Giovanni Bonello refuses to join Franco Debono’s Law Commission
So Giovanni Bonello’s Justice Reform Commission has concluded its report, presented it to the government, and has now been disbanded.
Except that it hasn’t actually been disbanded. Its members – Ramona ‘Nemmen Li Jghodd Dak Li Taf U Mhux Lil Min Taf’ Frendo, retired judge Philip Sciberras and Kevin Aquilina, the Dean of the university’s Faculty of Law – have been transferred to the aegis of Franco Debono, along with a law professor called Ray Mangion.
They are the new law commissioners forming the new Law Commission, and Franco Debono is their president. Yes, Franco Debono gets to lord it over the Dean of the Faculty of Law, a professor of law, a retired judge and…well, Ramona Frendo.
Some people have no sense of dignity and self-respect.
The only member of the Justice Reform Commission to refuse to join the Franco Debono Vanity Project is its chairman, Giovanni Bonello.
Poor Franco must be kicking himself in frustration: there he was, counting on lording it over a retired European Court of Human Rights judge too.
Aw, shame.
As for the others, there are no words: it really is incredible the lengths to which people will go for self-advancement, including humiliating themselves by working for Commission President Franco Debono.
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Lawrence Gonzi is partially blind, thanks to Franco Debono.
Mur gibu kien Renzi jew Cameron mela.
Renzi u Cameron jevitaw it-tined tan-Nexos.
A sad situation indeed.
1. A past legislature that postponed amendments for 30 years.
1. A present legislature that covers “the end” with ANY means: Wait for those words: “It was postponed for years, but WE did it.”
What is the “end”? 1+1 = a vote. And a vote means power again.
A very sad situation indeed.
[Daphne – I don’t think you quite understand, but I don’t blame you because Franco Debono didn’t make much sense. Amendments to laws were not postponed for 30 years. If they were, we would today still be functioning on the legislation of 1984, and clearly, we are not. For one, we joined the EU 10 years ago and that meant an entire new body of laws and the review of much of existing legislation. Also, what is parliament? The legislative assembly. MPs are called legislators because they make law. Laws are made by parliament and not by the government or anyone else. The most the government can do is publish a legal notice, but only parliament can make laws. And what has parliament been doing for the last 30 years if not exactly that – making laws?]
You need to know the facts before listening to buffoons and taking their word for it.
The list of new laws and amendments to existing laws which are enacted during EVERY legislature is endless.
It doesn’t take much to KNOW this. Surely everyone and his dog knows that every town and village in Malta has a local council. There, that’s ONE law that I’m sure you know something about. All it takes is to stop and think for a couple of seconds.
So to state that a past legislature postponed amendments for 30 years is simply false on two counts, one of which I’ve explained above. The other is: a legislature in Malta can last for a maximum of 5 years. At most, a legislature can postpone amendments for 5 years. But again, that has never happened.
What Debono is talking about is simply an updated publication with all amendments and additions transposed in place.
He has NO power to amend any law; NOT EVEN ONE SINGLE WORD. He did have that power once, but he chose to change careers and join the circus.
It is true that Franco Debono gave a very confused picture. It seems he did it on purpose (he stated the 30 year delay at least twice in the video) to be perceived as the person who truly instilled reform.
From what I can gather but I may be sorely mistaken, the revision entails (a) constructing an updated compendium of the law, (b) identifying those laws that may be outdated or in conflict, and (c) suggesting revisions.
So explained, the “project” mentioned by Debono seems to cover (a) above.
What nonsense! Malta has adopted more legislation since 1989 than in the rest of its history put together.
Also, Franco Debono’s grand statements about his remit are nonsensical. What he suggests is both ultra vires and unnecessary.
It is true that the sheer volume of legislation adopted since Malta started preparing for EU accession needs to be studied and may need to be streamlined, but this is a technical exercise and has absolutely nothing to do with a body of legislation that is stuck in 1984. If the legislation were really stuck in 1984, Franco would have even less to do than he appears to be doing.
Giovanni Bonello can see through the law commissioner’s fetish for law as perpetuation of a caste system.
And which Italy’s scrapping anyway.
Civil cases subdued to three stages taking an average of fourteen years indeed.
Franco dice che “If you analyze what happened, I think I was very diplomatic”.
Gli risponderei cosi:
“Tu sei proprio un mio caro amico sai, se non lo fossi ti avrei già mandato AFFANCULO, ma sei un mio amico, ti stimo, ti rispetto e penso tu sia abbastanza intelligente da riuscire a prendere la strada, quella strada, da solo, senza bisogno di un mio intervento.”
Ray Mangion is also on the Committee of the Foundation for National Festivities.
Franco Debono presiding over Kevin Aquilina and Philip Sciberras. What a circus.
