He has got away with it

Published: July 26, 2014 at 7:48pm


Parliament is now in recess for 10 weeks, and Judge Farrugia Sacco, whose son David is a failed Labour Party candidate, retires on 22 August – without being impeached and without even a defeated motion on his impeachment.

Taghna Lkoll.

28 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    I am sure they have already thought of some consultancy post for him. Just like they did with Dalli.

  2. Silvio says:

    I honestly doubt whether the P.N. really wanted to have Judge Farrugia Sacco impeached.

    It seems to me that they were play acting.

    Is it possible that they couldn’t have been more forceful in making the government find time for a debate on his impeachment?

    “He got away with it”

    What was his horrible crime?

  3. Makjavel says:

    Parliament takes 20% annual leave .
    Parliament stops for 20% of its time.
    Almost a year completely off its life time.
    Nice job.
    But they all work from home .

  4. agree says:

    Impeached or not, to us he is still an utter disgrace.

    • daffid says:

      One cannot escape an impeachment by dodging out. It will be with him for the rest of his life.. a terrible end to a career as a judge.

      • Neo says:

        In another country, it would be so, but in Malta that won’t happen. He would be hailed a hero, you know, he might have connections.

  5. Claude says:

    Couldn’t the parliament still put forward a motion that basically sanctions the judge’s wrongdoing and take away his judge’s pension.

    • observer says:

      I do not think he will enjoy any judge’s pension at all.

      As far as I am aware Farrugia Sacco was appointed magistrate after 1979.

      That was the cut-off date for pensionable employment with the civil service or other employment with the Malta Government, including the posts of magistrate and judge.

      No pensionable posts were ‘available’ within the Government service after that date.

      The only pension he will be entitled to is the contributory one payable under the National Insurance scheme (or social security pension as it is called today).

      Unless, of course, he was in government employment (in a pensionable post) before 1979 – which, as far as I know, he was not.

  6. Green says:

    Ma tantx ghandu biex jiftahar. Se tibqa’ mieghu bhala The Corrupt judge.

  7. A+ says:

    It is official, under an MLP administration, the law is NOT equal for everyone

  8. George says:

    In spite of being a PN supporter all my life, I feel my party has done me a disservice in letting this happen.

    • La Redoute says:

      What are you on about?

    • Jozef says:

      And didn’t Muscat threaten the Opposition with sessions ad oltranza only last week?

      Did Busuttil step down, no he didn’t.

      I see there’s a new elvish.

    • Min Jaf says:

      George is obviously a PL ‘elve’.

      • George says:

        “What are you on about?” The PN did not put its foot down, there were ample ways to react forcefully to this issue, but it did not.

        “George is obviously a PL ‘elve’.” Absolutely not, but I do call a spade a spade.

      • Snoopy says:

        @ George

        Can you illuminate us about the “ample ways”. I am always ready to listen to an Illuminato.

    • just me says:

      The PN did not let this happen, the PL did.

  9. Alexander Ball says:

    Compared to some judges, this bloke is a f*cking angel.

  10. Wonderland says:

    Gvern li jisma (u jaghmel li jaqbillu).

    Politika gdida u trasparenti (sa fejn jaqbillu l-Gvern)

    Dan m’hux tmellih, dahk fil-wicc u nahlu l-hin u flus tal-Poplu, apparti li l-Gvern qed jinsulta l-inteligenza tal-Poplu (anke li vvota lil PL)?

    Politika tal-passat, Gvern jaqdi lil tal-qalba u “to hell with the Malta Taghna Lkoll”. X’serjata Ta Governanza hi din?

  11. ken il malti says:

    This Farrugia Sacco character looks like an antagonist to actor Jean Gabin, in a 1950s French film noir.

  12. Socrates says:

    Il-kaz tal-Imhallef Farrugia Sacco huwa tebgha politika mill-aktar gravi fil-karriera politika tal-Prim Ministru, to OOOwin Bonnici u l-PL.

    Isthu u stahbew ghax wicckhom u so*mkom xorta, anzi ta’ isfel ferm aktar nadif minn ta’ fuq.

    • Albert Bonnici says:

      Well said Socrates, Ahseb u ara OOOwin Bonnici u Judge Mintoff. You know OOOwin Bonnici? Another liar from the Taghna ukoll skip.

  13. anthony says:

    The shameful and blatant political manoeuvring to avoid his impeachment adds to his disgrace.

  14. bun-seeker says:

    It will not be long now that we read that a job, paid, of course, by the taxpayer, is found for Farrugia Sacco .

  15. White coat says:

    We Maltese citizens have ended up like the proverbial anglu tal-festa (g bit-tikka).

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