Clueless AND anally retentive – a fatal combination

Published: February 17, 2010 at 9:26am
I can't stand the heat but I won't get out of the kitchen. I won't and I won't and I won't and I won't, so there.

I can't stand the heat but I won't get out of the kitchen. I won't and I won't and I won't and I won't, so there.

Poor old Astrid just doesn’t have a clue what it means to be in public life.

It means you get a whole load of crap thrown at you, pretty much most of the time in the sort of work I do, and you just have to deal with it.

It comes with the territory.

There’s a big, big difference between libel and insults, between fair comment and things that you don’t want people to say about you just because you’d prefer not to hear them.

Let’s put it this way. I’ve been insulted, disparaged, run down, mocked and pilloried all over the (mainly Labour) media since 1990. That’s 20 years.

But I’ve only sued for libel twice. I won one of those suits. The other is on-going.

So why did I sue? In the first case, Joseph Muscat (he’s famous now) wrote a book about the Mafia, the P2, La Piovra and Maltese politicians, and put me in it. He even managed to link me to the assassination of John Kennedy a year before my birth, and to the Bologna train station bombing by the Brigate Rosse, when I was in primary school.

In the second case, I sued that large-headed midget, the Labour Party’s new communications boss Kurt Farrugia (yes, I know it’s not his fault, but it makes his ‘zattagni’ even more ridiculous) for writing on Maltastar (Joseph Muscat’s brainchild; you can tell by the amateurishness and the pidgin English) that I had physically attacked and shouted at him and his Super One cameraman at that pre-election university debate, when I neither moved nor spoke.

As I pointed out to him in court, the Super One harasser had his camera trained on me for half an hour – which provoked my 19-year-old son to respond, because unlike me he is not used to being bullied and harassed by the Labour Party’s agents. And yet there is no footage of me attacking Kurt Farrugia.

If there were such footage, you can bet your last cent that Super One would still be rolling it out every five minutes two years later.

But Kurt Farrugia has about as many brains as my pet guinea pig, besides being roughly the same size, though with none of the appeal. So it doesn’t strike him that there is an inherent dangerous flaw in claiming that I attacked him and his cameraman while the cameraman was filming, but – oh dear – his dog ate the footage like it probably ate his homework.

Now back to Astrid Vella, the queen of public whining and one of the strongest arguments I know for women to keep busy while raising children so that they don’t end up like that at 50+.

A court usher has just turned up at my gate barely able to contain his amusement. “Bongu, sinjura – ara x’ghandna ghalik dalghodu”.

He had two enormous bound documents in his hands, the size of the investigative reports into the Exxon Valdez oil spill.

“My God,” I said. “Am I being charged with causing the PanAm air disaster, now that Tony Gauci’s evidence appears to be in doubt?”

“Le, sinjura,” he said. “Dawna minghand Mizz Astrid Vella.”

We both maintained a straight face for the sake of propriety, while struggling not to break out into hilarity.

I went inside, scanned through the vast bound tomes and saw that they were print-outs of my entire blog over some months.

“What a fisswa,” I said to myself. If you don’t know what a fisswa is, don’t ask.

She had gone through the whole thing with a pencil, underling the stuff that she considered libellous in her regard. I made myself a cup of tea and I laughed, and laughed, and laughed.

The woman just has no idea what constitutes fair comment. You can tell she’s a newbie, and what’s worse, a newbie who believes she can lead a very public, very vocal lobby group while having no one say anything at all about her, ghax tiehu ghaliha, miskina.

I really, really pity her lawyers Ian Spiteri Bailey and Joe Giglio. They don’t know what they’re in for. She’s going to drive them berserk with 12 nagging telephone calls a day at all hours, underlining stuff with her magic pencil and insisting until they give in about X being libellous when they know it is not.

And now I have to ask whether Astrid Vella is paying Joe Giglio and Ian Spiteri Bailey herself, or whether she’s using the FAA’s funds for this public-interest purpose.

It’s going to take more than the proceeds of a couple of water-colours painted en plein air at Villa Bologna to compensate them for all the mosquito-pestering they probably don’t know they’ve let themselves in for.

52 Comments Comment

  1. Twanny says:

    One “s”.

  2. kev says:

    Sadly, the book did not delve deeper into P2 and the Bologna bombing. It would have led to Operation Gladio and the CIA connection with those (so-called far-right) elements in the State Ministry that ran the false flag operation to blame it on the Brigate Rosse.