I’m not mentioning Ramona Frendo since she’s on Franco Debono’s level, but the others?
What will this government be doing next? Appointing a cleaner as CEO of Mater Dei Hospital? Appointing some nincompoop who scraped through university as CEO of Malta Freeport Corporation? Wait, they did that already.
From The Malta Independent:
‘….He maintained that his call for a new constitution – or for an extensive revision of the existing one – was one of the most important declarations that he made as an MP, before stressing that the Maltese Constitution was a legacy of colonialism, and not an autochthonous constitution such as the American one.
“The time has come for a Constitution by and for the people, which is testament to our sovereignty and of how far we have moved away from a colonial mentality,” he insisted.
Dr Debono argued that many constitutional reforms were needed, including a reform of the appointment of the judiciary and electoral reforms….’
Well, he should have never reduced himself to a mere quango then.
Constitutional reform can never be for him to define. Especially when the intention is clearly that of putting himself at the centre of any proposal.
You miss the point entirely. He’s well-dressed as always, and sexy.
[Daphne – Or ‘dejjem smart’. I got that book, by the way – it arrived yesterday.]
There’s one caption in search of a photo: “First ever goatee transplant patient meets donor”.
Franco Debono in his own words. A full-blown narcissist.
” But does he have any regrets about the way he dealt with matters?
The short answer is no.
“If you analyse what had happened, I think I was diplomatic,” he insists, bringing up his calls for a law on party financing as an example.
He notes that he initially spoke calmly about the subject. But he adds: “what can your reaction be when no one pays any attention?”
Tweets from the President…
The President ‘celebrated’ the outbreak of the First World War in Liege yesterday.
‘…Eddy Priviteera says:
04 August 2014 14:50
Meta nqala dak l-inkwiet kollu fil-Libja taht Gaddafi, il-PL qaghad ferm attent u ma ppruvax ifixkel lil GonziPN. Illum Simon Busuttil u l/PN qeghdin ifittxu kulljum ix-xaghra fl-ghagina biex jimminaw dak li qieghed jaghmel il-gvern fuq il-glied li hemm fil-Libja. Sa dalghodu stess Simon Busuttil rega fethilha dwar l-evakwazzjoni. META HU JAF LI L-GVERN MA JISTAX IGIEGHEL BILFORS LILL-MALTIN JIRRITORNAW MALTA JEKK DAWN MA JRIDUX !!!!!!!!!!!….’
Il-PL qaghad attent ma jfixkilx lil Ghaddafi, Privitera.
Il-gvern setgha jheggeg lil Maltin jitilqu, giddieb.
Ma’ min rajtek xebbaħtek.
Min jagħmilha maz-zopp, f’għeluq is-sena jsir bħalu.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Empty vessels make most sound.
If we all have Franco Debono’s mobile phone number , will we all phone him at any time of day to wish him the best?
Qormi mayor Rosianne Cutajar on Facebook:
Flimkien mal-pulizija u bil-kollaborazzjoni tar-residenti ghadna kif qbadna l-persuna li ilbierah seraq l-bankijiet mill-Pjazza ta’ Tal-Hlas f’Hal Qormi. Din il-persuna ha nresquha l-Qorti b’urgenza ghada stess. Tolleranza zero ghas-serq.
I replied as follows, but she deleted it:-
Huma l-pulizija li jressqu lil dan il-persuna l-qorti ghalhekk ma nafx ghala qed titkellem f’ sens kollettiv. Sa fejn naf jien il-kunsill mghandux poteri ezekuttivi fl-aministrazzjoni tal-gustizzja.
She thinks she’s part of the police now too.
Din is-sindku qed tahseb li hi xi alla, ghax anki gol-Belt, fejn fethet hanut u bil-ksuhat kollha li ghandha tafu x’semmietu? I AM (u arma ta’ kuruna bhal tar-regina)”.
Alla jbierek it-teachers x’salarju ghandhom.
Maybe she called the Commissioner to get him to jump the queue.
The tail wagging the dog.
Franco should join Giovanni Bonello in a friendly televised game of Monopoly.
Is the top student going to this again?
During the Libyan crisis in 2011, Franco Debono called at the prime minister’s office unshaven, bedraggled and wearing shorts and flip-flops and demanded that Prime Minister Gonzi interrupts a meeting with the Libyan Prime Minister Jabril, in order to speak to him.
Was Franco on a bender at the time?
With great moustache comes great responsibility. And Giovanni Bonello has shown his mettle.
Dr Bonello dejjem serjissimu kien imma qatt ma kien aktar serju mil lum li rrifjutat l`inkarigu. Gentlom tal isem u bil fatti Dr Bonello mhux Debono.