This is how you know for certain that Franco Debono is harassing Owen Bonnici to distraction
And how you know, too, that the harassment has only got worse since Wenzu Mintoff was made a judge. Former senior members of the Nationalist Party will know this through experience.
Debono is not only slightly unbalanced, but having been raised by a Hal Ghaxaq barmaid, he has absolutely no idea how to behave. The combination of defective psychology and appalling bad manners means that he thinks it perfectly normal and acceptable to ring people repeatedly and obsessively at all hours and send them hundreds of text messages, all about the fascinating topic of Me And My Needs And Demands.
And Own Bonnici, like others before him, has taken the worst possible way out for what he thinks might be a quiet life. Instead of warning him off and then reporting him to the police for harassment if the bombardment continues, he tries to mollify and soothe.
The exact same mistake – really quite incredible. The only language people like this coarse and vulgar ex cock-fighter understand is being told in no uncertain terms where they should go, taking their demands and their ‘tbatija’ with them, preferably in the sort of place a police officer in possession of a pair of disposable gloves would demand to inspect were he a Swedish tourist.
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This is precisely what I thought when I saw the news item.
If you think further, shouldn’t this entire government be called the “Franco Debono government”? After all we saw in the previous 5 years, I’d say that it is an appropriate name, because Franco did more that Joseph to have a Labour government elected.
You can say it’s a Trojan horse government. Like sellotaping cock to finger to gain unlawful entry.
It was only a matter of time; they had to name something after him; he desperately wanted his second iced-bun.
Maybe this Debono-law will save us and all this nation from having him serving in our Higher Courts.
Just as a matter of information. This Debono-law was written by him while he was still a PN MP. Ergo, as a law commissioner he still has not produced one iota of a report.
Meanwhile, for now, Argentina is the one to beat in terms of relations with China. Argentina has set the bar to a new height: the “comprehensive strategic partnership.”
Hekk, hu go fik, Joseph Muscat.
“On Friday, Xi and Fernandez agreed to upgrade bilateral ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership from strategic partnership, which was established 10 years ago.”
Muscat is totally out of step and out of time when he speaks of China in terms of “strategic partnership.” The new Beijing trend is the “comprehensive strategic partnership” – one step from “total absorption by China.”
Meanwhile, Venezuela is not far behind. They are celebrating four decades of diplomatic ties with China, and Xi Jinping is paying them a visit during his South American tour.
Wait a minute – isn’t Malta celebrating 40 years of relations with China as well? Did Malta get a visit by the Chinese president as a gesture of appreciation? No, of course not. On the contrary – they called their poodle to China with a delegation of “selected” media, and after treating them to a Peking duck, they put their poodle on a lead which they called “an MOU.”
Venezuela is still at the level of “strategic partnership” with China. But during his visit, Xi Jinping promised to “lift the China-Venezuela relations to a new height.”
Not that in terms of current democratic developments, Malta would not fit nicely in the company of Argentina and Venezuela as a “comprehensive strategic partner” of China…but for the time being, we will have to settle for an 8-page MOU and a diet of Peking duck.
Argentina is desperate due to the fact that the country is almost bankrupt and for obvious reasons, do not want another bailout from the IMF. Moreover, the US Supreme Court recently ruled that Argentina must pay the bond holders who did not accept the debt swap a decade or so ago – the so called holdout debtors.
Regarding China, Argentina has the second biggest reserve of shale gas (after the USA) in the Patagonia region, which is also a pristine region. China is desperate to get hold of that in order to compete with the US for cheaper gas and control the supply to the rest of the world.
It is a deal between two extremely corrupt governments.
In my days we were nauseated by RAI 1 going on forever about La Legge Merlin.
Now we have La Legge Gallo.
La Legge Galletto you mean.
Could be, but for some reason, when I read this piece I thought of two other possible reasons. One government is hedging its bets so that they have someone to blame if things don’t work out, someone who the pn would also be happy to crucify given the possibility. Second its a way to keep reminding the pn of the person who was partly responsable for the massive defeat they suffered.
The only difference is that under this government, Franco Debono has no power.
Tal-Malja, I think you are wrong in thinking that Franco holds no power. He does. He has intimate knowledge of his dealings with Labour whilst serving as a Nationalist MP. I suspect he knows more than that as well. The former alone is enough to keep some individuals in the current administration on tenterhooks.
Cock fighter – of the feathered kind, I assume.
What next? A bridge named after Mugliett? Or maybe a new clinic named after JPO?
The bridge which blacklisted China Communications Construction Company is to build between Malta and Gozo will be named after Jesmond Mugliett: the Jesmond Mugliett China Friendship Golden Luck Bridge.
A year later, the bridge will collapse.
An investigation will reveal that the quality of concrete was poor and not enough cement was used.
But the Labour Party will have millions to spend for the next general election campaign.
Here are some facts.
1.Franco Debono expected Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi to interrupt a cabinet meeting in order to speak to him.
2. Franco Debono expected Prime Minister Gonzi to interrupt a meeting with USA Foreign Secretary Hillary Clinton in order to speak to him.
3. Franco Debono phoned Prime Minister Gonzi in the early hours of the morning and expected him to leave a European Union Head of States meeting, in discussion about an urgent and sensitive issue, in order to speak to him.
4. During the Libyan crisis in 2011, Franco Debono called at the prime minister’s office wearing shorts and flip-flops and demanded that Prime Minister Gonzi interrupts a meeting with former Libyan Prim Minister Jabril, in order to speak to him.
5. When he was a member of parliament, Franco Debone have bombarded Prime Minister Gonzi and Nationalist Party officials with literally thousands of text messages, many of them during the night and in the early hours of the morning.
Please send selfies in “martyrdom”/”top student” pose to
Or on Twitter using the hashtag #kemmbatejt
Owen, tiflah tumilja izjed ruhek quddiem dak li qed jaghmillek hajtek infern?
People with personality disorders (Malta is full of them) necessitate very strict boundaries.
Owen Bonnici qieghed hemm ghal xejn ghax ma jafx jaqbad il-barri minn qrunu. Jissottometti ruhu ghal kollox.
Din ma hix l-unika haga li hu ma nvestigax imma li baqghet sejra mar-rih.
Jien ghalija komplici jigi. Kulhadd imexxih minn imniehru imma jiddispjacini nghid li ghalkemm nifhmu ma niggustifikahx ghax la dahal ghal kariga messu jiehu stand fejn suppost u jinvestiga u mhux ihalli kollox ghaddej mar-rih.
Lol issa qed nirreferu ghal The Franco Debono Law… u hallina, Owen. Mhux ahjar tinvestiga r-rapporti li tircevi minflok? The Treaty of Nice, hej.
This is all so ridiculous. What else lies in wait?
Maybe some postage stamps with Franco Debono and his cock on them? Who knows, it has become a normality that the more things sound preposterous, the more there is chance of them materializing.