A crying shame – now they have gone too far

Published: July 16, 2014 at 4:21pm
Hdura United: Labour's Manuel Cuschieri (blue box) accompanying our new judge Wenzu Mintoff (red box) to a concert  - with Judge Wenzu's equally vile and humourless obsessive axe grinding friend Saviour Balzan (yellow box)

Hdura United: Labour’s Manuel Cuschieri (blue box) accompanying our new judge Wenzu Mintoff (red box) to a concert – with Judge Wenzu’s equally vile and humourless obsessive axe grinding friend Saviour Balzan (yellow box)

The government announced today that Wenzu Mintoff – a man who is the veritable synthesis of the Maltese description ‘bniedem ahdar‘ (and that is not a reference to environmental policies) – is to be made a judge forthwith.

Aside from the fact that his personality, thinking and attitude are absolutely vile, the man is bitter and twisted. He is literally eaten up by hatred for those he perceives to be his political enemies.

The government chose to say that he was a member of parliament for AD. How disingenuous is that.

Wenzu Mintoff – he is, after all, Dom Mintoff’s nephew – was elected to parliament on the Labour Party ticket under party leader Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici. He briefly fell out with Labour but instead of resigning his seat, kept it and created AD with Toni Abela.

They didn’t last long there. Both soon returned to the Labour Party’s bosom, to the extent that Toni Abela went on to become deputy Labour leader (which he is still) while Wenzu Mintoff became the biggest ahdar of an editor the Labour Party’s official newspaper, KullHadd, ever had.

And believe me when I say that this was quite an achievement given the competition for hdura in that organ.

The Department of Information’s press release also failed to mention that Wenzu ‘Hdura’ Mintoff edited the Labour Party’s newspaper – and editorship of a Sunday newspaper is considered to be a full-time occupation for a full-time employee – while he was on the payroll of Malta Enterprise as a full-time employee there and quite a senior official as its Chief Officer Legal.

When the Maltese Enterprise chairman asked him to choose between his job as editor of the Labour Party’s Sunday newspaper and his role as Chief Officer Legal of Malta Enterprise, Wenzu Mintoff kicked up the stink from hell, going ballistic with the full arsenal of that newspaper and the Labour Party’s entire media war chest, claiming political discrimination and saying that he was only asked to stop because it was the Labour Party’s newspaper.

But anybody who has ever worked for a newspaper (as I have and still do) will know that it is impossible to edit one while holding down a responsible full-time job as a senior official of a state corporation. One or the other is going to suffer.

And let’s face it: no senior official of a state corporation engaged in furthering Maltese enterprise should be editing a newspaper owned by a political party, whatever the political party. Even if he can get it all done by sleeping for just one hour a night, it is completely wrong. Officials of state corporations should not spend their time writing and publishing appalling attacks on people, some of whom that very state corporation has to deal with or might have to deal with.

What happened? Malta Enterprise and the pussy PN government backed down instead of sticking their boot in Wenzu L-Ahdar’s arse. The man continued to do as he pleased ghax Malta kienet u ghada taghhom lkoll. And now this total snake in the grass, who isn’t capable of being impartial if he were dangled over a furnace and told to be impartial or he would be dropped in it, is a JUDGE.

And this when he has not practised at the bar for donkey’s years, if he ever did, and doesn’t have the required experience.

Not a magistrate, which would be bad enough, but a judge. There are individuals who have been sitting in the magistrates’ court for years who should have been made judges, and instead they whisk in this vile and bitter freak who has a list as long as his arm of people who he would like to see shredded to fine mince because they are Enemies of the State (for which read Labour Party).

They don’t include his jolly good friend and fellow bitter ahdar Saviour Balzan.

And as we know, once a judge always a judge and you can’t get rid of them. I suppose it is entirely right and fitting that a thoroughly nasty and vicious piece of work like Wenzu Mintoff would be appointed to replace that corrupt and sleazy slippery evader of impeachment, Lino Farrugia Sacco, who retires now having successfully got away with it.

