No money for elections, but PBS is now going to have its very own 40-musician orchestra

Published: July 25, 2014 at 3:36pm

snouts in the trough

In a fresh act of Taghna Lkoll insane extravagance, PBS is going to be using taxpayers’ money to put 40 musicians on the payroll by setting up and funding the equivalent of Marie Antoinette’s toy farm: a full orchestra of its very own.

Malta already has a national orchestra.

The press release says:

The Public Broadcasting Services will be widening the services that are offered to its public by setting up the PBS Orchestra. This concept of The PBS Orchestra is new to the national station and offers a challenge and will enhance its ever increasing concept of quality programmes.


The PBS Orchestra will open a new chapter in the history of local television, and will offer new opportunities for the three arts, music, dance and song.

33 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Directed, no doubt, by Sigmund Mifsud.

  2. Manuel says:

    Muscat managed to find 100 million euros for his extra-large, over crowded cabinet.

    Then he claims he has no money for the people to exercise their right to vote.

    Typical Burmarrad-Chinese mentality.

  3. not impressed says:

    No money for elections, but enough to kick off the summer carnival.

    No money for elections, but enough to pay the insiders good wages for jobs that are not needed or that they are not calibre of doing.

    No money for elections, but enough to close down arterial roads for village festas.

    It’s ok though – now there’s labour, now there’s the change that all Malta wanted, now there’s no corruption.

    Ara vera poplu injorant daqs il- Malti il- Bambin ghad irid johloq!

    • Weird no ? says:

      The Malta Authority had a million euros for two Joseph Calleja concerts that will not attract even one tourist and they refuse a sponsorship of 500 euros to a band that made the effort to go overseas to represent Malta in an international festival in Bratislava where we have no embassy to make Malta visible.

      • ketchup says:

        The complimentary seats to Cikku il poplu were handed out 2 days before the concert. Obviously some high up ministers had more than the 2 seats, from what I saw, and my husband and I paid €400 to be sitting in this same area. Well, some people are more equal than others.

    • Rosie says:

      Ma Joholqux ta ghax farrakha il-forma .

  4. Jozef says:

    Need we say who gets a double income?

  5. Calculator says:

    No need to evacuate Libya, Vella said. Everything isn’t that bad, he said.

  6. marks says:

    what an appropriate photo.

  7. Silvio says:

    I can’t see what one has to do with the other.

    May I suggest that the students stipend be reduced and use the savings for the local council elections.

    • watchful eye says:

      Democracy is not up for sale, Mr Loporto.

      We do not need money to uphold it.

      And what will happen if there are no funds when the general elections come around in 2018?

      Are you suggesting that they be cancelled too?

    • Ares says:

      Silvio, you leave your email, I can send the you the details of a good ophtalmologist, maybe he can help you see.

    • CiVi says:

      Are you sober?

    • Rosie says:

      So you really are a moron , I’ll keep trying but Mrs. Caruana Galizia won’t let me insult you the way you insult most of the intelligent people contributing to this page.

      • Rosie says:

        Thank you.

      • Natalie says:

        I love this comment. It’s evident that some editing has taken place here.

        Daphne please note that Silvio is sorely testing our patience and most of us would love to call him names, but we’re controlling ourselves as civilised persons should. However please do allow the odd insult here and there.

    • Manuel says:

      May I suggest, Silvio, that the PM stop leasing his own car to himself and save some money? Or maybe reduces Ms. Sai Mizzi’s salary of 13,000 euro a month? Or maybe downsizes the cabinet by say, 40%? Or maybe the PM might as well stop using a hired private Jet every time he wants to fly out to Brussels?

      I can pick out other examples, if you so wish, but I think that I made the point very clear.

      Why on earth would you suggest the reduction of the students’ stipend in the first place? Why do our children have to suffer while the cabinet members are getting fat rich by the day?

    • observer says:

      Again – and for the third time:

      Don’t be so darned stupid, Silvio.

  8. Desperate Housewife says:

    The thing is there aren’t even enough full-time musicians in Malta to fill the MPO Also, the MPO’s budget just about allows them to operate, so inventing an extra orchestra is daft, even apart from the money involved.

    • Min Jaf says:

      The Labour supporters in the National Orchestra will also be employed by PBS Orchestra, thereby getting double salary which is now the norm within the Taghna Lkoll setup.

  9. observer says:

    A search through ‘Radio Orchestras’ in Wikipedia names a total of 47 European Countries.

    Some of them (including ours) do not have one – whilst others, including Germany, have more than one.

    Thanks to Frederick (medium sized uncut) Testa, ours will soon be boasting of a national radio orchestra – complete, of course, with its own artistic director.

    We will at last make it to the world stage even in this specialized cultural field.

    All hail Frederick and his medium sized uncut.

  10. George Grech says:

    And we also have money to organise CHOGM and the pathetic Junior Eurovision Song Festival.

  11. Calculator says:

    Is this supposed to be Malta’s version of the BBC Symphony Orchestra?

  12. Banana Republic .... again says:

    is the pig in the middle actually ginger too?

  13. chico says:

    One of my favourite axioms has always been: when you think it just can’t get any worse, it does.

    Another one is: don’t ever think you’ve seen it all – you haven’t.

  14. Floater says:

    I think it is on a part time basis.

  15. Joe Fenech says:

    Paul Abela is local pop-song and a revisionist rock-opera composer with a knowledge of basic jazz techniques.

    By international standards:

    Sigmund Mifsud is a semi-professional trumpet with no credentials except that horrible Rockorkestra, work with local band clubs and being a member of the National Orchestra (no reference in itself) .

    Joe Brown is a semi-professional not even fit to run a 3-star hotel band.

    Incompetent, fat-Labour asses!

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