Preparations for the August Moon Ball are well in hand

Published: July 26, 2014 at 4:17pm

The head of state has worked together with the Foundation for National Festivities and Silvio Scerri’s Nexos to come up with a marvellous feature to thrill the guests: a famous face projected onto the moon.

august moon ball

15 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    May I suggest a spectacular show by the name of the “The Many Faces of Joseph Muscat”?

  2. curious says:


  3. Denis says:

    Perfect shape.

  4. CiVi says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised at all. Never say never.

  5. Alexander Ball says:

    Isn’t Moonface a pejorative?

  6. NOYB says:

    Jaqq. Is this what a real werewolf looks like?

  7. Gahan says:

    Din id-darba il-mistiedna iridu joqgħodu attenti li wara l-ballu jibqgħu sejrin dritt lejn id-dar u la jmorru Gianpula ma xi ħabiba tal-mara, la joqgħodu jqerru dnubietom ma’ xi kummissarju imdejjaq u l-anqas imorru għand is-Serkin jieklu l-pastizzi u jaqilgħu xi ġlieda ma xi ħadd bil-qieghda għal-affari tiegħu.

    Jien sejjer bil-Go-pro!

  8. Ta'sapienza says:

    All that’s needed is Lumière’s rocket in his eye. Wait a bit, Silvio Nexos went one better and nuked them.

  9. verita says:

    X’ sar minna l-inkjesta? Mid dehra intesiet. Bil-fors li xi hadd tal-qalba kien involut.

  10. Pluribus says:

    Thank you Daphne, his mouth is closed….

  11. Mike says:

    Joseph-is-in-the-moon Ball

  12. Melissa says:

    Talk about cheesy.

    Or the ‘Man on the Moon’ theory.

  13. Socrates says:

    Taht Muscat kulhadd ser jara l-qamar…imma hu se jinharaq mix-xemx tas-suppervja u l-ingustizzji li qed iwettaq u jhalli jsiru taht ghajnejn b’dik id-dahqa stupida ta’ wiccu.

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