General Workers Union man refers to immigrants as ‘filth’ on Facebook and calls for immediate push-backs

Published: June 11, 2014 at 11:49pm

Roderick Meilaq 1

Roderick Meilaq 2

Roderick Meilaq of the General Workers Union Youth Section has reacted on Facebook to the news that half of all HIV cases in Malta involve African immigrants. In translation:

Look what sort of filth is coming into our country! Push-backs now! If we don’t start reacting, this problem is going to spin out of control and then it will be too late.

Can you imagine having a daughter and then this monster comes along and gives her HIV? (Jmarradilek – lit. trans. ‘makes your possession sick’; in other words, this is something that’s being done to you via your daughter, rather than being done to your daughter).

What will you say then? I don’t think you’ll carry on agreeing (that they be allowed to stay).

Open your eyes, idiot!

23 Comments Comment

  1. Nana says:

    Roderick, how patetic can you be. Push them back is what you said, how about if it was you one of those immigrants, do you want to be pushed back?

    If you follow the news around the world every country has the same problem: USA-Mexican, Canada the same they have over 250.000 immigrants working in the black economy, they don’t send their kids to school because if they do they get caught.

    UK? From all over the world. Europe it’s like us – pushing them is not an answer. The government should leave the door open for them to leave the island when they want not send them to court because they try to leave.

    It doesn’t make sense. For sure they don’t want to live on our island that is limited.

  2. Not Sandy:P says:

    He’s in good company. There’s a Rod Abela, who’s a senior manager at Bank of Valletta, who frequently posts offensive remarks about immigrants.

    One of Rod Abela’s latest comments refers to immigrants as ‘sangwisugi’ (sic) posted in – no surprises there – the racist Facebook group run by Lowell groupie Charles Sammut.

  3. Antoine Vella says:

    This Facebook exchange illustrates what I been saying about the consequences of Labour’s careless talk.

    As a Labour supporter Roderick Meliaq would obviously like people to vote PL. His rant however brings one reaction: “LOWELL!!!!!”

    Incidentally, “ġaħan” is one of Lowell’s favourite insults.

  4. RC says:

    What kind of father thinks illegal mass deportations are more effective than teaching safe sex to his daughter?

  5. Osservatore says:

    Religious views – “Atheist”

    This is perhaps the source of most problems. Some of us no longer believe in any form of supreme entity (a rose by any other name), placing themselves above all others and losing all form of reverence and respect, for their fellow men and themselves in the process.

    I am not advocating any religious belief, for I am not a fervent believer in spite of my catholic schooling. I did however adopt an accepted value set by which I try to live my life. Every religion has its own value set, and many of these overlap.

    Yet to wear one’s atheism as though it was a badge of courage speaks volumes about a person and their values. Whereas I chose not to publicly express my beliefs, I do not do so for shame, for fear of offending anyone, or for fear of anyone. I simply think that my beliefs are my own and nobody else should be privy to them. To see someone proudly brandishing his lack of belief on Facebook, is entirely something else.

    Socialism planted the seed of atheism in Malta, and it was later nurtured by the inevitable liberalisation of media and globalisation. But with the form of atheist socialism that the Malta Labour party militantly advocated, when it all but declared war on the Church, and where the church fought back with excommunication, it is inevitable see the wedge being driven into the hearts of those catholics whose loyalties were torn by their fervent belief in Socialism.

    This same wedge also seems to have served to outline each of the parties’ core beliefs with the atheist Socialists on the one side and the Demo-Christian Nationalists on the other.

    It is this underlying atheist socialism that still drives today’s Partit Laburista where the the end is seen as a justification of the means, whilst the Partit Nazzjonalista are often able to take the higher moral ground that remains consistent with their underlying beliefs.

    One swallow does not a summer make. I would be reluctant to ever call all Labourites atheists or all Nationalists Christian. However, all it takes is for one person, one rotten apple, to be democratically elected for the crowds to follow and the rot to set in. Mintoff, Mifsud Bonnici, Muscat – the Partit Laburista seems to grow these apples by the dozen.

    Failing to see the value sets that underlie each of the respective political parties’ actions is really missing the elephant in the room. The more time passes, the more the apples spoil.

    • Liberal says:

      Atheism has nothing to do with politics. You will find atheists in all political wings, if you care to look.

      You will also find that the more “atheism” is dogmatic, the less it is actually about religious belief and the more it is about controlling the masses. Lenin and Stalin are prime examples of that.

      • Osservatore says:

        It has everything to do with Maltese politics, and Maltese history proves that time and again. The context is national and not international.

        Of course there are those who like to sound liberal and trendy and brandish the term Atheism freely without really understanding what it means.

      • Liberal says:

        Please do teach me what atheism means, dear Osservatore. And while you’re at it, please explain to me also what liberalism means. I would be eternally grateful.

    • Liberal says:

      “Religious views – “Atheist” This is perhaps the source of most problems. Some of us no longer believe in any form of supreme entity (a rose by any other name), placing themselves above all others and losing all form of reverence and respect, for their fellow men and themselves, in the process.

      It’s either that, or in my case I treat people better because I believe this life is the only one they have.

