Muscat: both his consultant and his bridge-builder are blacklisted by the World Bank

Published: July 13, 2014 at 8:08pm


Looks like the Maltese government is setting up some kind of unofficial support club for World Bank black-listees.

16 Comments Comment

  1. China Communications Construction Company is blacklisted by

    World Bank
    African Development Bank
    Asian Development Bank
    InterAmerican Development Bank
    European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
    the state of Illinois in the US
    the Ohio state workers’ pension fund

    That’s why the company relies on Chinese EXIM credit.

    Shiv Nair specialises in developing major infrastructure projects using Chinese EXIM credit.

    Now join the dots.

    • Tabatha White says:

      They also specialize in trying to neutralize anyone who knows and recognizes their tactics.

      By any which means.

  2. If Muscat were serious about eliminating corruption, he would refuse to deal with blacklisted firms and individuals, as he said he would before he was elected.

    If wants to behave like the leader of a third world country, then he could learn from Tanzania.

    When the World Bank blacklisted China Construction Communication Company, Tanzania’s Public Procurement Regulatory Authority announced Tanzania would not deal with the company for 10 years – and that was when the World Bank itself and its partner institutions had banned the company for eight years, not ten.

  3. It’s just occurred to me that all the debate about the LNG tanker has centred on whether it’ll be safe. No one’s talking about who’s going to supply that tanker and take on the harbour engineering work.

    My bet is on China Harbour Engineering Co. Ltd (CHEC) a subsidiary of China Communications Construction Company which is doing Muscat’s Gozo bridge feasibility study for free (yes, right).

    And guess who’s the company’s prime intermediary.

    China dispatched Nair to Colombia on behalf of China Railways and China Harbour to break up a log jam in negotiations.

  4. Alexander Ball says:

    Or the alternative message: Only a fool or a crook would do business with the Maltese government.

  5. Gahan says:

    We will soon have an ex-EU commissioner in that list.

  6. admin says:

    China Communication Construction Company was blacklisted by the World Bank in 2009.

    Liu Qitao became president of that company a year later. He’s also Communist Party secretary, a boast in China but not in the West for reasons that are obvious to everyone who is not of Muscat’s mindset.

  7. M says:

    Now what was that Maltese saying: ‘Ghidli ma min taghmilha…’ ?

  8. ciccio says:

    The best way to measure Joseph Muscat is to use his own yardstick.

    Joseph Muscat, pre-2013 general elections:

    “Min ma jiggilidx il-korruzzjoni huwa korrott.”

  9. RF says:

    Like a faithful poodle, following his previous master, Alfred Sant’s ethics: tbazwar ftit hawn u ftit hemm. The end justifying the means, at all costs, even tarnishing one’s own integrity and the country’s hard-earned reputation.

  10. Claude says:

    You joke, but this is the same strategy that Mintoff used. He used to identify rogue states and befriend them in the hope Li jiddobba xi haga.

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