Those who voted Labour for change should slit their stupid wrists before the rest of us are sorely tempted to do it for them. Turkeys voting for Christmas, the whole effing lot of you unless yours are among the tightly-packed snouts in the Taghna Lkoll money-trough.

I have never been so proud of my constant opposition to Labour, and the fact that no amount of flashy campaigning or carrots ever distracted me from the fact that what we are dealing with here is essentially scum. Scum in a smart frock brandishing a nice cheque is scum all the same.

38 Comments Comment

  1. pacikk says:

    Meritocracy, my ass.

  2. Max says:

    There’s never a dull moment with this Government. A country get the Government it deserves!

  3. Charly says:

    WOW,WOW,WOW, Wenzu Mintoff a judge. This really is the end of the road.

  4. Felix says:

    Yes this is exactly the situation now – they have gone too far! This is really unacceptable.

    The government is rewarding his years of hatred and vileness, by making him a judge – which is not a transient political appointment.

    This is completely and totally unacceptable. I trust the Nationalist Party will pronounce itself against this arrogant, defiant appointment. What an insult to democracy and justice.

  5. Cikku says:

    Mur ejja quddiemu f’xi kawża u jkun jaf min int! Kif iġibek pulpetta! Dik ġustizzja. Iżda fuq Alla m’hemm ħadd u tibżawx tasal ta’ kulħadd u waħidhom joħduha l-ġustizzja. U aħna, għallanqas jien nemmen li l-ġustizzja noħodha jekk mhux f’din id-dinja wara mewti.

    • michael seychell says:

      Cikk – Amen fuq il kumment tieghek.

    • Galian says:

      Cikku, se nirrispondik bil-Malti ghax int ktibt bil-Malti.

      Kieku veru hemm l-Alla li ghallmuna li hemm, kieku veru mhux jaghmel xoghlu biex ihalli lil dawn il-balla hmieg li hemm fil-gvern jiffangaw u jithanzru bil-gid li holoq haddiehor.

  6. Antoine Vella says:

    Let’s hope the PN doesn’t issue a statement congratulating Wenzu Mintoff and wishing him well in his new role.

    They should, instead, issue a statement saying that the PN does not trust Mintoff and will be closely observing his work, to expose possible abuses he might commit.

  7. Willie Inatinovic says:

    Judges and magistrates should protest against the appointment of a very unqualified man for this very high position.He is too green for this position.

    This is the same situation as the new Brigadier’s appointment in the A.F.M (the allied farts of Malta) jumping the ranks.

    A modern Mintoffian attitude.

    To all the hard workers in the judiciary and the army who tried hard to earn their hard-earned rank: “Naghmel iz-z*bb li irrid hu bil-haqq mhur hudu f’gh*xx kemm ghandkom ghax ahna Pl l-ewwel hu qabel kollox.”

    • buslighajni says:

      Your comment is uniquely comical. I have an inkling of a handful of egocentric opportunity sharks…arse-licking to exclusively and unfairly avail themselves of all opportunities, cutting out all competition in the hope of eventually “jumping ranks” themselves.

      Who wouldn’t call that working hard to earn their rank?

      The irony was that the same limited opportunities were not available to all, just the select few (on the then customary yet artistically conjured pretexts).

      I’m sure you’ll recollect how typically these opportunities used to be subsequently withdrawn to any others (who were not integral to the inner circle) just to ensure the “benjamini” wouldn’t face any prospective competition in their career advancement.

      I’m sure that does sound somewhat familiar to you.

      For all your BS talk of qualifications, for starters it is evident you didn’t work hard enough to improve your Maltese all through these years. Not that your English ever fared any better!

      A buon rendere.

  8. Chris says:

    Yet another present, thanks to the PN sitting on its arse for 25 years instead of reforming the judicial system.

    No vetting by either parliament or the judiciary itself, no proof of quality to serve as a judge, just hand picked willy-nilly and there is no mechanism to object to this decision. Thank you, guys!

