Mr and Mrs Bruce Willis + child: they’re in Malta to visit Nanna

Published: June 12, 2014 at 3:39am

Bruce Willis

Bruce Willis Heming

Zorina Heming

Zorina Heming 2

Zorina 3

Zorina 4

Zorina 5

Zorina 6

Bruce Willis is in Malta. He was photographed carrying his newest child, so one assumes that his wife is here too. Times of Malta reports that the purpose of his visit is not known, but that his wife Emma was born in Malta then raised in London and California.

Well, going on that bit of information it takes about two seconds to work out why they’re here: visiting nanna.

Bruce Willis’s mother-in-law lives in Siggiewi, in a house that appears to have been bought and paid for by her daughter, Mrs Bruce Willis.

So first you find out what his wife’s full name is: Emma Heming. Then you run a search on ‘Emma Heming Maltese’ to find out whether she is half Maltese because that’s what she looks like (very Middle Eastern).

And that search immediately turns up a reference to Zorina Heming who first discovered the beautiful island of Malta & c & c (which means that she is not Maltese) and who returned with her Maltese-born daughter Emma Frances Willis nee Heming to look for a place to buy, which they found in Siggiewi and restored and redesigned with New York architect Matthew Berman and Valletta-based Architecture Project (AP).

The house is quite clearly offered for rent, hence the website advertising it, and it has also been put up for sale for Eur1.7 million – but Bruce Willis’s kunjata has a Maltese mobile phone number and a maltanet email address which means that she’s based here.

So then it’s off to Facebook to look for Zorina Heming, and yes, she lives in Malta and actually in Siggiewi, in that house or a similar one. And she’s from Georgetown, Guyana, hence her daughter’s looks.

That her daughter paid for the house is an assumption I’m making because Zorina Heming says on Facebook that she works at the Black Gold Pub, the Gzira Strand saloon which has been a mecca for rig workers and similar for decades.

22 Comments Comment

  1. Paul says:

    And Bruce’s kunjata with a luxury villa works at Black Gold Pub? As what? A barmaid? Must be some kind of joke me thinks.

    [Daphne – If you go to Zorina Heming’s FB page, and use a bit of insight, you will see that the Heming family is British working-class. Bruce Willis’s wife has a half-brother (same father, different mother) who is a truck driver. The fact that Mrs Heming’s daughter grew up to be stunning and model-shaped, going on to get extensive modelling work for houses like Dior and then catch the attention of Bruce Willis, does not change the circumstances of Mrs Heming herself. She remains what she is, unless you think she should stop working and live off her daughter. The Duchess of Cambridge’s uncle is a drunken, drug-addicted louche in the Balearic islands – how does that change for him because his sister’s daughter marries the heir to the British throne?]

  2. A says:

    Bruce Willis’s mother-in-law works at Black Gold Pub!

    • Boy on a bike says:

      Actually she does not, and never did, work in Black Gold saloon, 95 The Strand, Sliema, Malta, and that I can vouch for. Maybe there is another Black Gold pub somewhere else on the planet, that I cannot vouch for.

  3. rob says:

    Times of Malta: slow on the uptake.

  4. albona says:

    Honestly, could it be about time they get some training on investigative journalism instead of copying and pasting the vast majority of their stories from Reuters?

  5. Katin says:

    The place is actually for sale for 1.7 million Euros.

  6. Stephen says:

    Now why didn’t the newspaper do that.

  7. zz says:

    I have always wondered what qualifications are needed to become a journalist or reporter. Is there a university course or something similar?

    Another question, what is the difference between reporter and journalist?

    Considering the low quality news we are getting from every media in Malta I believe something is failing in this industry miserably! Whilst you, Daphne, have long years of experience, one doesn’t require a PHD to do the research you illustrated above.

    [Daphne – A journalist is not a superior being to a reporter. A journalist is simply anyone who works on the editorial side of the print, broadcast or online media. Within that broad category, there are different categories – e.g. photographer, editor, reporter, columnist, restaurant reviewer and so on.]

    • Last Post says:

      As Charles Mangion would have it, “it’s in the(ir) DNA”.

    • Rob says:

      I understand they also teach you psychology as part of the course curriculum now.

      Just in case you break down and cry like Maltatoday’s reporter Miriam Dalli, while pretending to be objective and neutral when reporting on the recent MEPs election.

  8. I am glad to hear that Malta can be such a welcoming place to outsiders. Let us now respect their privacy.

    Dear DCG, have you ever thought of setting up a master’s course for media operatives? I presume you may be too busy to have time for that.

  9. M. says:

    Bruce and Emma Willis have two daughters, a toddler and a newborn:

  10. Tabatha White says:

    I rather appreciate Bruce Willis as an actor.

    And I also like this angle. It does make his “Maltese roots” more real and it doesn’t mean that as an actor I appreciate him any less.

    I’ve seen them around in Malta and think they look gorgeous as a couple.

    As to the rest, I’m sure they’re only surprised there wasn’t a closer zoom into things earlier.

    Thank you for the backgound colour, Daphne.

    Perhaps as an offshoot from your site you could develop a printed tabloid-style paper on a weekly basis?

    People need something they can turn over during quiet moments.

  11. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Excellent piece of common sense investigative journalism.

  12. Aunt Hetty says:

    Good luck to the Willises and may their stay in Malta be happy.

  13. Jesus H Christ says:

    Daily Mail, once again given a run for its money

  14. Daniela Messina Ferrante says:

    Respect people’s privacy !!!
    They came to Malta so what….

  15. Kim says:

    “…she’s from Georgetown, Guyana, hence her daughter’s looks.”

    A nice article, although that info is a little vague.
    In my experience, I don’t think a lot of people are familiar with where Guyana is, who Guyanese people are, or what they look like. Guyanese are usually either of African descent, but the majority are of Indian descent, people who came from india in the 19th century. There are other groups, as well as mixed-race people. The Guyanese are quite like Trinidadians and other Caribbean people, as far as culture goes. If that picture above is of Emma’s mother, than perhaps we could just say, instead, that Emma is half-Indian Guyanese.

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