How many MPs did the PM take with him to London as a treat?
It’s not just Deborah Schembri. Labour MP Etienne Grech is there too. Deborah Schembri’s presence has not been reported in the press and seems to have been ‘hidden’ from the accompanying journalists.
This website reported that she is part of the delegation after she was seen with the prime minister’s entourage in business class on board the flight out to Heathrow at 7am last Monday.
Meanwhile, here’s Etienne Grech on Facebook:
Ninsab Londra flimkien mal-priministru Joseph Muscat fejn attendejna interview tal-prim fuq is-CNN (jintwera t tlieta fil-11.30am fuq CNN, imbaghad morna laghqa u diskussjoni fir Royal Commonwealth office u morna il-London School of economics fejn il-priministru ghamel indirizz stupend. Ghada fil-ghodu nitilqu Glasgow l-iskozja sabiex inzuru il Commonwealth Games.
What does it sound like? That’s right: those school essays we were forced to write in primary school as soon as we settled back in after the summer break – ‘My Holiday’ or ‘A Trip With My Family’.
Beyond pathetic.
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‘laghqa’ – this means ‘bootlickers’ (the ‘agħ’ is pronounced ‘aa’ – a long ‘a’)
meeting is ‘laqgħa’.
Maybe he really meant ‘lagħqa’ – they are really all a bunch of bootlickers – the Chinese, the Israeli government, Azerbaijan, the ħamalli hunters, the ħamalli of Armier etc. etc.
Forsi kienet laqgha tal-laghqa?
Schembri must have spent most of her time at Evans in Oxford Street trying to fit into their notorious size 32.
Etienne Grech shared a link
PM fuq is-CNN: L-UE għandha timponi aktar sanzjonijiet fuq ir-Russja – TVM
Il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat sostna li l-Unjoni Ewropea m’għandhiex għażla oħra ħlief li timponi aktar sanzjonijiet fuq. ir-Russja
Martin Abela: Fuq Izrael le?
19 hours ago · Like · 1
U xi nghidu ghac-Cina ? Naghmlu elogji fuq id-drittijiet tal-bniedem, il-libertatjiet tal espressjoni ? jew il korruzzjoni istituzzjonalizzata? Dik zammejnila midalja ta’ Gieh ir-Repubblika ghal Christmas.
Ginger Moggy must have seen Etienne Grech’s beach gear.
Etienne Grech
Hidma ghall-pajjizna waqt laqgha dwar il-commonwealth u l-futur taghha.. — with Etienne Grech II and Dr. Etienne Grech MD.
Ginger Moggy: You look so prominant and fantastic – stand out from the crowd.
Yesterday at 3:26pm
Meta tiftah bracket, ghalaqha. Jew hallejtha miftuha halli tkun tista taghmel il-“laghqa” sew?
It reminded me more of a description of a day’s excursions in one of Hamilton Tours vacation booklets.
“Inqumu u niehdu ‘breakfast’, wara naqbdu l-coach u nitilqu lejn Venezja fejn inzuru Pjazza San Marco u niehdu kafe’ hemmhekk mal-hamiem. Ecc ecc.”
They’ll be arriving back in Malta tired but happy.
Priministru? It should be Prim Ministru as in Prime Minister not Priminister
It looks like he is being held hostage at a Mexican dude ranch.