Update on Raymond Ambrogio, the immigrant-hating, Norman Lowell-supporting policeman

Published: June 13, 2014 at 9:28am

Raymond Ambrogio 7

Raymond Ambrogio 1

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There’s a discussion going on between Raymond Ambrogio, the policeman who thinks nothing of speaking disparagingly about African immigrants on full public view on Facebook, and others who are 1. trying to reason with him, and 2. sticking up for him and justifying his actions.

It comes as no surprise that the former are literate and can reason to a greater or lesser extent, while the latter can barely express themselves (but then they probably have little to express).

And Ambrogio himself just doesn’t understand that as a police officer/law enforcer he should neither hold views like his nor express them in public. Though I have to say that it is far better, if police officers hold racist and anti-immigrant views, that they express those views publicly as it allows the rest of us to identify them for what they are.

If they are going to hold those views anyway, better we know that they do so, because what is the alternative? That they keep those views covert and inflict their secret prejudices on their victims in ways that will be hard to prove or pinpoint.

But either way, we can’t trust them to be fair. And police officers with views and ignorance like Raymond Ambrogio’s give the rest of the force a bad name. When people wear a uniform, that’s what happens. Your behaviour affects your uniform and anybody who wears it.

19 Comments Comment

  1. Bob says:

    I hope the Police investigate him

  2. Not Sandy:P says:

    Raymond Ambrogio said publicly that he went to Paceville to persuade people to vote for Norman Lowell. It is not clear whether he was wearing his uniform at the time.

  3. Chris says:

    I work in public service and it deeply disturbs me how often I come across racist sentiment in my colleagues who should also be there to serve the public.

    And what you read on Facebook is unfortunately only the tip of a very dirty iceberg. For those few who express their hatred on Facebook, there are hundreds (if not thousands) more who keep their views out of the public eye – at least until they’ve had one or two drinks.

  4. zz says:

    I didn’t manage to get through past the first one … haven’t got the stomach for it … but what’s funny is that they say that Malta is a democratic state and everyone is free to have his point of view and express them how he wants but Daphne (called DCG) cannot express her views!

    So it’s fine if they express views which can offend and are morally/ethically incorrect but other cannot correct them.

    Le, le imbasta najtu li ahna demokratici imam critika ma naccetawx!

  5. observer says:

    Sickening, repulsive, inhuman and unbelievable.

  6. Manuel says:

    If there was still a PN government, these army and police officers would have either been asked to put their Facebook page down, or would have been investigated.

    Under a PL government they find themselves at home because it is the skip they belong to.

    They find no objections, as army or police officers, to air their political views thinking that all people they have to deal with in the line of their duty are all Laburisti.

    Muscat and Mallia will one day have to answer for their irresponsibility.

  7. Daisy says:

    Well, looking at these comments, one can really understand why Labour is in government. As you see you have more people insulting than having a normal civil conversation.

    Some of these really showed their true colours.

    Daphne, keep on your excellent work as you only say the truth and nothing but the truth and it’s true that truth hurts. LP supporters see you as a threat and that’s why their try to belittle you.

    I know you don’t need this but keep strong as you are much better than them. Keep exposing these cowards for what they really are. A bunch of unintelligent lot. Thanks for your work.

    • Spock says:

      Well said, Daisy! And Daphne, for every brain-dead brute who hates you, there are a dozen more with a normal brain who admire, respect and need your blog to keep sane.

      Keep it up.

      • James says:

        Actually Spock, the sad truth is that for every intellectual person with a normal brain, there’s a dozen of brain-dead brutes.

        How else would the LP win an election with such a majority?

  8. Josette says:

    “I don’t argue with women and children”!

    Why am I not surprised that he is both racist AND sexist. I always think that women who attach themselves to men like this (although there are some women who are as bad as these men) must be crazy as someone with so little respect for other human beings is intrinsically dangerous.

  9. Anthony V Falzon says:

    Isn’t he risking internal disciplinary proceedings for expressing these views? I would hope so.

  10. Bubu says:

    This “DCG kissret it PN” trope that has been started by the PL is getting out of hand, being repeated even by Nationalist Party supporters.

    It’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.

    If anything, Daphne stopped the PN from sinking even lower at the polling-booths and it is to the PN’s disgrace that they never support her publicly.

    Give them the two-fingered salute I say to the PN, and give Daphne the support she deserves. This lily-livered tiptoeing all over the place that the PN is doing is getting on my nerves.

    • Dave says:

      This is typical “min m’huwiex maghna kontra taghna”. PL cannot understand that criticism can come from free thinking people so it must be the darn Nats driving it.

  11. Rita Camilleri says:

    What is that medal he is so proudly wearing for? Definitely not for compassion towards those less fortunate than us. A disgrace to his uniform.

  12. carlos says:

    Perhaps the reason why uniformed personnel are so much prejudiced against the illegal immigrants is because they are the front liners in facing the onslaught of these people. We must remember that many or all the trouble created by these people is hardly reported in the media. Just ask the officers at Hal Far.

    [Daphne – You’d cause trouble too if you were imprisoned without trial in those abject conditions, after a journey through hell. You need to be able to put yourself in their shoes, not the soldiers’.]

    • Marlowe says:

      It’s a case of ‘if you put people in cages, and treat them like animals, they behave like animals’.

  13. L. Galea says:

    What is their problem, they just have to deal with it for 25 years then sit back and enjoy their pension. Dealing with migrants is part of the job they signed up for, if they do not like it, they can jolly well give up their pension perk and find another job.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Funny what I found at home in my cd collection…

  15. Matt says:

    What a gentleman – “I don’t argue with women and children ;) “

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