
Published: July 27, 2014 at 5:12pm
Robert Musumeci at supper with Magistrate Herrera and with Michael Farrugia when he was the PS responsible for MEPA. The other woman is Michael Farrugia's girlfriend, whose sister was caught on camera outside that Rabat pastizzi shop with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando at 5am, while he was still living with  his new wife.

Robert Musumeci at supper with Magistrate Herrera and with Michael Farrugia when he was the PS responsible for MEPA. The other woman is Michael Farrugia’s girlfriend, whose sister was caught on camera outside that Rabat pastizzi shop with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando at 5am, while he was still living with his new wife.

I see that Robert Musumeci is still hacking away at his MEPAwatch column for Malta Today.

Don’t you just love it? Instead of watching Robert Musumeci’s involvement with MEPA and many related matters besides, in the interest of its readers, Malta Today gets him to watch MEPA instead.

What Malta Today really needs to do, if it is to be taken seriously, is run a MUSUMECIwatch column which also covers his extended network of Taghna Lkoll cronies and fixers.

6 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    The ultimate switcher, who can’t even decide between architect and lawyer.

    The legitimisation and hegemony of mediocrity.

  2. alumni says:

    Dan baqa ghaddej qisu space shuttle fil-kors ta’ avukat, Alla jbierek u baqa jahdem ta’ perit fuq progett wara iehor – u l-bieb ta ‘ l-universita ma jafx fejnu hlief ghall-ezamijiet.

  3. alumni says:

    Studja l- ligi biex aktar jghaddi romblu minn fuq kulhadd.

  4. jerry says:

    Kollha jistanaw u jixxalaw min fuq dahrna.

  5. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I think I’ll join the Taghna Lkoll movements. I hate to eat alone.

  6. xdcc says:

    Musumeci has a massive conflict of interest. As consultant to MEPA, he has a key role in the drafting of new planning policy and in the amendments of existing policy. He also has a private practice. He has the opportunity to tweak policy to benefit his clients and his practice.

    The issue is not whether he uses his position or not. The issue is that he has ample opportunity to do so and that is where the conflict of interest arises.

    As stated elsewhere in Daphne’s blog, the PL has no understanding of what is right or wrong. That is why moral corruption is rampant, including at MEPA.

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