And just three weeks ago, Manuel Mallia tweeted proudly about his MOU with the Libyan government

Published: July 26, 2014 at 3:36pm

You’d think that the Army Minister would have a bit more insight into the situation in Libya, but no. The country was already in a state of total anarchy three weeks ago, and there Manuel Mallia was, signing worthless MOUs with a redundant Libyan Minister of the Interior.

Yes, with a Minister of the Interior whose interior is total anarchy and controlled by rebel militias.

No suggestions as to what Mallia can do with his MOU now, please. He’s very touchy.

Useless gits.

Manuel Mallia's tweet about Libya


18 Comments Comment

  1. mc says:

    Kummidjant dan ir-ragel u min ivvutalu stupidu.

    • dorothy attard says:

      kemm sirtu hamalli tal-pn taghjjru lin nies sew jghidu li r-rota ddur

      • mc says:

        Jien tkellimt hazin? Hamalli ghax nghidu dak li hu ovvju? Hamalli intom bil-kliem u pozi taghkom fuq Facebook.

      • CiVi says:

        Jalla ddur ir-rota Dorothy, ghax il-Partit Laburista kisser pajjiz, anzi, biex nghidha kif inhossha, hakmu t-tmun u hhajgekkjaw pajjiz.

        Ma kienitx din it-tmexxijja li gejna mweghda. La suppost kellhom ‘road map’ lesta, ahjar li ppublikawha halli konna nkunu nafu ghalxiex se nivvutaw. X’wahda ghaddewna biz-zmien!

      • Rosie says:

        U ddur qieghda , B’lura, sakemm nerga naslu fit tmeninijiet, Hu pjacir la tiehu gost tissawat , u l-anqas jien ma tkellimtx hazin , Qed nghidhulkom dak kollu li intom injoranti wisq biex tindunaw, li qed jidqu bikom Int haqqek ahna le.

      • orapronobis says:

        ‘La suppost kellhom ‘road map’ lesta, ahjar li ppublikawha halli konna nkunu nafu ghalxiex se nivvutaw.’

        Ir-road map mhux fl-interess nazzjonali li jippublikawha.

  2. admin says:

    “There is no formal evacuation for Maltese and they have to pay for their own flights back.”

    • Neo says:

      Of course they have to pay for their flights. Otherwise how are we going to afford the flights of the PM’s large entourage each time he goes abroad?

  3. La Redoute says:

    Times of Baxxter (@baxxterswar) tweeted at 8:03pm – 25 Jul 14:

    @drmanuelmallia Are you doing anything about Martin Galea, Dr Blut und Eisen? (

  4. Min Jaf says:

    X’ghala zo**u Manwel (jekk ghadhu jista jsiebu)? L-aqwa li deher jippoppa zaqqu fuq il-media, u li ghandhu ritratt iehor biex jwahhal fl-album tieghu.

  5. Kevin says:

    Suggestion for a Maltastar survey:

    “How successful do you rate the signing of the Malta-Libya MOU?”

    (a) A phenomenal success
    (b) Very successful
    (c) Rather successful
    (d) It’s Joseph so it must be successful
    (e) Not sure but overall a success
    (f) Taghna l-ilkoll, taghna l-ikoll

  6. Jien naf li Mallia ma ghandux tort. Mohhu kien band’ohra……jghodd il-flus liqwidi li ghandu d-dar. Bicca xoghol iebsa.

  7. helen says:

    Kieku bl-injoranza tiggenera d-dawl, bl-injoranza tal-Labour m’ghandiex bzonn power station

  8. George says:

    Even without this anarchy, the MOU was out of place.

    Should everything go as planned, the General Congress is going to hand over the power to the newly elected parliament on August 4.

  9. pacikk says:

    It is not even worth the paper it’s printed on.

  10. victorio says:

    Who will take the blame if Maltese citizens are killed when an evacuation should have been ordered weeks ago?

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