The police have released a 200th anniversary video
July 12, 2014 at 8:07pm
Nothing about police harassment, body cavity searches on Swedish tourists, deaths in police lock-ups, or milestones in the history of the police force in Malta, like the momentous occasion when a former police commissioner was jailed for the murder of a man under interrogation.
Nothing, either, about the historic training of the Malta police by the North Korean military, under a bilateral agreement negotiated by Alex Sceberras Trigona, who was then Foreign Minister and who is now Malta’s envoy to the World Trade Organisation.
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Where’s the bit where they beat up protestors, arrest people at night on trumped up charges, frame political enemies of the state, and dump the police commissioner’s victims under a bridge?
Alex Sceberras Trigona’s agreement with North Korea:
From the comments board:
It is good to see how far the Malta Police Force has come, but we must not forget the illegal arrests the Police have done, the frame ups they have participated in, the evidence they have destroyed, the violence they have instigated and the lives they have taken. May they not forget, so never in the next 200 years will they become a tool of oppression and a force of fear.
This is such a HORRIBLE video. It portrays the current leadership of the police: macho, high-handed, trigger happy, drones spying police. Two thirds of the video is fire arms and shooting as though Malta is some Medelin.
This is even worse than the promo they created for tourists’ safety.
Where is the smiling policeman guiding a tourist, or assisting people in general?
I agree with you fully.
Looks like a trailer for a James Bond movie. The video transmits aggression and power.
This is the police, not the army.
Isn’t the police supposed to promote an image of being friendly to the public?
Not to mention strip searches on people arrested when these are absolutely unnecessary and simply carried out to demean the person.
The withholding of prescribed medication for serious conditions particularly when this is meant to be taken at specific times just to add to the anxiety of the arrested person.
The filthy condition of the holding cells including the sanitary ware.
Incidentally these conditions were the same during the reign of the Sleeping Beauty, Carm Mifsud Bonnici and PN leader in waiting, Chris Said so let’s not hold our breath.
(2:04) Dak li qed jittajpja b’sebgħa wieħed, li nzerta tan-nofs, vera king.
Nothing about the catering service they offer.
And nothing about the arrests of ‘skinny-dippers’ and of those who disturb my ‘siesta.’
I bet that he is one of the newly reinstated policemen.
Great sequel.
At least the first attempt doesn’t look so bad now.
Let’s just hope this is not part of a trilogy.
Does he roll himself down St. Paul Street?
The police: this administration makes them look stupid.
A case in point is the “discovery” of a tunnel from a garage dug in the direction of the St Andrew’s HSBC branch. No one was caught because they didn’t want to catch the usual suspect.
Nothing about the cruise for the female German police officers on the dinghies.
That would feature in a video prepared by the German police.
And there is nothing about the shootings in Rabat and Tal-Barrani. The Golden Years.
The opening scenes of the video show police action during the April 1958 disturbances by Malta Labour Party supporters orchestrated by Duminku Mintoff, who was Prime Minister at the time.
The Mintoff plan was to emulate the 1919 incidents by irresponsibly bringing the Maltese into direct confrontation with British troops and producing ‘martyrs’ who Mintoff could then be able to parade in furtherance of his political ends.
Mintoff had instructed the police manning crowd barricades outside Auberge de Castille, then General Headquarters of the British Army, to refrain from any action against the Labour Party rent-a-mob, thus allowing the barricades to be overrun by the crowd and forcing British troops to act in defence with inevitable casualties on the Maltese side.
Mintoff’s plan was only thwarted by then Commissioner Vivian de Gray who went over Mintoff’s head directly to the Governor. When it came to the crunch, the police acted according to their duty, knocked the stuffing out of the cowardly MLP mob, and put an end to the disturbances.
Under subsequent administrations led by Mintoff and Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici, the police force descended into increasing abuse and disrepute, actively protecting criminals and murderers, covering up murders committed in Police Headquarters, violently disrupting legitimate protest demonstrations, and harassing and arresting innocent persons.
Police Minister Manwel Mallia has now approved and endeavours to justify the re-engagement of retired police officers who were in service in the mid-1980s, that is, the time when abuse and criminality within the police force was at its worst.
The Malta Police, under the premiership of Joseph Muscat, is continuing the downward slide where Mintoff, then Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici left off.
I see inflation’s hit the Police Force and it can’t possibly be his ego.
What a stupid, lying video.
Let me put it this way: if you knew of a crime, would you go to the Police? Or would you send an email to Daphne?
Ordinary, decent citizens no longer trust these louts in uniform.
The video not only shows the Police Force as extremely aggressive and trigger-happy, but has not even a single shot of a police officer being citizen-friendly.
‘not a single shot of a police officer being citizen-friendly.’
Nice oxymoron, well done.
Qas lil Anglu Farrugia ma semmew, miskin.