The glitterati (somebody ring Hello magazine)
February 13, 2010 at 12:24am
Here is a glamorously attired magistrate Herrea with her lover wearing some very chic spectacles, and on the far right, getting the guys all worked up with fantasies of girl-on-girl action, Labour’s brand-new secretary of the national executive (whatever that might mean).
On second thoughts, forget Hello magazine. Call Chat or Take-A-Break instead.
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On the far right I see Lydia Abela, il-wicc gdid fuq it-tim tal-Lejber.
Now hear her (have patience, she speaks towards the end)
Bit odd, isn’t it, that while the women are all dolled up, Lothario dresses down in jeans and a baggy shirt with rolled up sleeves.
Grrrr. I don’t like being out shined by women. If I force a smile no one will notice I’m grinding my teeth.
Musumeci.. imma dan vera Nazzjonalist? Jew kien qed jidhak bin-nies fl-elezzjoni tat-2008?
Who is that octogenarian dressed up and behaving like a spoilt teenager?
This photo gives me the creeps.
Tghid xi hadd cempel lil Joseph Muscat biex jara l-wicc gdid?
Mela Musumeci mal-Laburisti biss jippoza?
The ladies in this photo are much better looking then your witch.
We would rather keep our intelligent ‘witch’, than a bunch of tarts on heat.
At least our ‘witch’ dresses her age! I have never seen her dressed like a tart.
Well, not yet – she may start copying the Lejber lot soon!
also more classy then most of you hammalli
Well, it’s a matter of taste (or lack of).
And how would you know that?
That was addressed to ‘Salvu’.
I realised, don’t worry. Your posts have a habit of appearing under mine. Looks like the same kind of people get our goat.
The blondie reminds of Mick Ronson. You’d never guess he was from Hull. But then again …
In my opinion, this sweet girl Lydia fell for it. Muscat gets rid of Jason, emasculates the post of secretary-general, and creates another type of secretary to the executive, basically a glorified note-taker.
Then he casts around for a suitable candidate, and his elves find him this girl. It was emphasized that she is married to the president’s son. Not once, but twice on Super one in one sitting.
Muscat calls her a “mara li rnexiet”. In what way, may I ask?
[Daphne – That struck me too, but for different reasons. As opposed to what – all the other women who didn’t succeed? The exception that proves the rule? The dog that walked on its hind legs? What? So patronising. Jaqq.]
Muscat has used her to be seen with the delegati as being sooooo close to George Abela that he actually handpicked his daughter-in-law. He is using her, as his token showpiece, and the girl, coming from a staunch Labour background, does not need much convincing. She is the ‘woman professional from the middle class’ now.
Once Muscat achieves his aims, Dr Lydia will be discarded like a wet tissue. Using people cynically in this way does not bode well for the future. The message is clear: ha niffangaw, u ara min joqghodilna fin-nofs.
Muscat may have scored some points by choosing the President’s daughter-in-law but he did it to the detriment of the presidency. I heard so many comments to this effect.
Re “mara li rnexxiet”. It’s a bit like the constant references to “middleclass”, tacitly saying that the rest are riff-raff.
How is it that of all those women Musu chose the sack of potatoes with the Halloween pumpkin on top?
Rachel Tua, Labour’s new ‘equal opportunities’ officer kien jonqos. She would have added more spice to this photo believe me!
Jealousy Ghax ma toqodx hdejn Sormom
Now, why would anyone want to do that, eh? That’s a rather careless remark. It suggests you know more about their posterior that would be desirable.
Xejn ma jabizlek P.Borg. Veru ghogobtni. Nixtieq insaqsi lill Joseph Muscat jghidilna min huma in-nisa li ma rnexxewx. Imqar isem wiehed u ghaliex ukoll.mGhadhom halib ommom fi snienhom u diga bdew jiggudikaw, ahseb u ara meta jikbru se jaghmlu.
Who are the ‘Ukrainian’ women in the picture? And what are they doing there?