Shame he doesn’t live in Malta. He could have got a job at the Office of the Prime Minister.

Published: June 30, 2014 at 9:49pm

rolf harris

It says here that Rolf Harris’s career has ended in disgrace. God, those British are odd. Do you mean to say that David Cameron hasn’t yet offered him a job as consultant on Old MacDonald’s farming policies?

17 Comments Comment

  1. Makjavel says:

    He should buy a Maltese passport and join Engerer as consultant.

    • Gahan says:

      He used to have a children’s program on MTV (Malta Television) when I was a child.Mintoff scared him away together with many other expatriates living on the island.

  2. We are living in Financial Times says:

    Joseph Muscat has hedged his bets on another of the same species.

  3. David says:

    In Malta Harris may have been appointed a consultant. In Britain he was given an MBE, an OBE. and a CBE.

    [Daphne – David, that was BEFORE the conviction, not AFTER it.]

  4. bob-a-job says:

    Rolf Harris and Cyrus Engerer play different instruments.

    Rolf plays the didgeridoo

    Cyrus plays the recorder

  5. ciccio says:

    Apparently Mr. Harris did not engage a cocky lawyer to threaten his victims in court, in front of the judge, with a pen drive containing embarrassing material of his violence on them.

  6. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    Not only a job in the office of Prime Minister but also a hug and a commission in the MLP regiment of soldiers of steel.

  7. Peppa Pig says:

    People like Rolf Harris and Jimmy Saville are despicable people who used their status as public idols and their honours to get away with abusing impressionable people, or those vulnerable in society who were in most need.

    They did it at an age when such despicable acts were swept under the carpet by the media or were considered too trivial to write home about. Thank God for today’s free press that unmasks such monsters for what they are and sees that they get what they deserve.

    Too bad that in Malta, such creeps get folk-hero status on some Friday evening TV junk show or some high-powered consultancy post in Castille.

    • We are living in Financial Times says:

      ” Thank God for today’s free press that unmasks such monsters for what they are and sees that they get what they deserve.”

      As with DSK, it takes a hell of a “happening” to by-pass all the obstacles and barriers to exposure of these rotten, evil and black souls.

      Don’t count on it happening in Malta. Protection sets in wherever financial interests lie. Of course. It would be naive to think it would happen otherwise.

      Protection from Joseph Muscat means that the below the belt kicks have been served.

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Call it 20/20 hindsight, but I always thought there was something not quite right with people who are forever smiling. I mean you can’t be happy ALL the time.

  9. Butterfly says:

    He could also be asked to form part of the national committee festivities board and be part of the entertainment committee singing songs like Jake the peg.

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