dead.

    The picture of this young gentleman above, albeit with special needs, he seems fit enough to walk, talk and do things on his own, he even works, not every disabled person is like him and everyone knows this.

    You are all trying to make Norman Lowell look bad just because he got 7000 votes in the MEP’s for saying the truth about illegal immigration.

  10. michael seychell says:

    There is no need to make Norman Lowell look bad. HE has been doing it himself for a number of years now. Norman Lowell and his ilk are their own worst enemies.

  11. aaron lavallette says:

    All I see is norman Lowell and his imperium Europa team have been attacked by the Zionist media and gahan leftists on something many maltese misunderstood norman lowell.Since Imperium Europa received 7,000 positive votes and will have more by the next election, greens and other leftist gahans are in a panic mode.
    Norman Lowell specifically said that the mother has a ”CHOICE” if she wants her disabled unborn child aborted, not abort all disabled children like the media says so. The government should have no authority on this choice. ”IN THE END THE ZIONIST MEDIA (PEPPE AZZOPARDI) AND HIS LEFTIST CLOWNS HAVE TRICKED ITS GAHAN LEFTIST POPULATION …”GAHANS”

    • Not Sandy:P says:

      Peppi Azzopardi isn’t Jewish. If you’re going to parrot that ridiculous old fool you admire do much, at least take the time to work out what he’s saying.

      You have to question your own sanity, fantasising about licking Lowell’s shoes all the way from Australia. Your choice of moniker is even more absurd, given that you have obviously not understood that a) La Vallete was not the Grandmaster’s surname but the place he came from, which was in France, not Malta and b) under his rule your ancestors were probably Muslim slaves and not the grand heroes of your fevered imagination.

      And it’s NASA not nassa. If you fancy being blasted into space, ask Lowell to pit you in his gene capsule, though he’s more likely to put you into his incinerator for having an even lower IQ than his.

    • Not Sandy:P says:

      Something else Norman Lowell didn’t bother telling you, because he regards you with contempt: he is barred from running for election in Malta and by the tine the next MEP election rolls round, he could well be dead from old age.

  12. george says:

    mara ta’ kuragg kbir u haqqa’ kull rispett. dak il-kliem norman Lowell qatt ma messu qalu …. m’ahniex fil-germanja nazista. u lil dak il-bahnan ta’ Floyd nghidlu li zmein il-kontijiet ma zibel bhalhu wasal ukoll. iz-zibel ahna narmuh u ma nzommuhx f’darna u l-inqas fuq il-Gzira ta’ Pawlu.

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