And here’s another one: Tony Bonello, a Maltese law enforcer boasting about how he enjoys shooting Somalis and how if it were up to him and his gun, not one boatload of immigrants would get to Malta

Published: June 13, 2014 at 9:36am

Tony Bonello 1

Tony Bonello 2

Tony Bonello 3_motherfuckers

Tony Bonello 4

Tony Bonello 5

Tony Bonello 7

Tony Bonello 8

Tony Bonello 9

Tony Bonello 10

Tony Bonello 11

Tony Bonello 12

Tony Bonello 13

Tony Bonello 14

Tony Bonello 15

Tony Bonello

76 Comments Comment

  1. Bob says:

    Lowell 1 Sant 2, that is the partnership that Joseph Muscat has made with 7,000 Maltese Citizens.

  2. Not Sandy:P says:

    “No. 1 Norman Lowell. No. 2 Alfred Sant.”

    Well, that shows you where they’re coming from, politically.

  3. Don Camillo says:

    You know what, Daphne? When I see these public officials sworn in to protect others, sporting arms and worse still pronouncing themselves publicly against the spirit of that which they should uphold, I become really concerned at how the government has lost its grip on such vital institutions.

    Do we have a Maltese version of a Boko Haram army/police force, that when given the chance they will pop shots into vulnerable human beings?

    Do these people give us confidence that our army patrol boats do not do target practice on these people?

    Are these people so mind-tainted that they toss life-jackets to immigrant boats to then speed away to look out for yachts with topless ladies?

    I do not know what else to think but its a pathetic situation and in such circumstances imagination runs wild, only to realise at the end that our wildest imaginations may be true.

    • Not Sandy:P says:

      The rot is higher up than the armed forces themselves. Mallia and Muscat have yet to explain why there was a long delay between Dr Mohanad Jammo’s phone call at 3pm on 11th October 2013 and the arrival of Malta’s patrol boats AFTER the boat had sunk.

      Government is deliberately withholding vital information. What are Mallia and Muscat trying to hide?

  4. Jo says:

    Malta hanina indeed.

  5. Paul Borg says:

    The UN had defined the 8 stages that lead to Genocide: Im sure that with people like Bonello put us at least a stage 3
    8. DENIAL

    Shameful and frightening.

    • Not Sandy:P says:

      I can think of several people who are already at stage 8.

      • RC says:

        No one can be in stage 8 since “denial” refers to the denial of the genocide, and no genocide has taken place yet.

        That said, some are in stage 8 in their view of other genocides namely the Holocaust and Srebrenica

      • Not Sandy:P says:

        There you go: Norman Lowell and his acolytes.

    • RC says:

      We’re in stage five. Not only is the “them and us” mentality clearly evident but many see the Maltese themselves as divided between “favur is-suwed” and “kontra s-suwed”

  6. Dylan says:

    Can’t these ‘people’ be reported or something? Isn’t this considered a hate crime?

  7. Joe Fenech says:

    Where is the cyber-harassment policeman? Stroking his chihuahua maybe?

  8. Liberal says:

    He definietely looks “Aryan”.

    • Jozef says:

      To think phrenology was shot down as quack science.

      It’s something to do with the distance between the eyes in proportion to the rest of the face.

  9. observer says:

    I always thought that anti-piracy missions contain a measure of humanitarian element. These entries are proving me wrong.

    Or is it the ‘bully’ aspect that is involved here?

    Whatever, it should make one ashamed to publicize such a bestial outlook.

    Apparently it does not – at least in this and in other similar instances reported on this blog.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      Why should ‘anti-piracy’ missions be ‘humane’? We’re talking about big crime here.

      • observer says:

        Have a good look at the Facebook entries.

        What Bonello is boasting about is not keeping pirates at bay and defending merchants ships from incursions, but his treatment (proposed if not effected) of ordinary Somalis in their country.

  10. vic says:

    Crazy people in the armed forces should not be allowed to carry arms.

  11. Scarlet says:

    Disgusting man.

  12. Manuel says:

    This guy should be seriously investigated by the Army. He is a danger to our society.

  13. Connor Attard says:

    “God Will’s [sic] It”

    And which god would that be, exactly? It’s definitely not the Christian God, or any other god I know of.

