Another Taghna Lkoll press release from the Malta Chamber of Commerce

Published: August 8, 2014 at 2:04pm

The devil is in the detail: the appointment of Paul Bugeja to the top job at the Malta Tourism Authority will “strengthen” the Chamber’s relationship with the MTA.

In other words, the Chamber thinks it is better off with Mr Bugeja and would rather have him than his predecessor Josef Formosa Gauci because Mr Bugeja is one of their own – they say as much further down.

chamber of commerce MTA

7 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    As long as we mention “sterling work”.

    Maltese post-resignation press releases are like turds covered in Smarties.

  2. Charles Borg says:

    Il-Corinthia dejjem kienet refugju ta’ Laburisti u tal-GWU, fosthom Mike Pace, Harold Walls, Joe Mansueto, Frans Coleiro, Joe Grima tal-GWU, hu Paul Bugeja, John Dalli tas-snus, u l-famuz Karmenu Vella l-Guy, li hu habib kbir ta’ Paul Bugeja.

    • Wheels Within Wheels says:

      Paul Bugeja is perfect for this Taghna Lkoll government. He will toe the line. He is a hard worker but has little, if any, character. Tough with his underlings, he is totally subservient to his masters and will simply do their bidding.

      He is an accountant by profession, and I cannot see the MTA making bold moves under his watch. Someone should ask him if he agrees that the Eur500,000 given to NnG for the past 2 years is a justifiable expense.

    • Jozef says:

      Good, they’ll sink it.

      No Ghaddafi for back-up.

  3. chico says:

    Sorry ta’ imma isn’t that the torca in the top left corner of the page? An eclectic, gilded version I mean?

  4. James says:

    No doubt at all the Chamber of Commerce ‘welcomes’ Paul Bugeja ex-president of the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association.

    But then, is it true that Chamber of Commerce and MHRA co-own the Malta Business Bureau? Sort of exchanging chairmanship of this bureau or whatever it is? This is what Chamber says:

    “Founded in October 1996, the Malta Business Bureau represents the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry and the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association in Brussels and Malta, focusing on EU advocacy work in relation to evolving EU policy, regulatory and legislative initiatives affecting the local business scenario, by liaising directly with several European and local counterparts.

    The MBB is currently composed of two offices, the Head Office in Malta and the Representation Office in Brussels, and is given direction by a board of Trustees, which is composed of senior officials nominated by the Malta Chamber and the MHRA.”

    Where are these guys getting the money from? I truly hope that we the TAX PAYERS are not making good.

    So now we are to understand that the Chamber of Commerce is an expert in the tourism industry also?

    No wonder the Chamber welcomes the new CEO at the Malta Tourism Authority. What a sick joke this is turning out to be.

    Give us a break.

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