    All those freakin lawyers and they can’t get there act together? Geez.

  9. Conservative says:

    Madam, with your permission: Gvern hmieg, zibel u oxxen.

  10. ciccio says:

    Shouldn’t all the other decent judges resign (or threaten to resign) en bloc?

  11. Dave says:

    This on the same day that Joseph Muscat & Co publish a bill for a Standards in Public Life:


  12. Flabbergasted says:

    And proud you should be. I hope you realise just how many of us owe much of our sanity to the guts and passion of your commentary, reminding us – in an otherwise resounding silence – that we should continue to aspire to far, far higher standards of decency and democracy than this lot can even dream of. Profound thanks.

  13. Manuel says:

    Let us hope that the PN will come out with a strong opposition to this sham-appointment.

    Let us hope that it will not ‘welcome’ this appointment as it welcomed the appointment of the President of the Republic or as it welcomed the Memorandum-of-Kickbacks with China.

  14. Gladio says:

    The sum total of Wenzu Mintoff’s experience at the bar: he formed part of a group of Labour Party lawyers who defended the Labour Party criminals in the 1987 General Elections Zejtun Corrupt Practices case. This group of lawyers also included Toni Abela.

  15. anthony says:

    He will no doubt prove to be a most worthy successor of his predecessor Farrugia Sacco.

    It will never be a question of if but of when.

  16. G says:

    Dom Mintoff’s nephew? Thats the official version isn’t it?

  17. Wistin Schembri says:

    A most fitting replacement of Mr Justice Farrugia Sacco.

    Labour, shame on you.

  18. vince arrigo says:

    Holy shit! They are really scraping the barrel.

    Maaa, x’biza ta’ nies.

  19. curious says:

    Darba kien hawn wiehed jismu Franco Debono. X’sar minnu?

    Pulcinelli kollha. Mhux lill min taf imma x’taf, hux hekk Ramona Frendo?

  20. il-hsieb tar-ronnie says:

    The once defunct slogans of the PN such as “is-sewwa jirbah zgur”, “xoghol, gustizzja, Liberta'” seem to be resuscitated by this the-sky-is-the-limit-for-obscenities government.

  21. Weird no ? says:

    Saying that Wenzu Mintoff is the successor of Farrugia Sacco is like saying from the frying pan into the fire. Saying that he is replacing people like Judge Lawrence Quintano who just resigned will make us more conscious how much we are spiralling down.

  22. Freedom5 says:

    Wenzu Mintoff’s appointment as a judge could be the best thing to cut court delays. People may be so wary of having their case heard by him that it may cut down on the Maltese penchant for court litigation.

  23. bob-a-job says:

    Where are we going from here?

    Police on stop leave.

    Soldiers providing security for Ministries.

    Police and Armed Forces Chiefs taghna ukoll.

    and now a new Judge known to practice partiality.

    Is the MLP expecting riots or is it simply providing tension to distract from it’s not too subtle misdeeds such as a conjurer may do when performing feats of sleight of hand and illusion.

  24. maximus says:

    Dan li ried il-poplu. Kien jghid Dr. Gonzi li mal-Labour ma tahdimx. Dawk in-Nazzjonalisti taparsi li talbu 10 pjaciri u inqdew f’9 u vvutaw PL nispera li qedin kuntenti issa.

    Jonqos li l-isqof jirrezenja wkoll u jlahhaq lil xi Manwel Cuschieri jew Joe Grima.

  25. Shame says:

    He had a habit of calling supporters of the Nationalist Party “koccuti” on his radio show – whatever that may mean.

    What will he do now if one of the “koccuti” is in front of him? Shameful decision by this government.

  26. S says:

    Unbelievable. I am so proud to say that I voted PN. This is the ‘change’ people wanted – just lovely!

  27. Comment says:

    Gvern tat-tejatrini spicca u iehor aqwa minnu beda.

  28. holly says:

    Guess who the next Chief Justice will be?

  29. albona says:

    Separation of powers indeed.

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