Minister Konrad Mizzi says he ‘doesn’t get involved in his wife’s affairs’ – but hang on, she’s being paid at the MARRIED RATE
Mrs Konrad Mizzi has one of those diplomat’s contracts (despite not being a diplomat) which include payment at the “married rate”.
This “married rate” is for those senior diplomats who have a dependent spouse who goes along with them. The dependent spouse is usually a stay-at-home mother/wife because very few husbands take kindly to being hauled around the world with no gainful occupation.
Paying Mrs Konrad Mizzi at the “married rate” is abusive because:
1. her husband has a job and a very senior government one at that;
2. her husband has a considerable income from that job;
3. her husband is, very famously, not accompanying the special envoy to China at any point;
4. her husband can’t accompany her to China even if he wants to, because he has considerable responsibilities here in Malta as senior member of the government.
Isn’t it incredible how they will try to slurp up every last cent they can get away with?
Konrad Mizzi said that he doesn’t get involved in his wife’s affairs. Perhaps not, but he’s quite content to grab that married-rate/spouse allowance even though he isn’t a stay-at-home housewife and he’s not going to China either.
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So correct me if i am wrong, Konrad Mizzi does not get involved in his wife’s affairs but Almighty Joseph does?
Which means they get chauffeur driven both in Malta and in China.
And if there is no involvement in each other’s affairs, does this mean that she had nothing to do with any past or future deals in the energy sector, which is part of his portfolio?
Does this mean that she has no brief to seek investment in anything related to the health sector, another area under her husband’s purview?
If that’s the case, then there would be two sizeable chunks of anyone’s economy to be avoided and therefore, in itself, a good reason NOT to select her for the job.
If you can’t beat them; join them.
I’m having great fun being a lying Spiv.
Ja qatta’ mgewwhin. Bil-pezza ma sormkom tibqghu, tiffangaw u xorta neqsin.
Mhux bilfors tobghodu n-Nazzjonalisti, kif qatt tistghu tkunu sinjuri?
The contract is fraudulent. Can it be challenged?
One Maltese word sums it, “pulcinell”!
If my calculations are correct, based on the gross salary taxable, the tax due for single rate would be 6742 euro, whilst that of married rate would be 4918 euro. So in effect she is cheatibg the government of 1824 euro.
If this happened to an ordinary working class person there would be fines and reminders from the tax departments for sure even if it was a matter of a few euros.
They will slurp the money away, because their voters let them get away with it.
You know what their voters say about Sai Mizzi? “Hallija bi kwieta ghanda t-tfal” and these are the same people who bitch about not having enough money to send their children to private lessons or sports clubs.
Maybe if Sai Mizzi wasn’t slurping up all the cash there would be more to go around … less taxes, more local sports centres, better paid teachers …
The Labour Party is like the Royal family to these people, so its no wonder they can do what they want and get away with it.
Ghandha ragun tibki, bil-ferh imma.
People who elect corrupt politicians, impostors, thieves and traitors are not victims, but accomplices.
Didn’t the great leader say that we could be like Dubai or Singapore? He must have been economical with the truth, a common malady these days. He must have meant that we could be (infact already are) resident exhibits of the Dubai or Singapore Zoo.
Franco Debono is the vilest of creatures if he remains silent.
As for Mr.Speaker, perhaps he should give up the house.
O zmien helu.
Technically, this can be described as fraud. Sai Mizzi is receiving money for a nonexistent dependent spouse.
Old age pensioners who receive the two-thirds pension, but can barely make ends meet, are very carefully vetted by the Social Security Department to check if they have paid every single National Insurance contribution they were supposed to. And if a couple of payments are discovered to be missing, a chunk of their pension is immediately deducted.
People over 75 who used to receive a modest lump sum every January are now receiving it in monthly installments so that, if they die during the year, payments will immediately cease and the government will have saved a few euros off them.
We are always hearing indignant ministers and government officials ranting about those who “abuse the system” by receiving more social benefits than they’re entitled to.
And then, here we have Sai Mizzi, tearfully receiving thousands of euros which she’s clearly not entitled to. If this is not an abuse fenomenali of the system, I don’t know what it is.
Sur Ministru, Shame on You. Shame on You.
I will be kind and say that either he or his wife have to hand in their resignation by the weekend.
Shame on You, Ministru.
Did they promise the appointment to both Mr Borg-Marks and Mrs Mizzi before March 2013? The saddest thing is that they don’t even make a decent diplomat between the two.
Malta Enterprise has branched out into the promotion and implementation of spousal maintenance agreements. I consider this as positive energy in the making.
This government gets away with murder.
Are they still married?
Does Manuel Mallia know any maths? He is supposed to know how to count, at least up to a couple of million.
Back to the good old days or even better, Back to the future !!
Mizzi is under the false impression that every Tom, Dick and Harry in Malta is an imbecile like him.
‘Dr Muscat says that after March 9, independently of who wins the general election, there should be serenity on campus and in the country, which should move forward as one people. People should not be judged according to their faces (cheers) and should work together. People should vote for a change of direction and for a country which was divided and where the people advanced according to their merits, not who they knew. (Cheers of Taghna lkoll).’ Joseph Muscat MCAST debate, February 20, 2013
Wow the guy IS a comedian after all.
Hallelin, hallelin, is-socjalisti hallelin.
Is he getting the married rate as well? I won’t be surprised at all if he does.
Is he getting paid at the ‘married rate’ too?
Same question applies to Sai too.
Sai Mizzi sai fottere.