Oh look, dear readers – another trough
August 7, 2014 at 9:14pm
As though a National Festivities Committee/Foundation were not enough (that’s the one which organises rock concerts so that certain people can justify a state salary of Eur54,000 a year), we now also have a National Feasts Committee.
Isn’t that marvellous, dear readers?
And more marvellous still is the fact that Alfred Zammit of Super One’s Kalamita is one of the members.
What exactly does this committee do?
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Is Mario Coleiro the president’s brother?
Is he by any chance the same Heritage Malta employee who remarkably finds ample time (after a full-day of work with the Government) to prepare that crass programme called ‘Hadd Ghalik’ and most/all festi-related programmes on our national TV?
8 – 1 to the men. Truly shameful.
They have a token pussy on the board. Most feminist government indeed.
What’s truly shameful is having useless committees like this at a time when the Government has decided to save money through postponing Local Council elections. This is where expenses should be pruned.
The real question would be all these committees but what will the government be doing to celebrate the 50th anniversary of independence? 25 years ago there were big celebrations for everyone to enjoy.
What are national feasts as opposed to national festivities?
The only feast I can see here is the public money trough, which is getting bigger and wider.
Randolph Spiteri?
Wasn’t he someone this blog mentioned a few years ago?
Wow, even Randolph Spiteri? If he is the same one who ran for election on a PN ticket for local councils San Gwann, then there really is no limit to the hnizrija in this country.
When you ran a story, years ago, about one of the people behind tasteyourownmedicine.com, a certain chap from Qormi who still lived with his mum, you had uploaded pictures of this chap as well as those of Randolph. I told you to bring them down as he had nothing to do with that scum. Not so sure now. Defies belief. Jaqq xi hmieg ta’ pajjiz.
Oh, the Randolph Spiteri is also best mates – or used to be – with MEP David Casa. I though Randolph formed part of Casa’s secretariat to be honest. Maybe he does.
Ghaziz/a Whoami,
Jidher li int persuna li thobb tghaggel hafna fid-decizjonijiet tieghek u tikkonkludi affarijiet bla ma ssaqsi jew tivverifika l-verita’.
Meta jiena u l-Prim Ministru iltqajna u tkellimna fuq din il-pozizzjoni jien kont ghidtlu li irrid nahsibha. Wara li jien tkellimt kemm mal-Vici Kap Dr Beppe Fenech Adami u anke mal-Kap tal-Partit Dr Simon Busuttil, it-tnejn qaluli biex naccetta din il-kariga u inkun parti mill KFN.
Jien kont ghadni u nibqa persuna lejali lejn il-PN u li nahdem lejn l-idejali tal-PN.
Permezz tal-hatra tieghi bhala sempliciment membru fuq il-KFN ma jfissirx li jien gejt mixtri jew sirt Laburist. Jien bniedem ta’ principju. Biex tivverifika nitolbok titkellem kemm ma’ Dr Fenech Adami kif ukoll ma’ Dr Busuttil u tivverifika dak kollhu li qed nghid.
Meta taghmel hekk tinduna li dak li qed nghid mhu xejn iktar hlief il-verita’ imma gejt mitlub nghati il-kontribut tieghi lejn il-pajjiz u hekk ser naghmel. Rigward il-flus imsemmija, jien sal gurnata tal-lum jien ma thallastx u mill-informazzjoni li ghandi hi li l-onorarja ta’ membru fil-KFN hi ta’ 500 euro fis-sena.
Ghalhekk issa li iccarajtlek id-dubji u l-biza li kellek nittama li tkun ragel/mara u titlob skuza talli b’dak li ktibt int allegajt affarijiet li mhux minnhom u pruvajt thammeg l-integrita’ tieghi b’dak li ktibt.
Filwaqt li nirringrazzjak nistenna apologija minn naha tieghek.
Randolph Spiteri
[Daphne – I am going to have to butt in here, Randolph. The prime minister approached you, did he? To sit on a national feast committee? That is really something the prime minister should be taking care of, isn’t it. I think the question you have to ask yourself here, the one everyone with half a brain will be asking, is why the prime minister singled you out specifically. He only singles out those he believes are weak links, useful tools, interesting scalps, or ripe for ‘conversion’ to the Taghna Lkoll cause. It wouldn’t have been your amazing skills in the field of feasts that did it, rest assured. Being approached to ‘serve’ by Prime Minister Muscat is NOT a compliment. It is actually an insult – it means that he has taken the measure of that person as vulnerable to flattery, greed, a wish to feel important, and so on. Look at the track record.]
