An iced bun for Silvio Abela of Adventure Camping – because having the prime minister and Mrs Muscat promote his The North Face clothing was not enough
Yesterday I wondered out loud on this website what Silvio Abela of Adventure Camping, who imports The North Face rough-weather clothing, was doing standing behind Tourism Minister Edward Zammit Lewis on the Floriana stage during his press conference to talk about Isle of MTV.
He was standing there like a sort of (aged) bodyguard, complete with pose and Men in Black sunglasses.
Silvio Abela was a police officer in what Karmenu (‘EU Commissioner’) Vella calls the Golden Years of Labour.
Now I discover that he is there at the entrance to the Tourism Ministry every day, hanging around like an (aged) bouncer, having been given the job of security/bodyguard/whatever to His Majesty Edward Zammit Lewis.
The plot thickens.
The prime minister and Mrs Muscat spend around two years wearing The North Face brand prominently at every possible public occasion.
The North Face is sold by Silvio Abela.
Silvio Abela becomes the public keychain to the prime minister’s best friend, the tourism minister, and it transpires that he is now hanging around at the Tourism Ministry every day, performing bouncer/security duties.
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You have to hand it to the PL they sure do reward handsomely their supporters. BTW what is the PN doing, hibernating or sleeping all summer.
It’s called aestivation and it is typical summer behaviour of invertebrates.
If he gave me his merchandise for free, I wouldn’t wear it.
No, I’d take it, wear it, climb Everest and plant a giant banner saying FUCK LABOUR.
I wish there was a (like) button for H.P. Baxxter comments.
If Silvio Abela is working as a bouncer/security, then it is obvious that a) either his business is not doing well therefore requiring him to take on another job or b) he was kicked out of the business by his sons.
If business is not doing well, therefore one can be excused if one assumed that the branding stunt of our First Couple (wouldn’t they want to be considered as such?) did not produce the desired results and the said Abela has been given a security job in lieu of his loss of investment.