Imagine behaving like this when you’re on a visa. Imagine behaving like this at all. And it’s just a fraction of it.
The Age reported in 2009:
Window panes shuddered across the nation’s capital as 380 members of the outlaw motorcycle gang the Rebels rode through town to honour a slain club hardman. Rebels leader Alex Vella had summoned members of the Rebels — the nation’s largest bikie gang — from all over the country to come to Canberra yesterday to honour Richard John Roberts, 57, known as “Rebel Rick”, a convicted drug dealer and “enforcer” for the club.The large convoy, which stretched for kilometres, travelled from the nearby town of Queanbeyan through some of the busiest streets of Canberra stopping only for a one-minute silent vigil along the way. Police blocked off roads and escorted the convoy for much of the journey.
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RebelRick’s murder:
Rebel Rick
To see how grave the situation is, the Australian government set up a national task force to solve it.
“Police disagree, and in 2012 established a national taskforce to target the Rebels, its 70 chapters and more than 2000 members Australia-wide.”
Every time I see those motorcades I think of this episode:
To All Bikers – Don’t Be a Fag:
Naming a group of outlaws ‘Rebels’? How original.
To any biker this is a normal way to pay respect to a fallen fellow biker. This is also done in Malta. What he did in his life be it good or bad, if he’s a friend, you would still want to salute him in the end.
Bike rides are also organized for charity / leisure / etc… I don’t see whats the wrong behavior about them. (Even the Malta police force organizes one every year)
Malta has MC clubs too (even Rebels) Rebels MC, Knights MC, Hells Angels MC etc