Nice pun, even if you dislike them, in that first sentence, Daphne.
Ghidtilna hafna u ma ghedtilna xejn.
Ser tibqa lejali lejn il-PN izda ma ghedtilniex kemm ser tkun lejali wkoll lejn l-MLP.
Forsi tajjeb li jkollok sieq ‘l hawn u sieq ‘l hemm.
U jekk qed tahseb li impressjonajtna b’din l-ittra, jew li ghafastilna qalbna b’ kemm thobb lil pajjizek, jew li xi hadd ser jitolbok skuza, sejjer zmerc. Nies bhalek dejjem ghal pajjiz hadmu.
You never had the most amazing reputation even before this.
Daqsekk uzajnieh r-ritratt qed tbus id il-Papa? Just look at your Facebook profile. It went dead on the 9th March 2014. I wonder why? There might be many reasons why such a connection can be made. You’re doing nothing more than playing the Robert Musumeci card.
Dare I say, you inflicted pain and threw many people off (especially decent gay individuals) from being involved in the PN due to your inappropriate advances, as well as being as a gay-couple wrecker.
I will rest my case here and will not speak any more about this matter. That lot of manipulative, desperate, porn-revenge individuals suits preferences (NOT orientation) much more. You’ve found your natural home with Labour. No wonder the PM targeted you.
Dear Randolph,
I read your reply and accept it. But there is no apology to make. There are no allegations. It’s fact that you are part of the Taghna Lkoll crowd. By your admission. The €500 is nothing, if you’re putting in the work you deserve to be paid that or more.
The problem is how you have allowed yourself to be seen with the Taghna Lkoll scum. Not so much bniedem ta’ principju are you? Sieq ‘l hawn u sieq ‘l hemm kif qallek haddiehor.
Plus some more revealing facts about your personality came out in the open. Not so much of a live-and-let-live person are you?
This will only throw you into further destructive patterns if you don’t pick yourself up, have a good look at yourself, and fix some issues.
Your integrity is being questioned – both on a professional/political level but worse than that, on a very personal level.
Paddling Duck has said enough, I believe. It’s a shame if even some of it is true. And I’m not questioning whether Paddling Duck is honest or not. Looks like he knows much more about you than the rest of us.
Your turn to apologise to the people you have hurt. But you’re way too proud to do that. That much I know all too well.
Kollox above board u skond il-ligi, hux tassew, Randolph Spiteri? U Fenech Adami u Busuttil minghalihom li se jattiraw voti godda b’dan it-tip ta’ casuistry?
Ghandkom idea kemm tidhru ipokriti, opportunisti komuni u politikanti skwallidi ghal min ma hax iced buns bhalkom?
Komplu sejrin hekk u fl-2018 dawk is-36,000 ikunu 80,000.
I believe that Ms Guillaumier and Mr Ripard are actually husband and wife.
Joyce has been writing the cultural page in the GWU papers for years.
Cultural page in the GWU papers…that’s quite an oxymoron
More money from our taxes. I do not approve. But who am I? As I told you before I am not going to vote anymore. Shame.
Ma jaghmlu xejn……. imma basta saddilhom halqhom Muscat u ahna nhallsu.
Isthi jekk taf, sur Prim Ministru.
Is this a deliberately monastic committee with a token chair?
It’s called ‘checks and balances’. One committee has an oversight role over the other to make sure that all feasts and celebrations are covered adequately.
Emanuel Busuttil Dougal is the brother of Anton B(usttil) Dougal.
Probably this committee decides which main thoroughfares to close during the feast days.
They will soon have to set up the National Central Committee for National Committees which of course will be in line with the push for 25 percent reduction in bureaucracy.
But the best this week was the guy on a Minister’s salary who travelled to Spain for the sole purpose of counting buses. We are in safe hands.
‘A feast is made for laughter, wine makes life merry, and money is the answer for everything.’ – Ecclesiastes 10:19
Well that explains it.
Emanuel Busuttil Dougal is brother to Anton B Dougal the cooking guru.
Qatta nies mejtin bil-guh.
Sitwazzjoni jaqq
Maybe this is the new national festivities band to keep the rock concert organizer company on stage.
All Mario Cutajar appointees, so no news here.
If you still support the P.N. I suggest you donate the 500 Euros to them.