The day’s most noteworthy comment
This comment was sent in today by Damian Iriele, a Nigerian who lives in Malta, in response to Deborah Frendo’s spiteful remarks on Facebook (reproduced on this website and shown here again) about the two Nigerian footballer brothers who collapsed and died here in Malta before they turned 26.
“What do you want me to do now? How do you want me to start?”
Miss Frendo, this was the question the late Basil asked his late elder brother Ikechukwu as he lay in his coffin at the St. Luke’s Hospital morgue in 2007.
I was there with him. I was also there with a friend today, just the three of us. The difference was, Basil wasn’t talking this time. My friend and I were doing the talking.
Yes, I was there to make all the necessary arrangements to take his remains to his mother. Yes, the same mother who received his brother in a box labelled “HUMAN REMAINS”. I was there, Miss Frendo.
Those questions he asked back then were because he had been in your ”beautiful Island” of Malta for just a few months when his brother suddenly died. Today, we took his remains to the cargo section of DHL/EMIRATES AIRLINES, to be transported home. The same home, the same mother, the same brothers and sisters… as a cadaver.
Yes, he married his brother’s widow, and we all approved of the relationship. Everyone of us, who knows the situation, the true situation as it is…yes, we all gave our blessing to their marriage and the marriage is blessed with a three-and-a-half year old boy. Basil is his father. There were no children from the first marriage.
No, Miss Frendo, Basil had no disease. He was cleared of any by the health department. The certificate is with me as I type this piece. Freedom of speech does not mean you should be offensively careless with the facts. If we consider the reactions to your remarks, then I’m sure you will be a little more careful next time.
When death occurs, people usually forget pressing issues and condole and sympathise with the bereaved family. Both brothers were under 26 when they died. Now don’t you think you are a little heartless here?
You might want to concentrate on your animal campaigns, because with humans you are probably a little distant and unfeeling.
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She is probably too stupid to understand what he is saying.
Her current preoccupation is pigs. Her top post right now:
“How to have a pig for dinner. 1) cook dinner 2) invite a pig”.
Isn’t that like two pigs for dinner?
Well, she seems to be a BNP supporter. She doesn’t even live in Englad. How ironic, someone supporting a political party that technically is against her because, from their perspective, she is a foreigner too. Sounds like a Turkey voting for Christmas.
Well put Mr Iriele. Condolences to you and Basil’s family for your loss.
Well done. Kudos on the last sentence.
Deborah Frendo is a fool and a complete ignoramus. Stupid, thoughtless, insensitive to the extreme.
Damian, my sincere condolences for your loss.
Pain knows no race or land. I am truly sorry that your pain has been compounded by the words of this ignorant individual who does not share the sentiments of the Maltese.
What a gentleman! I hope Ms. Frendo has the grace to apologise: she did not deserve to be treated with such class.
Well said, Mr. Iriele.
Hear, hear .
Well done Mr. Iriele.
You should only pity her. After all, as they say, empty vessels make most sound.
This leaves me speechless.
I hope Ms Frendo is left speechless – unless she’s apologising, it’s the only was she can save herself further embarrassment, and save others unnecessary torment.
Now, if that doesn’t touch Miss Frendo’s so called spirituality I don’t know what will.
Remember, she said she is a realist, and spirituality doesn’t come into it.
A truly sad story. Ms Frendo’s puerile remarks lacked empathy and are quite uncalled for.
Damian Iriele is right that in certain circumstances people simply stick to condolences. An apology would have been enough, but it is probably reserved for animals and not humans.
My deepest condolences to you Mr. Iriele, and the brothers’ family. It must be very hard to lose two friends within a few years of each other. Their family must be heart-broken.
Very well said, Mr Iriele, you are showing Ms Frendo how civilized human beings should act and behave.
My sincere condolences to you and Basil’s family.
Basil used to play for Santa Lucia F.C. During the time he spent at our club, he proved himself to be a true gentleman and was well loved by all those who met him.
