Sai Mizzi’s boss hasn’t a clue. What’s going on?

Published: July 17, 2014 at 8:50pm

Chris Cardona, the Minister for the Economy, is responsible for Malta Enterprise. Sai Mizzi reports to Mario Vella and Mario Vella reports to Chris Cardona.

But Cardona hasn’t got a clue what’s going on – or at least he didn’t have a clue at the time Mrs Mizzi was given her contract. And it is quite clear from his body language here that he isn’t lying, though he isn’t annoyed or motivated enough to put his foot down in case he’s sacked at the next reshuffle.

He’s principled, you see, just like Judge Wenzu Mintoff.

9 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Does he ever?

    • ciccio says:

      Had the prime minister engaged a lap dancer, then I’m sure Cardona would be able to answer questions about the appointment.

  2. anthony says:

    Cardona never has a clue about anything.

    He is too wise to do so.

    In the horrendous circumstances, I don’t even blame him.

    Only fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

    And Cardona is no fool.

  3. Steve says:

    Il-kummentarju ta’ Radio 101 fuq is-sugett minn John Zammit tal-bierah kien veru tajjeb.

    • Gahan says:

      Daphne, it just occurred to me that if Sai Mizzi is doing such sterling work for Malta Enterprise which justifies her measly income of €13,000 per month, why are we going to transfer her behind a desk to handle diplomatic chores for which she’s not qualified?

      While at it, Malta Enterprise should ask for re-embursment of the monies for her perks and what not, because she would not be honouring the duration of her three year contract.How can ME do without her in Shanghai ,who will replace her?

  4. Sappers Str, vlt says:

    If reporters want access to Chris Cardona, they’ll find him drinking at the Stables bar on Sappers Street, Valletta, round the corner from Manuel Mallia’s house.

  5. pablo says:

    Chris Cardona is trying to deal with the humiliation of being dictated to and left out of decisions that come under his portfolio. He will soon be on the back benches where he can regain some self respect.

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