    This came out in the early 90s, with former President Francesco Cossiga, the Minister of State at the time of the bombing(s), trying to justify himself by turning whistleblower (well, sort of). That was a so-called ‘conspiracy theory’ that was proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

    Obviously, Daphne has not updated her story, stuck as she is in the 80s with an “elephant’s memory” and what not. She still thinks it was the Red Brigades that did it.

    [Daphne – No, actually, Kev. I don’t bother about that story at all. It was big in the news when I was at school, and that’s about it. I’m not a Dan Brown fan.]

  3. Pat says:

    I know you are a very busy lady, but goodness what fun if you made a collection of what she underlined for us all to share.

    [Daphne – It will take me some time, but I shall.]

  4. Tony S says:

    Simply priceless.

    In the first case, Joseph Muscat (he’s famous now) wrote a book about the Mafia, the P2, La Piovra and Maltese politicians, and put me in it. He even managed to link me to the assassination of John Kennedy a year before my birth, and to the Bologna train station bombing by the Brigate Rosse, when I was in primary school.”

    Is he for real? And is this book still available to buy?

    re Mizz Astrid – you should scan some of the papers she sent you and entertain us. We want to laugh too.

    [Daphne – Be patient. As for the book, it was published by Sensiela Kotba Socjalisti.]

  5. Beavis says:

    Better not say wicca u sorma xorta, because she might take you literally. Well …

  6. sean says:

    Dear Daphne,

    Without in any way detracting from the validity of your comments, may I gently opine that we should not refer to “pidgin English” in a way which may seem disparaging to the speakers of pidgin English, although I am sure the intention was otherwise. Pidgin English is widely used in Africa and other ex-British colonies as a “common language” between various groups of peoples who speak different language, and usually contains various elements deriving from the different languages of its speakers, and was originally developed by people who, through no fault of their own, were unable to learn English properly as a result of lack of access to proper education.

    [Daphne – Exactly.]

  7. J.L.B.Matekoni says:

    Dear Daphne

    I’ve just had a bad day at the office and this is the perfect antidote. Have to admit I quite admire Astrid’s zeal but you’re a scream. I sometimes have visions of you dressed in that yellow Uma Thurman jumpsuit in Kill Bill while the Crazy 88 fly off headless in all directions :-)


    [Daphne – Those were the days, when I could wear an Uma Thurman jumpsuit and get away with it.]

    • Mario De Bono says:

      I think she would have looked really good in an Uma Thurman jumpsuit – always thought that there was a certain similarity between Daphne and Uma, except one is blonde, the other ain’t.

      Wonder who we’d dress up as Bill – now there’s a thorny question!

      Oh yes, maybe Astrid can be the whistling nurse.

  8. David Buttigieg says:

    “What a fisswa,”

    Isn’t a fisswa silent?

  9. tony muscat says:

    Daphne, can you tell me which is that book which you refer to Joseph Muscat wrote? I would LOVE to read it.

    [Daphne – Why don’t you ring your party, then? It’s part of the Sensiela Kotba Socjalisti – though I’m sure it’s been pulped by now to preserve the leader’s image.]

    • John Schembri says:…/2002-04-08_1147-98X1_7883.PDF1

      “Fil-Prim Awla tal-Qorti Civili
      Onorevoli Imhallef Albert J. Magri B.A., LL.D.

      Seduta ta’ nhar it-Tnejn 8 ta’ April 2002

      Citazzjoni numru 1147/98 AJM

      Kawza numru 39

      Daphne Caruana Galizia
      Joseph Muscat u Malta Labour
      Party sive Partit Laburista.

      Rat ic-citazzjoni presentata fis-27 ta’ Mejju 1998 li permezz taghha l-attrici wara li ppremettiet illi l-konvenut Joseph Muscat huwa l-awtur ta’ ktieb bl-isem “Roberto Memmo: l-iskandlu ta’ Chambray” mahrug u ppubblikat mill-konvenut l-iehor il-Malta Labour Party sive Partit…”

      Nahseb Tony jekk tmur il-librerija issibu fis-sezzjoni ta’ l-istejjer fittizji.

    • Tony(original one) Pace says:

      PBS news tonight was a breath of fresh air. Prosit D, round one was a knockout. Good to see that the people who matter are doing something about it.

