And not before time

Published: July 26, 2014 at 5:09pm

They seem to be getting rid of that shambles up against the Valletta gate at last. Or maybe they’re adding to it?

I wonder what they’ve given him instead.

kiosk 1

kiosk 2

11 Comments Comment

  1. Gahan says:

    Jekk jiġu tal-Monti, għala mhux Ġiraldu ukoll?

    • Min Jaf says:

      The Valletta mayor plans to open Ordnance Street to traffic all the way up to Castile Square, once the Piano area is cleared of protective fencing and building material.

      That, along with monti stalls and typical signage (1 pant 1 Euro / 3 pants 4 Euros) along both side of the street, will show nasty Piano were to get off and will give the PL the last word over the Piano Project set in motion by goNziPn.

  2. verita says:

    what an eyesore.

  3. Tinnat says:

    I wonder if it isn’t making way for something else, seeing that this was a project led by the previous government.

  4. helen says:

    Still some space left for Franco Debono’s cages and cocks.

  5. chico says:

    Daphne, I overheard him talking to a customer some weeks ago. He’s been given a little nook behind some column within the arcade just a few metres away on the right.

    He was very pissed off about it claiming no one will see him there. The customer, whom I happened to know, walked away and commented, “I would have just dumped him in the ditch”. I couldn’t help but agree.

  6. just jack says:

    Yes he has a cubby-hole under the arcades, where there used to be the stairs. He was stocking the cubby-hole.

  7. Min Jaf says:

    Geraldu’s news kiosk, originally housed in one of the small shops beneath the Royal Opera House, has been a point of reference for decades for commuters moving through ‘Putirjal’.

    As such it should be given special consideration. It would be appropriate for the authorities to provide the kiosk owners with a suitable alternative sales point in the area.

    • chico says:

      Why should anyone who has been sitting on prime public property for decades for a pitiful rent be given any sort of consideration or alternative? Market rules – can’t pay, get out! Give us back our land.

      About time someone investigate the millions those cafes on the piazza are making by setting up their tables and umbrellas on public property. And please no whining about the licence fee or whatever measly thing it is they contribute.

      Rent is rent is rent. And rent on HOT land should be HOT. This turning a blind eye from government (both parties mind you) is tantamount to theft.

  8. ciccio says:

    If he is selling circus tickets, a place in front of the Auberge de Castille would be more appropriate.

  9. Tal-Malja says:

    L-aqwa li bil-barrier, ma jmorrux jigu tal-health and safety.

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