Congratulations for writing such a nice letter. It is not full of hatred. It only shows love. Ms Frendo and others like her have much to learn from this letter.
Let both brothers rest in peace and their wife and son find consolation. Now they are in God’s hands.
“You might want to concentrate on your animal campaigns, because with humans you are probably a little distant and unfeeling.”
This last line sums up everything obnoxious about Frendo.
Is-Sinjorina Frendo hija tipika tal-maġġoranza tal-popolazzjoni Maltija. Qatta imħuħ magħluqa qishom żiemel liebes kappestru.
Jekk ma ndunajtx, Sinjorina Frendo, b’dawn l-erbgħa kelmiet is-Sur Iriele qed jurik kif jkunu tabilħaqq in-nies reajalisti u nzid ngħid kulturati.
Qatt ma kont nahseb li xi darba ser nibda ngħid dan id-diskors, imma nies bħas-Sinjorina Frendo saru jġelluni nistħi ngħid li jien Malti. L-unika ħaga li qed tevolvi f’dan il-pajjiz f’dawn l-aħħar żmienijiet, hi l-injuranza.
Deborah Frendo posted this on Facebook about a chicken advert:
“It hurts that not only we do eat the poor animals but we also feel the need to mock them for the sake of an advert. Can humans stoop any lower? I mean seriously?! what the hell!!!!!!!”
I hope that when she reads this, she will want to crawl into a hole and stay there. I should hope she has the decency to write an apology to the poor woman who lost both her husbands at such a young age. I feel ashamed for her.
Ms Frendo is not an animal lover, but a lonely, frustrated, desperate person venting her energies on the animals she thinks she loves.
The Ms Frendos of this world do that, making themselves believe they love animals to fill the huge gap they have in their lives.
A true animal lover cannot say she loves animals and at the same time spit vile hatred towards humans – that’s contradictory.
Sadly, Facebook is full of these people, hence they spend endless hours posting stupid, hateful remarks towards humans and then say they love animals.
True animal lovers should not be put into this category, because to love an animal one is compassionate all the way.
Mr Iriele, I give you and your family my condolences.
This is Damian Iriele:
The comment that captures the reality of what Mr Iriele and others migrating to Europe probably feel:
“When your house is on fire do you stay in it? You run out. Don’t crucify black migrants. If your life was good back home, why would you run away from it?”
How very true. A Syrian colleague of mine weeps the state in which her home country has been devastated. She does not know where some of her relatives are. Her childhood home is destroyed. She cannot go back.
Other friends accumulated over the years including Lebanese, Farsi, and Ghanians have all expressed similar emotion about wanting their country to be peaceful. Many Serbs who come to Malta in the 1990s returned when things back home to a turn to the better.
I wonder how many Maltese are ready to live like this. I wouldn’t and have nothing but admiration for these migrants.
One may take issue with several opinions expressed on this blog. However, it is a safe haven for many people who have their heart and mind in the right place (blog owner included).
The service you provide through your posts and opinions, Daphne, helps many maintain sanity on a variety of fronts and especially on the humanitarian dimensions.
‘I wonder how many Maltese are ready to live like this: I wouldn’t and …’
Well, what can I say; many Maltese lived under an abhorrent quasi dictator called Dom Mintoff, didn’t they? Many Maltese have the ‘gift’ of ‘if you can’t beat them join them’ and they expect that everyone else should do the same.
There is more dignity, civility and humanity in Mr. Iriele’s message here than Deborah Frendo and the likes of her could ever aspire to.
What a beautiful, polite reply this is. Thank you, Damian Iriele, and my sincere condolences to you.
Hemingway had observed, in his ‘Death in the Afternoon’, that those who are obsessed with the welfare of animals tend to have an equal disdain for humans.
A worthy response, my brother.
How about for a change we look at our own immigrants that we shipped off to foreign lands, like this father and son duo;
Very well done, Damian Iriele.