Oh, I thought Joseph Muscat was an incredibly, astonishingly marvellous statesman?

Published: July 27, 2014 at 7:26pm

Godfrey Grima 1

Godfrey Grima 2

Godfrey Grima has spoken out against Muscat’s decision to cancel the next round of local council elections because of ‘costs’ (yes, right, like that’s the real reason).

What can I say?

A man of his age and experience should have been able to see that sort of thing coming before voting for them in the first place.

It’s good that he’s speaking out about it, but it would have been even better if he had voted for somebody who wasn’t going to cancel elections because it suited him to do so.

10 Comments Comment

  1. Makjavel says:

    OK, Sur Grima, issa mur fuq Super One u ghidilhom kemm zbaljajt meta ivvutajt lil Joseph.

  2. M says:

    Why, hasn’t this person gotten his iced bun yet?

  3. david ll says:

    He only shows his disagreement on what is for the majority of the Maltese people petty things , he never pronounced himself on Enemalta or the health system

    • ciccio says:

      The Sunday Times asked for his comment in this case.

      Did The Times or The Sunday Times ask any ‘experts’ for their opinion about Enemalta, the health system, cronyism, the deficit and the sale of citizenship, and if not, why not?

  4. Harry Worth says:

    The real reason ?

    The more the elections the more the pressure on Joey to satisfy elector demands …

  5. anthony says:

    Where’s Godfrey Grima’s iced bun?

  6. bob-a-job says:

    Godfrey Grima probably voted PN when it was unwise for him to do so, when he had much to lose, when his brother was a minister with the MLP government of the eighties.

    Godfrey is very much his own man and like many who voted MLP this time round had had enough of the PN and thought the MLP had changed.

    If he’s not doing this for some personal gain he hopes to attract than what he has to say ought to be noted.

  7. AE says:

    Besides being totally undemocractic, I think this is another delaying tactic so as not to hold the referendum on spring hunting.

    He has already used a tactic like this to save Farrugia Sacco’s skin. By postponing the local council elections, which people often use to give the Government of the day a message, Muscat is ensuring that people don’t use their discontent against Government and express it in a vote in the referendum. In this way hunters keep practising their ‘sport’ unfettered for several more years.

    He will then probably include their ’cause’ in his marketing campaign for the next general election. And we all know how effective his marketing strategies are on our electorate. Moreover, with all the deals he is doing, he is making sure that his marketing fund is going to be even greater than the last one which was mainly built on promises.

  8. Gaetano Pace says:

    Li ma ndunax Joe kien li il vot tieghu f`idejn ta L-ajkla kien jaghmel bil bosta aktar gid lilna il Maltin ilkoll kemm ahna.

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