    • Suldat ta' l-azzar (retired) says:

      Din ma’ tiehux pjacir taqraha Tony:

      “Ghar-ragunijiet fuq moghtija l-Qorti fil-waqt li tichad l-eccezzjonijiet tal-konvenuti, tilqa’ t-talbiet attrici billi tidkjara li l-attrici giet malafamata bil-pubblikazzjoni imsemmija fic-citazzjoni u dan fil-kuntest imsemmi hawn fuq, tillikwida l-kumpens dovut lill-attrici fis-somma ta’ elf lira maltin (LM1000) u konsegwentement tikkundanna lill-konvenuti jhallsu lill-attrici din is-somma fi kwoti ugwali billi l-konvenut Joseph Muscat jhallas is-somma ta’ hames mitt lira (LM500) u l-konvenut Partit Laburista jhallas lill-attrici s-somma ta’ hames mitt lira (LM500), bl-ispejjes kollha kontra l-konvenuti.”

      Elf lira multa u wehilha bl-ispejjez ukoll ! U ahna c-cwiec naghtu (ghal-Daphne) fil-maratoni tas-Super One!

  10. Isa says:

    You’re on state television, Daphne! Well done – you have succeeded where others dared not go – hope that is a start where others can follow – keep it up.

  11. Loredana says:

    Is that the one I too featured in, totally out of context? Prosit – you know, I had not realised that he’s the same Joe Muscat. Now I like him even more.

    • La Redoute says:

      Iva. Kellu karriera straodinarja bhala invetigaytiv reporterr qabel ma lahaq sew.

      • Mario De Bono says:

        Yes, kellu karriera bhala reporter immaginattiv. Ma nafx kif illinkja lil Daphne mal-qtil ta John F Kennedy. Not even the best, but the very best, conspiracy theorists could have come up with that one.

        Imagine: John F Kennedy’s killer linked with a newborn baby future columnist in Malta! How come the CIA don’t know about this?

        [Daphne – I wasn’t a newborn baby, Mario. I wasn’t even an ‘unborn child’, as the Gift of Life put it.]

      • Loredana says:

        Had you won the case? Damages? Just curious – maybe I should have sued him too.

        [Daphne – Yes, Lm1,000 + costs, and getting that money out of the Labour Party was like drawing blood. Turns out there was no money anywhere. God knows how they were paying their employees.]

        It was a book wherein he just dropped names. I never understood the reference to me, under some kind of weird chapter title referring to the P2 Masonic lodge. I still have the book and I smile when I come across it while dusting my bookshelves.

      • John Schembri says:

        Mario, be careful when you write about the age of a woman. It’s a minefield.

  12. CFB says:

    Please let me use your blog to ask Astrid Vella a question.

    Astrid, you complain about everything and everyone who dares move a stone or put a stone in or out of a green area zone, how come no one heard your voice about the Seabank Hotel in Mellieha Bay, which is being extended into a green area?

    • Tony(original one) Pace says:

      And that the owners have been fighting for a private beach for the last eight years, and if the re-routing of the road is accepted, they be getting a whole beach frontage instead. Iz-zikk, hej.

      Imma miskina Astrid ma taghfomx dawn l-affarjiet.

      • Kalanc says:

        While you’re going down that road (figuratively), what had the FAA said/done about the Riviera Hotel (or whatever it’s called) at Mtarfa? Just wondering – seriously.

    • Whoa, there! says:

      Huh? Aren’t you aware that FAA and other NGOs are against this project whilst the community at Mellieha are in favour?

      There was extensive coverage of the public hearing which I believe was last week or so on The Times and PBS (as far as I can recall).

      • Mario De Bono says:

        We the business community of Mellieha are in favour. Mellieha is suffering badly at the moment. And the project isn’t bad at all.

      • Whoa, there! says:

        Yeah…. thought as much, Mario… Incredible how the PN administration has had a negative effect on certain communities…

      • Chris Ripard says:

        You tell ’em, Whoa.

        There’s a lot of ‘herd instinct’ going on here, which, in a deep irony, is precisely what Daphne is against.

      • Chris Ripard says:

        Please note: I was referring to FAA’s pronouncement – just in case the way this place works gives the impression I’m personally interested in Mellieha’s business community.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      To be fair, Astrid Vella did mention in passing the Seabank Hotel in an article she wrote for The Times but the usual ritual was missing: no pilgrimages to the sacred site and no megaphoned harangues to the faithful. This is not surprising: did you hear Joseph Muscat speak out against the development? The PL representative on the MEPA board voted in favour so how could FAA make their customary fuss?