    Why don’t we have him deported to the USA to join the KKK? I hear they’re recruiting.

  14. catherine says:

    I have three friends in common with this pig, and they’re three extremely hippy, all-loving and yoga-ing bullshitters.

    I don’t know what’s what with people anymore.

    • Jozef says:

      I call it the saturation point. The country’s about to explode.

      Immigrants being a direct interaction and volumetric in measure correspond directly to their internal shambles.

      This is a place which laments its shelters. The planet does not really exist.

  15. C Mangion says:

    Can you imagine how they treat these people while out at sea, out of sight with their like minded colleagues? I hate to think. Good job on exposing these scumbags. They do not deserve to be representing us let alone employed by our taxes!

  16. Jozef says:

    And the coward that he is denies leadership of his own rabble.

    Just a contributor.

    Chapeau Saviour. That everyone realise the sneak that this Lowell is.

  17. Joe Fenech says:

    Why is the PN so weak and is not pushing for immediate dismissal and arraignment of these people? If the PN is going to be silent on everything, it risks many decades in opposition.

  18. Peter Bloom says:

    Is it possible that such hate speech can be used online (on Facebook) with impunity? Can some legal luminary enlighten us?

  19. Newman says:

    Is this Tony Bonello in the Armed Forces? If he is, then he is in breach of one of his most basic obligations – that of upholding the Constitution. On recruitment, every member of the Armed Forces takes an oath of allegiance which refers to the Constitution. The Constitution states that every person in Malta is entitled to the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, whatever his race, and provides protection against discrimination on grounds of race.

    • Not Sandy:P says:

      He is in the AFM, is seconded on anti-piracy missions off East Africa (he calls himself a pirate-hunter, which is not the same thing), and he volunteers with the CPD which he has now applied to join permanently.

  20. Bubu says:

    Listen people. I don’t get why you’re all so surprised at violent banter coming from a soldier. Soldiers are trained to think violently, and indeed wouldn’t last long in the corps if they didn’t have a violent streak.

    Why would anybody want to be in the military if he didn’t have a fascination with weapons at the very least, as well as probable fantasies about war and killing?

    I’m not defending these comments, mind you – far from it. But that is the mentality of many (I’d say most) soldiers. In their line of work, it’s par for the course. Practically a requirement.

    When a violent mindset molded to conform to authority is subjected to far right rhetoric and a cult of personality, the results are always the same.

    The support for Norman Lowell within the armed forces is higher than most people realize.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      You are mistaken on one thing. Violence is the essence of soldiering, but it is not one-way violence – not just violence inflicted on someone else. What I mean is that, in the final analysis, a soldier’s job is to kill or get killed, or to put someone in a position to kill or get killed.

      I’m not surprised that most AFM soldiers support Norman Lowell. Nor am I surprised that the remainder support Manuel Mallia.

      For decades, this nation pretended that soldiering had nothing to do with war. The AFM was turned into a labour corps, and after 1987 it was in a sort of limbo, ring-fenced by neutrality clauses and Christian Democrat cant. Then we get Norman Lowell talking about war and violence. Some time later, we get Manuel Mallia and his parades.

      As usual, we built this nation arse-first, and the result is a total mess.

      Soldiers should not have a violent mindset. If they do, they have no place in the army. But they should be familiar with violence and they should know how and when to apply it, dispassionately. That’s what soldiering is all about.

      Members of the armed forces have an extraordinary privilege in our Western societies – they are given the right to kill. But they also have an extraordinary duty – when they sign on that dotted line, they acknowledge that they may be required to die on the job.

      It’s time we stopped pretending otherwise.

      Then we can start to see AFM soldiers for what they are – people who have been trained to do one thing, but find themselves doing something entirely different all of the time.
      The AFM is a maritime rescue corps with a small ceremonial detachment.

      There has to be a rethink right at the top. But Manuel Mallia is not up to the job.

    • Francis Saliba M.D. says:

      Soldiers are not “trained to think” – violently or not. They are trained to obey instinctively without thinking. That is why these despicable xenophobic violent public utterances by people supplied with guns at public expense, are so shocking. They can be interpreted as the result of instructions from above unless they are immediately suppressed.