      I could equally claim that belief in an afterlife is the source of most of our problems since most people believe God will forgive and things will be well in the afterlife. But I won’t. I don’t generalise in that way.

      So please don’t latch on to the word “Atheist” under his Basic Information. What if it said “Christian”? Would it matter at all?

      • Osservatore says:

        Yes it would have mattered even more. I would have reacted even stronger than I did if the man called himself “Christian”. As a Christian, he would really need to rethink his values or, if my judgement of his IQ is correct, update his basic information accordingly. No Christian should ever pass such comments. It is you who has “latched on” to the word atheist, failing to see it within the context of his post.

        “Christian” would have denoted specific understandable values to which a person aspires, but not necessarily adheres. “Atheist” on the other hand communicates the lack of any specific values. Granted that it does not necessarily imply that he has no values at all, but it makes for a more volatile person, a person who is more likely to carry out a threat.

        You say that have values. Bully for you. Many others do too. Whereas it is not my intention to generalise, I still cannot ignore that notwithstanding a few nice atheists (yourself included), there have been some who have set some very dangerous precedents. My point is that when an atheist, who lacks values, finds himself in a position of power, the consequences tend to be dire. You did not strengthen your case by mentioning Stalin, but to the contrary, simply helped to illustrate my point.

        In conclusion, had Mr. Meilaq been discussing the racing car on his cover photo, I would have not even blinked at his beliefs. But it does matters when this man, an atheist like yourself (or he could have been a Christian like others) is spitting hateful xenophobic vemon and advocating the push-backs of genuine refugees.

      • Liberal says:

        Explain to me this, Osservatore. If both atheists and Christians can spit hateful xenophobic venom, then in what way is their religious belief relevant?

        I may be mistaken, but I would have thought that being repulsed by xenophobia comes from basic humanity and living out the golden rule (which predates Christianity).

      • Liberal says:

        ““Atheist” on the other hand communicates the lack of any specific values”.

        Wrong. Being atheist simply means not believing in a deity. No more, no less.

      • Liberal says:

        “My point is that when an atheist, who lacks values, finds himself in a position of power, the consequences tend to be dire”.

        Not exactly. I would claim that when any person finds himself in a position of absolute power, the consequences tend to be dire. I need not remind you of the inquisition.

  6. Ivan says:

    Dan persuna bla valuri (ghax huwa ateju) u bla principji. Minflok qal li l-genituri irridu jghalmu lill uliedhom sew bniet kif ukoll subien kif iggibu ruhom mas-sess opposit qed jghajjar lill dawn l-imigranti hmieg u monstri!

    Persuna vojt bhalu lanqas hdejn il hmieg ma jixraqlu joqghod.

    • Liberal says:

      Nassigurak li jien, li jien ateju, ghandi valuri iktar minnek. Tiggeneralizzax, Ivan.

      • The Mole says:

        Minn meta l-valuri saru d-dominju assolut tat-teisti? Generalizzazjoni vojta u disgustanti ghal ahhar. Small island mentality. Anzi imxejna pass u m’ghadnix nigu msejha mazuni.

        It-teisti, u jekk trid inkunu iktar specifci, il-Kattolici, kollha mimlija valuri kbar, tarax! Kemm iddur dawra madwarek.

  7. Socrates says:

    Tony Zarb should give this man a good rapping about his views, and some instructions on how people in certain positions should handle Facebook.

  8. Calculator says:

    So I guess we can’t count on the GWU to persist in its crusade against precarious work when it comes to African migrants?

  9. Ruth says:

    What about the other 50%? Do they include foreign WHITE students and tourists?

  10. skrun says:

    It seems to me that our Roderick here did not bother to look into where the other 50% of the cases of HIV are coming from. Dear Mr Meilaq, it could already be too late for you … it could be your daughter’s white (or Mediterranean) boyfriend who constitutes part of the other 50%.

    And if so, what will you do, push him, her or both back? To where?

  11. Chris M says:

    That article from is from 2009 which makes me wonder how much more the percentage is today, 5 years later.

    That article goes to show how undemocratic the BA and the political parties were when during the EP elections they did everything possible to block Norman Lowell’s video which highlighted these facts.

    50% of HIV (AIDS) cases involve African migrants who make up just ONE PERCENT of the population. This is shocking but not at all surprising.

    Someone please tell me why on earth we keep bringing them into our country ? HIV / AIDS is not the only disease that a large percentage of immigrants bring here with them.

    All it takes is for one careless and stupid Maltese man or woman to go with one of these immigrants and unknowingly spread the HIV/AIDS virus among other Maltese.

    There have been reports of prostitution amongst immigrants, both female and male around certain areas in Marsa and Hal Far. That some Maltese women, usually fat and ugly end up dating/having sex with refugees is no secret either.

    • Liberal says:

      Ah, Chris M. I suppose you are one of those who also believes that if a man has sex with a prostitute and contracts AIDS, it is the prostitute’s fault.

  12. Liberal says:

    To all those slandering atheists with the obviously false claim that we lack values, please note that xenophobia is not just about skin colour.

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