      As Mario De Bono noted, the Mellieha community is overwhelmingly for the project, an approval that for once unites both major parties. There is no chance that FAA will ever seriously adopt a cause against so much opposition. They readily pick on a lone Victor Scerri but would never take on the entire Mellieha “business community”. I’ve always believed that FAA are a gaggle of timid wimps who shy away from confrontation if they are in a minority.

  13. Herman says:

    A neofascist group was responsible for the Bologna train station bombing of 1980, not the Brigate Rosse.

  14. Hot Mama says:

    This woman is the pits! Kindly change the top story because I am sick of her mug…(and her bowl cut)

  15. Bassa says:

    In my household passing wind is now being called “an Astrid” instead of a fart.

  16. gio says:

    I don’t know Madame Astrid personally – is she actually a very frustrated lady like Mr. Salvu the blond?

  17. Louis Xerri says:

    Not on Astrid but on Marlene defending her ‘economist’ friends who are not economists at all since they do not even have a master’s degree in the subject. But to be with the progressives and moderates you have to be called something impressive. From

    Marlene Mizzi (6 hours, 29 minutes ago)
    @Mr Anthony Gatt- You do not seem very au courant with university degrees and academic qualifications. So, for the record my degree in economics is an Honours degree not a general one- as are those of Mr Cassar White and Mr Vella Bonnici– ie we are all B.A(Hons.) Econ.
    My second degree is an M.Phil (Maastricht ) not an MBA – which I assure you is very different in academic terms. I am currently reading for a Ph.D…that’s a doctorate!!
    Both John Cassar White and Joe Vella Bonnici are respected economists backed by sound experience in the fields of banking and industry. Dr Manwel Mallia needs no introduction either: Mr Stephen Muscat is past CEO of a Plc, and Mr Paul Vella is an experienced and successful business man.

    If you wish to find fault with the capabilities of this team, I suggest you steer clear of things you do not understand . We intend utilising our joint expertise – together with that of others- in the interest of the business community.
    Just as the editorial correctly said, the proof of the pudding will be in the eating. You seem to be trying to choke on what you cannot digest.

    Anthony Gatt (8 hours, 47 minutes ago)

    How strange that the PL did not appoint one economist on this forum. John Cassar White has an ACIB and a BA, Joe Vella Bonnici has a BA general in economics and Maltese (I hope they do not consider this to make one an economist) and an MA in Public Policy; Marlene Mizzi has also a BA general in economics and an MBA and Manuel Mallia is a lawyer. True this is a business forum but business is very important for the economy and the expertise of an economist would have come in useful.

  18. Joe Micallef says:

    I saw the lady in Sliema with a different hair do and tinge. If the polluter pay principle were to apply to her she’d be pretty broke. Maybe that is why she is trying to extort money out of you by means of what appears to be a severely constipated libel case.

    • Knock Knock says:

      She can always go back to the door to door business. If my memory serves me well she was just as whiny pre middle age. People would order clothes from a catalogue because it was the quickest way to get rid of her.

    • Chris Ripard says:

      I have no idea which Joe Micallef you are, Joe Micallef. But I’m pretty sure I’d prefer be stranded with Astrid on a desert island, rather than with you.

      [Daphne – As long as you’ve been washed up alongside a mosquito net, Chris….]

      • Joseph Micallef says:

        Hi there Chris,

        Good to know! Maybe we should synchronise any cruises we may be planning to release you from unnecessary worries.

  19. CFB says:

    Mario De Bono – what has extending a hotel into a green area got to do with your stomach? So because you have a stomach ache, then dear Astrid thinks it is OK to accommodate the owners of the Seabank Hotel? Not likely: we the residents of Mellieha want our bay to remain as is and we are totally fed up with the likes of Astrid.

  20. joseph p says:

    Illum l-hekk imsejha ambjentalisti ghamlu press conference ma jmurx xi bazuzlu jitlef il-veduta ta’ roqqa haxix. Dawn mhux vera jhobbu l-ambjent, imma ghal xi raguni li wiehed ghad irid jiskopri, ihobbu lil dawk li ghandhom il-vilel ma jmorrux jitlfu l-veduta.

  21. mc says:

    Another example of how Astrid Vella twists facts around to suit her agenda: From today’s Independent:

    “The Authority also notes that the accusation put forward by these NGOs ‘that MEPA is becoming less transparent’ is unjust, when these same three NGOs, over the past year have all been given free access to view the plans of all development applications online, have been given a free credit facility to download case officer reports and have regular discussion meetings with the Authority on numerous issues amongst other things.”

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