  21. I have already said it, and I will repeat it.

    Such public utterances from public officers cannot be ignored either by government or the opposition in parliament.

    There should be an official statement clarifying whether this is acceptable, and if not, what action is being taken to eliminate it.

    • Francis Saliba M.D. says:

      Judging from facebook one gains the impression that overt xenophobia is a criminal “attribute” that does not debar Maltese thugs from being provided with guns, courtesy of our armed force, to satisfy their crave for xenophobic violence.

      Why should it be any different when our own prime minister arrogantly and publicly embraces a freshly sentenced criminal and recruits him into the MLP regiment of soldiers of steel!

  22. H.P. Baxxter says:

    We know there’s an endemic problem in the AFM, which is not just racism,but worse. It’s morale in general. Malta’s armed forces members are frustrated.

    Seeing as Malta’s geographical position is fixed, and its humanitarian responsibilities too, I say it’s time the AFM had its first black recruits. There. That’s how other countries did it.

    Up until the 1950s, so-called ‘coloured’ recruits in the British Army could not drill with the rest. Until mass immigration to the UK from Africa and the Caribbean meant that the rule had to be changed, for practical reasons if anything.

    That’s all there is to it. Football players don’t count. Neither do token cabinet ministers.

  23. RC says:

    How did the army employ this one? Don’t they do background checks? This guy’s past is very, very sinister.

    This post sent shivers down my spine.

  24. Tony Bonello says:

    Dear Daphne, you got this one wrong big time. So I don’t work for any government, I work for a British Company based in Sri Lanka. I have nothing to to with illegal immigration but I Team Lead private anti-piracy missions in the Gulf of Aden so please before you post something make your home work well. Thank you.

    [Daphne – Perhaps you could explain why the British company insists you wear a uniform with a little Maltese flag on the upper sleeve. ]

  25. Manuel says:

    When you recently commented on someone similar, Daphne, the person concerned took his Facebook page account down. I believe he was a Christian Borg. This guy seems to be defying any logic, decency and honour.

  26. Angus Black says:

    No wonder Joey has established diplomatic relations with Somalia.

    With similar minds like Bonello’s we will soon copy the Somalian model and descend to chaos, mass discrimination and division of classes with the second class citizens falling prey to the ‘superior race’.

  27. Tinu says:

    These persons are of the same breed of those Labour thugs of the 70s and 80s who reigned by terror and violence and were blessed by the then Labour governments as the aristocracy of the workers.

  28. joseph says:

    This Anthony Bonello went to school at Stella Maris College ghal giehna. A drop out he was and seemingly still is.

  29. Tony Bonello says:

    I wear the Maltese flag cause at the present moment I’m the only Maltese out on the water, apart the 20 Brave Maltese Soldiers serving on board the Dutch Vessel. While you guys are here judging me without knowing me, I just tell you that when we are on board ships crossing the Indian Ocean we use what is called ROUOF and not as you are stating here we are not a happy trigger people after we have IMO observers also most of the time on board. You know what I do dear all commentators here I protect a 315 meter ship with a crew of seamen who are away from there families for at least 6 months. Did you enjoy the last Christmas and New Year with your families I was away. If you guys saw Captain Philips which was very dramatized that is what we face for 15 days crossing, a 24hr watch, a locked ship, no where to go, no comms with your loved ones and so on. I repeat I’m NOT IN THE AFM so I don’t take any of your taxes. I pay tax like all of you. Ps. Catherine how can you insult a person you don’t know to the far extent that you where surprised how hippie/yogie friends of yours are friends of mine I do yoga as well.


    [Daphne – My hero.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      He’s a greater hero than those Maltese former policemen and soldiers on security duties in Palm City. I’ll give him that.

      [Daphne – Do I detect a hint of admiration for scum like this? He’s not motivated by the desire to protect, but by the desire to attack others.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Not at all. You are detecting even-handedness with Bonello and anyone else who’s working in private security elsewhere, and who shares his views.

    • Not Sandy:P says:

      A gun-toting self-styled pirate hunter who does yoga, calls himself a pineapple and admires Hitler so much he posts a photo of him giving the Nazi salute.

