Libya – now a country where rebel militias order the prime minister about

Published: July 26, 2014 at 4:11pm

militia airport

You will notice that this is another prime minister. All the currying of favour that Joseph Muscat did with his predecessor has gone up in smoke – literally.

7 Comments Comment

  1. Silvio says:

    This seems to be the time when our P.M. should follow Gonzi’s way,if matters come to a point where we have to take important decisions.

    No one doubts the right way that Gonzi treated the very difficult situations that arose during the uprising against Gaddafi.

    If the need arises the P.m.and Dr Busutill should put their heads together , forget politics, and work for the good of our country.

    • Josette says:

      The PM doesn’t even admit there is a problem; so I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for him to put his head together with anyone else’s.
      L-akbar trux …

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      What a stupid comment. You literally have no idea how your own country works.

      Simon Busuttil is the leader of the Opposition party. He has no cabinet position. He is constitutionally forbidden from exercising any control or influence over any branch of government, including armed forces (especially the armed forces), the foreign service, and the intelligence community (such as it is).

      They are constitutionally forbidden from passing on any information to anyone who is not in their chain of command.

      So how exactly could Simon Busuttil do anything about the Libyan crisis.

      If you mean that he should advise the government because he is brighter and more knowledgeable than any of our government ministers, then all I can say is tough titties. We voted in this lot, and the constitution says they hold executive power. Alone.

  2. Foggy says:

    No doubt Dr Vella thinks this news is more media exaggeration.

  3. Nana says:

    Silvio, why do you want dr Busuttil to work with muscat about Libya problems.? Silvio when there is trouble you want the pn to help, and when muscat is giving the ice buns they do it alone. If I’m dr Busuttil I will let sink deeper so they know what the difference is between labour and pn.

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