Our Tripoli ambassador’s details have been removed from the Foreign Ministry’s website

Published: July 26, 2014 at 5:15pm

Mannie Galea

Mannie Galea portrait

The ambassador is Mannie Galea, a political appointee and not a career diplomat. Imagine that – a political appointee for such a difficult hot-spot. He is an architect who works extensively in Libya, and a Taghna Lkoll choice.

Perhaps the government would care to let us know whether he has resigned or been dismissed. Or whether it is neither of those things, but he has gone ‘undercover’.

21 Comments Comment

  1. The Phoenix says:

    First Mannie Galea does his best to get rid of his Consul, by inventing and concocting a story about her that led to a police investigation.

    Now they send her back, because she is the best at dealing with the militias and stuff, especially when it comes to evacuations and kidnappings.

    They should never have sent Mannie, whose work in a Libya before was highly questionable.

    • P Bonnici says:

      I know the consul personally, she is the nicest and most hard working person you could ever meet. She has a doctorate in Arabic and is the most suitable person to have in Libya right now.

      [Daphne – I don’t know her at all, but your reasoning is off. I know two or three people with a ‘doctorate in English’ who are also very nice and hardworking. Does that qualify them to be Malta’s high commissioner in London?]

  2. Makjavel says:

    Do we still have an embassy?

  3. Mike says:

    Ok, so isn’t there a conflict of interest here? Appointing an ambassador, with interests in the country he is accredited to, isn’t the wisest of choices is it?

    • Ares says:

      It has also, and even worse, in China – two political appointees both with strong commercial, family and political interests in China.

    • Min Jaf says:

      It is the new PL benchmark for Maltese ambassadors, cf Beijing, Shangai, Canberra.

  4. Clatus says:

    A Libyan friend told me that somebody at the Malta embassy in Tripoli was selling Schengen visas for 5000 euros to non-EU.

  5. PN ta l- azzar says:

    Mannie il- perit li kien maghna fl- MZPN? Anke dak sar “taghna lkoll”? Ma jistax ikun.

    • curious says:

      I cannot believe it is him, a switcher as well. Instinctively, I kept thinking there was another Mannie Galea.

      • La Redoute says:

        People like Mannie Galea aren’t switchers. They’re opportunists whose primary interest is themselves.

  6. Freedom5 says:

    Why am I not surprised. I was involved in MZPN in the most difficult of times 1982 – 1987. We were up against a regime. Two people we did not trust there were JPO and Mannie Galea, plus of course maverick Sandro Schembri Adami.

  7. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Mhux fl-interess tal-poplu.

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