Hey Starsky, where’s Hutch?

Published: July 12, 2014 at 7:28pm

Alternative title: Hawn tad-Doughnuts. This picture was taken a couple of days ago in Valletta and uploaded by the artist Nadine Noko on Facebook.

fat police officer

19 Comments Comment

  1. George Grech says:

    He must have swallowed him.

  2. Ronnie says:

    Or rather, ‘kien hawn tad-doughnuts’. Before he ate the lot, vendor included.

  3. xejn b' xejn says:

    Looks like Starsky ate Hutch last night.

    • Cikku says:

      Rajtu l-video. Jiftaħru b’rix ħaddieħor. Donnu li l-korp tal-pulizija rranġa u attrezza ruħu eċċ eċċ.. kollox f’din l-aħħar sena.

      Ara veru n-Nazzjonalisti ma jafux jagħmlu PR tajjeb. Possibbli qatt ma kien hemm żmien biex jiġi muri lill-pubbliku dak kollu li kien qed isir fil-korp tal-pulizija biex il-pulizija jittrenjaw, u ġew attrezzati għal li jista’ jinqala’?

      U dawn sabu kollox lest u f’kemm trodd salib bl-iskuża tal-200 sena anniversarju .. hey presto…. PR bħal dik…xi jridu aktar? Tgħid naraw aktar żgħażagħ jingaġġaw, jew se jitħajjru aktar pensjonanti jidħlu mal-korp?

  4. observer says:

    That thing is made up of Starsky AND Hutch wrapped into one oversize uniform – no doubt about it.

  5. Jozef says:

    That’s Manuel in uniform.

  6. Bubu says:

    Don’t the police force have minimum height standards? The guy looks all of 4 feet tall.

  7. Kevin says:

    “All things dull and ugly,
    All creatures short and squat,
    All things rude and nasty,
    The Lord God made the lot.”

    Monty Python

  8. Erasmus says:

    He’s both Starsky and Hutch….

  9. white coat says:

    Banana republic diet.

    He looks old enough to be one of those reinstated by the New-now-old-and-ex police commissioner of police. I wonder what those passers-by must have been thinking.

  10. anthony says:

    The Malta Police Corps is currently celebrating its two hundreth anniversary.

    Some of its present members look as if they have been eating non-stop for two hundred years, at least.

  11. ken il malti says:

    Place that fat man on a diet for Christ’s sake.

  12. Joe Fenech says:

    He’s just swallowed Hutch.

  13. bob-a-job says:

    It’s not Starsky and Hutch this time.

    It’s Cannon – actually it’s cannon ball to be more precise.


  14. bob-a-job says:

    He’s a roll model for the Police Force.

  15. Surely the police force can put better specimens on display.

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