A pertinent observation on Mrs Konrad Mizzi’s contract with Mario Vella

Published: July 16, 2014 at 1:45pm
We pulled it off - including a spouse allowance for me even though I have a job in Malta and am staying put here

We pulled it off – including a spouse allowance for me even though I have a job in Malta and am staying put here

Sent in by Arnold Layne:

This is much more than ambassadors get. To start with, ambassadors do not get flights home to Malta paid except if they need to travel to Malta on business (which needs to be approved on a case-by-case basis).

Home leave is paid only once, midway through a posting.

Moreover, Mrs Konrad Mizzi should not be at par with the Maltese ambassador in Beijing, because as far as the host country is concerned, she is answerable to him even if she reports to Malta Enterprise.

Most ambassadors do not actually get a fully-expensed residence. There have been cases where there have not been enough rooms (let alone beds) in the official residence for the ambassador’s family.

19 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    At this point, we should be asking if Dr. Mario Vella is in the wrong as well.

    Does he have the authority to sign contracts with terms equivalent to those for Ambassadors?

    Can he as Chairman of Malta Enterprise offer part of a salary as tax free, or is this only a practice reserved to real Ambassadors?

    Can he offer a fully-expensed residence to an envoy?

  2. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Kemm il-500 ewro fil-gimgha zieda hemm gewwa 3250 ewro fil-gimgha zieda, li l-Ministru Konrad Mizzi ta lilu nnifsu, billi uza lil martu?

  3. George Grech says:

    La il-gvern qed jikkompara lil Sai Mizzi ma ambaxxatur jista jekk joghgbu jaghtina il-contact address taghha bhalma ssib ta’ kull ambaxxatur malti iehor ?

  4. M says:

    Has anyone read about the ordeal of Zhang Shaojie’s family in the local media or is negative news, vis-a-vis China, being weeded out, so that we do not worry our little heads perhaps?

  5. Matt says:

    Konrad Mizzi has the PM by the ba**s. No one wanted to be the minister of Health but Mizzi accepted with a very high price tag.

    Feel sorry for all the workers who have to fork their hard earned money for these people whose interest is to serve their pockets not the island nation.

  6. Deluza says:

    Kieku anka jien incarrat halqi bhalek Konrad jekk ituni dak is-salarju bhal martek. Jien dejjem hdimt u thabatt ghall-affarijiet tieghi. Il-bqija kont bl-impressjoni tal-meritokrazija li tant ghajjatna biha qabel l-elezzjoni izda nistqarr li deluza ghalkemm inhossni kapaci hafna aktar. Nghid ghalija u ghal dawk il-hafna li jhossuhom bhali. Viva l-Lejber!

  7. Deluza says:

    Nixtieq inkun naf fejn nista’ nibaghtlek informazzjoni.

    [Daphne – dcgalizia@gmail.com]

  8. Cikku says:

    Għal naqra għax ma ħalsulhiex ukoll il-“maid” il-“facials”, “manicures” u kull trattament ieħor immaġinabbli u anke ġabulha kok ħalli żgur ma ttkunx distratta mix-xogħol li qed tagħmel. U ħallsulha għas-servizz ta’ nanny wkoll ħalli meta hi tkun xogħol ikollha min jieħu ħsieb it-tfal. Ara veru ġejna sew. U aħna nittewbu għal-loqom…2c roħs fil-petrol. Għax ma daħħalhomx f’għajnu minflok ngħid xi mkien ieħor.

  9. Tom Double Thumb says:

    No wonder Mrs Konrad Mizzi’s scandalous contract was not made public earlier.

    The idea that the PN were exaggerating when they spoke about Euro13,000 in order to put the government in a bad light, out of jealousy and malice, was given enough time to get into people’s minds.

    Now Joseph Muscat feels safe enough because the people believe what Joseph Muscat and his media machine have fed them for so long.

    Only people with some brain cells could see this affair for the huge scandal it was from the very beginning.

  10. Citizen Action says:

    Why is the PN not calling for resignations?

  11. Tracert says:

    Why do not they compare her pay with that of her peers that is the other Malta Enterprise special envoys, as it were?

  12. Freddy Camilleri says:

    Sibthom il-flus fred? Kemm il le ghidt taht Gonzi….. Issa kollox ghaddej!!

  13. anna tabone says:

    Ma hadux l-onorarja ghax konna nkunu nafu biha ahna – ara issa jiehdu qedin mhux l-onoraja imma hafna, hafna iktar.

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