Now the panic sets in

Published: February 18, 2010 at 6:54pm
Robert's got my Facebook vote.

Robert's got my Facebook vote.

Here’s Robert Musumeci, doing some crawling on Facebook this morning:

Ejja naghrfu li kull persuna ghandha x’toffri lis-socjeta’. Il-politika ghandha sservi biex tghaqqadna.

And here’s a reply typical of what he appears not to have realised is his new audience:

Mark Attard
Prosit Robert. Good status. Staqsi lil Bundy. John, int dak l-istatus taf xi jfisser…blue pain relief:):):)
about an hour ago

And here’s another one:

Ronnie Pellegrini
Prosit Robert ! Dan il-kliem jghodd hafna kieku jixtaru il-Prim Ministru !!

Ronnie Pellegrini! X’ghamilt b’idejk, Robert.

7 Comments Comment

  1. Oscar says:

    Hilarious. Dan isbah mill-pakkett ta’ l-EU!

  2. John Schembri says:

    Dan spicca b’id wahda wara u l-ohra quddiem.

  3. tony says:

    kif gab lilna il maltin GONZIPN li milli ghedna ma hemm xejn

  4. Chris Debono says:

    What a pitiful guy that Pellegrini is. You all remember his uncle Toni running Xandir Malta.

    [Daphne – Ronnie Pellegrini, Lorry Sant’s man. Nice company for Robert Musumeci and John Bundy to keep on Facebook.]

  5. JeanKarl Bugeja says:

    Daphne, is this Pellegrini guy the one who was some kind of GWU supremo or something apart from being a Sant side kick?

    [Daphne – I knew him as a Lorry Sant sidekick.]

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