I am the SPK and I do as I please

Published: August 12, 2014 at 11:31pm

Anglu Farrugia was on the ferry to Gozo this afternoon, and sat inside his car with the engine running for the last part of the trip (strictly Verboten) to keep himself nice and fresh with the air-conditioner on.

There are signs all over the hold saying you’re not to do that.

Staff were reluctant to ask the driver to turn the engine off, and the car released fumes into the hold while it was still (obviously) closed.


speaker 1 speaker 2 speaker 3



23 Comments Comment

  1. Socrates says:

    Kos, dal-ispeaker ma jafx jaqra u jifhem bl-ingliz u ma jafx tabilhaqq jitkellem bil-Malti. Kien jaqbillu kieku attenda ghar-revision lessons tal-Youth Guarantee (my foot) li l-Gvern ta’ Joe Muscat organizza minghajr success.

    • observer says:

      Are there special sessions for the over-18’s?

      Not as far as I know. Pity!

      Anglu won’t be admitted – however compelling his literary requirements.

  2. U Le! says:

    Somebody needs to explain to him that car engines running in confined spaces leads to carbon monoxide poisoning leading to death. Do the Gozo Channel people have any health and safety standards?

    What he did was several times worse then smoking in a restaurant.

  3. bob-a-job says:

    ‘Dr Farrugia says he fears the PL was changing its core values from a party which mainly represents the working class to one which felt too comfortable with big businessmen, adding he knows contractors who were close with individuals involved in Labour’s finances.’ – The Times of Malta

    There is Anglu representative of the working class sitting in an air-conditioned car with the engine switched on in full breach of regulations.

    Hey that’s a good example Mr. SPK. Issa ferhana il-mama?

    The stab marks seemed to have healed rather quickly.


  4. oscar says:

    Highly dangerous to all on board and totally illegal. Dak ezempju.

  5. etil says:

    Are the employees of Gozo Channel all afraid to point out a breach of regulations. Are they afraid of losing their jobs and subsequent perks.

  6. haha says:

    Ms Galizia, if you are fully up to date with the technology of Executive cars, you should know that there is no need to put the engine on in order for the lights to be switched on!!! And if you see the car next to the SPK, you will see the same lights on, pertaining to an MP. Probably because your car is not Executive standard like of these two members.

    [Daphne – You don’t have to have an executive car to put the lights on without the engine running, haha. Most cars are like that. It’s one reason why batteries fail. This picture was taken by a friend of mine who was right next to the Speaker’s car and more than able to tell whether the engine was running. It was. You can tell that it was to keep the air-conditioner on (engine definitely required for that) because the windows are closed yet there were two people – Farrugia and his driver – inside.]

  7. FGF says:

    It is strictly Verboten to sit in the car during the ferry trip for obvious safety reasons, let alone to keep the engine running. Gozo Channel staff should make sure rules are strictly adhered to.

  8. George Orwell says:

    He doesn’t care because he was at the front and went out first.

  9. Ruth says:

    Jaqq x’arroganza ta’ ministri ghandna. Bil-maggoranza tal poplu b’kollox. Kulhadd jaghmel li jrid u kif jaqbillu minghajr ma jaghti kaz ta’ regoli jew haddiehor. ‘Komdu jien, komdu kulhadd’. Hekk sar jirraguna Gahan il-Malti.

    Fuq suggett iehor, dawk it-traffic lights li ghamlu fit-triq ghar-Rabat, qabel ma ddur ghal Ta’ Qali, qeghdin ghalxejn. Iktar qed nissugraw li naraw xi incident fatali, ghax is-sewwieqa flok qed jieqfu u jsuqu skont id-dawl u kif suppost, qeghdin jiksru mill-ewwel ghal Ta’ Qali, minflok jitilghu erba’ passi l’ fuq, iduru mar-roundabout u jergghu jinzlu kif hemm indikat.

  10. Neil says:

    SPK? Really?

  11. D. Zammit says:

    Can we have someone from Times of Malta on his door step?

  12. TROY says:


  13. Alf says:

    Instead of SPK, his car should carry a plate ARR 01 (arrogance first class)

  14. ken il malti says:

    He was trying to “suicide” the crew with carbon monoxide.

  15. carlos says:

    Il-Gvern taghna naghmlu li jridu.

  16. Ju says:

    What about carbon monoxide? The hold is not so confined, but still. Young children would be particularly susceptible to poisoning.

  17. Toni in naqra says:

    Ghax ma tmurx tihdu goxx kemm ghandek u goxx it tebut li trid tindifen fih hemm trid toqod kurnuta taht il gvern tana trid u ma tridx liba tal majjali

  18. Rumplestiltskin says:

    This is a very serious breach of health and safety regulations. A car with the engine running, spewing out carbon monoxide in an enclosed space, is extremely dangerous. Anywhere else the culprit would have been arrested, but in the Orwellian farm that Malta has become Taghna LLkollers are more equal than others.

  19. Such irresponsible behaviour that endangers the health of others, and defies clear instructions, reflects on the sense of responsibility of the person involved. Is he fit to hold an office of responsibility like the Speaker of the House of Representatives?

  20. Gaetano Pace says:

    Apparentement kemm ilna nistudjaw ic-Ciniz insejna bil-Malti u bl-Ingliz. Chinese please, it is more understandable.

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