      Think of yourself as a hero, if you will. Everyone else is free to mock and ridicule your posturing. That’s a whole lot less harmful than what you’d like to do to desperate people arriving in Malta on boats.

    • catherine says:

      Ok, I get it, you’re not real, you’re Eugene aren’t you? Go on, admit it.

      “I was sent some previous transcripts from Eugene, one of which is replicated below, that do not exactly paint a picture of intelligence.”

    • AE says:

      The term is ‘trigger happy’ not ‘happy trigger’

  30. Tal-Madum says:

    At least he’s not hired by the Maltese government. He’s an ex convict and I thought that soldiers should have clean police conduct.

  31. Tony Bonello says:

    Any more mud slandering that’s all you guys know what to do in life.

    [Daphne – It beats the hell out of taking pot shots at others off a ship, Bonello, because you’re not fit for anything else.]

  32. Tony Bonello says:

    At least I take photos only and use my weapon when really needed Americans the friends of your friend EFA do this with no respect to humanity

  33. Tony Bonello says:

    PS my sons bought me your friend EFA book for father’s day as the Times of Malta told them, its good to use as the bbq season is starting

    [Daphne – If you have sons, then it’s a good thing you’re not raising them. You would probably have done as lousy a job as your parents did.]

    • AE says:

      Not a very respectful way of treating a gift from your sons is it?

      [Daphne – He probably doesn’t have any sons, AE.]

  34. Not Sandy:P says:

    This is the man you voted for, Mr Pirate-Hunter. Sorry if our hearts don’t bleed for you on your 315 metre ship. You’re far better off than people who are left to drown because of decision-takers who share your nasty sentiments.

    Facts of the case
    The Maltese citizen Norman Lowell was accused of having incited racial hatred through speeches, behaviour and gesticulations during gatherings which he attended in two localities in Malta, specifically in Rabat on 3 April 2006 and in Qawra (limits of St. Paul’s Bay) on 8 May 2006. On these two occasions the accused uttered threatening and insulting words and displayed an abusive behaviour against people of a particular race or colour and the President of Malta (whom he insulted with debasing words and gesticulations). Moreover, he also stood accused that between December 2003 and March 2006, he attempted to foment racial hatred through an article he wrote entitled “Coming Cataclysmic Crises” where he used highly inflammatory words and brandishing racially motivated threats.

    In this article, he also attacked the State of Israel whom he defined as a terrorist State and referred to Jews as parasites. He also referred to wars against “inferior races” and the glorification of Hitler as a “Hero.” He also referred to Muslims as “rodents.” The prosecution also presented a recording of a meeting Lowell had done in Rabat at the Nigret Night Club, where amongst the words that were said, there were in particular phrases such as “vicious Sudanese, Malta tintebah bin-Negri, scuttle their boats, and nkun jien li nghati l-ordni to shoot” amongst others.

  35. ken il malti says:

    I really admire the way the Russian navy deals with these Somali pirates. The Russians don’t play around do they?

  36. Tony Bonello says:

    You don’t f with the Russians and I know what I’m saying

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      You, of all people, should know that the video posted by ken il malti (who shares your views) is nothing like it seems. The pirates were on board the Russian vessel when the video was shot. It was just the empty skiff that was sunk.

      • Tony Bonello says:

        Mate sitting from the couch at home is totally different from being out at sea and hands on with experiences.

      • Tony Bonello says:

        Dear H.P so I’m sure that you really don’t know what you are talking about, the video posted here by Ken was the mv Moscow University captured by Somali Pirates (criminals who you are defending). See the reality than

    • Not Sandy:P says:

      What happened to your Hitler photograph? Did you finally do the decent thing and take it down?

      • Tony Bonello says:

        @ Not Sandy:P with regards to the Hitler photo I would like to tell you that instead of wasting your time reading Daphne’s blog do like me and research the truth about history. I had hated Hitler at an earlier stage in my life but when I read both the pros and cons I started to respect the man for who he was. Now you can call me what you want.

  37. Patrick Marlow says:

    Daphne, what is your email address, please?

    [Daphne – [email protected]]

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