“Calm but fluid” – an update

Published: August 4, 2014 at 8:17pm

The Malta Independent reports:

A Maltese oil worker complained upon his return to Malta this evening that he had been calling for help from the Maltese government for the past three weeks but received “zero” replies from the Maltese authorities.

calm but fluid

15 Comments Comment

  1. Ta'Sapienza says:

    One commenter on the Times of Malta online, a Mr Petroni seems to corroborate this story.

  2. Calculator says:

    So Maltese diplomats evacuate the Chinese in Libya for free.

    Maltese citizens have to pay for and organise their way home themselves, and can’t even get a reply from the people who should be representing and looking out for their best interest.

    Ħawwadni ħa nifhmek.

  3. Natalie Mallett says:

    He also claims that he had the same problem in 2011. Can this be verified?

    • Floater says:

      It does not have to. If you believe what he is saying for now, you should believe it also for 2011. Or you believe nothing.

  4. Alf says:

    “I had been sending emails to the Maltese government since the 15th of July. I told them to get me out of there. I called both the Foreign Affairs Ministry and their crisis centre. They told me to wait. The government only offered moral support and said they would be trying to get me out” – Savior Brincat on his arrival from Libya.

    Absolutely, Gvern tad-dilettanti or, better still, “Gvern tal-Mickey Mouse”

    • anthony says:

      What can the Foreign Ministry do if the minister cannot see any problem in Ukraine, in Israel, in Gaza in Libya?

      All quiet on the Western, Northern, Eastern and Southern fronts.

      What Mickey Mouse? Compared to George Vella, Mickey was highly professional.

      George, just call it a day and disappear.

      • carlos says:

        If there is any time for resignations it is really now. But it seems that this culture is only reserved for Nationalists’ Ministers. Had G Vella any decency he should have resigned long ago. But it seems that he is too attached to his chair.

  5. Gobsmacked says:

    This man is not a Taghna Lkoller. So no need save him.

  6. Gahan says:

    This time round the reporters were there for the Eritrean boy story, government officials who want to be seen as working behind the scenes were not the protagonists, and in comes Mr Saviour Brincat and steals the PR limelight!

    “He said he sent an email just three days ago in which he warned of the dangers he was facing in the desert. “No one replied. They must have taken umbrage at what I wrote.”

    Kif ma ġietux waħda tajba li Joseph?

  7. John Zammit says:

    Why should this or any other government be saving these people if they knew trouble was coming and still stayed there because they made more danger money?

    Whether or not the Ministry of Foreign Affairs saw any problems or not, they should have left earlier for their own safety. Why do they not take it out on their employer?

    Why do we Maltese expect the government to bail us out of every problem we have, especially those of our own making?

  8. bun-seeker says:

    Being Chinese, of course, would get a free priority. But being Maltese, well, eh, what can you do – hu pacenzja!!

  9. M says:

    More from the skewed dictionary of the Labour Govenment:

    “Updated: Government organising flights for Maltese in Libya to leave country; says this is not evacuation.”

    “The government is organising two Medavia flights from Libya tomorrow afternoon and is advising the Maltese still in the country to make use of this ‘assisted departure’.”


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